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  1. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    UPDATE on Little Meagan

    Oh Karin...what a rollercoaster ride for you!! I too was reading the first part and was smiling then read the next part and my heart dropped. Of course we'll continue with the positive thoughts and prayers....please keep us posted!!!
  2. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Updated pics of Foxy's belly and butt?

    Hey Teri! I'm not sure I understand what you mean about the third picture but her rear does remind me of my mare Dream right now who has quite the case of slopey-butt. She's due April 11th (as a point of reference). I may have missed it but did you have your mare's breeding dates?
  3. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    My other new addition..........very excited

    Congrats !! I saw her on Marnie's site a little while back and remember thinking how pretty she is!! I'm happy for you !! :aktion033:
  4. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Yippeee, my first 06 foal

    Congrats Tami, that's my favorite color boy too !! He's stunning!!!
  5. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    First Time Breeder

    Hey Punkin you have a PM !!
  6. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Tell me about your experience with maidens

    I'm kind of interested in the "grasshopper legs" thing too : EDITED: OOH ok, I do think I've seen that a time or two but I didn't coorelate it to them getting ready to foal. but for my maiden experiences... Year before last I had 2 maiden mares. One of them gave me no clues. Her butt was...
  7. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    It's over....

    I'm sorry Sharon . My Dad has Rheumatoid Arthritis and the results are VERY VISIBLE, it's obvious that he's physically limited....but it took YEARS and YEARS for him to get disability - even with Doctors going to bat for him. He worked with the disease for 25+ years until essentially the job...
  8. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    It's's's adorable...

    Oh Congratulations!!! She's gorgeous!!! My boy Derby sired this mare's 2004 foal (another gorgeous filly - black pinto) it's wonderful that she is continuing to produce beauty and refminement!!!
  9. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Reasons why blood isn't always thicker than water...

    Oh Nootka. I'm so sorry...for everything. You know, had I not known better, I swore you were peeking into my childhood. My mother too was the party girl type, My dad the noble man with a heart of gold and did everything he could after the split (including moving back into my grandparents' house...
  10. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    He's adorable Robin : How about Arapaho Sonrise (the SON for Sonny's name)...I'm not so great at naming other people's horses LOL :lol:
  11. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    my fist foal ever

    Congratulations !! Talk about surprises! I have two girls due April looks like she could go any minute, the other looks like she's faking it and just trying to take advantage of the cushy stall to sleep in (actually she does have a small bag starting so I know she's bred, but she's...
  12. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Karin - any updates on Meagan!?

    We'll keep the positive thoughts coming her way !!!
  13. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Let's see....not much going on tonight (maybe Mexican and Margaritas) Tomorrow we have a 4-H petting zoo in conjunction with a local vet to support the Relay for Life and then we're going over to Pensacola to Harbor Freight to get a couple more barn cameras as both of ours that we use for...
  14. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Barncam Watchers

    Yay a foaling cam I can actually SEE !!! How exciting !!!
  15. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    How many forum members

    OY ! Now we have to go back and start all over...... : :aktion033:
  16. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    What has happened??????

    You've had good advice so far, and trust me there have been times when I felt like I was invisible on here too...I think most people do at some time or another. But I have learned it's NOT PERSONAL!! (heck most people on here will TELL YOU ABOUT IT if they have a problem with you :lol: ). I...
  17. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Posting pics for "crazyovergracie"

    He's a little doll, congratulations!!! :
  18. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Our horses are finally back home!!!!

    I am so glad you got them home, I can only imagine how hard it was on you to not have them there for so long. I hope Mollie gives you a beautiful foal and everything goes well this year - I'm of the "NO MORE HURRICANES" camp myself :bgrin , I feel your frustration there!
  19. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Karin - any updates on Meagan!?

    I just wanted to see how little Meagan is doing (I LOVE that name by the way!) Hoping for the best for her, she's sure precious !! :
  20. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Where do you get your personalized stuff?

    We got caps and shirts done with my husband's aunt. She has a business doing embroidery and screen printing. You can visit her site here Stitching Image. Click on services on the right hand side and then go look around ! We were happy with the quality of the shirts and hats and the customer...