This is a no brainer for me.
Not going anywhere.
Not doing much.
I'm grounded.
My truck blew a water pump last weekend. Jerry fixed that. But now it's still running hot. So that truck ain't moving till he tears into it again to find out why. Besides, I'm broke so I can't go anywhere.
If I get brave enough, I just might clean off my desk here. I'm burried in piles and piles of papers and files and junk. Can't barely find my keyboard.
It's going to be cold and rainy and nasty anyhow I think. So, I'll be hold up watching Sci-Fi part of the day on Saturday, and then having my ritual grooming fest in the barn. Time to clip bridle paths and fetlocks. I really cannot stand fetlocks hanging from horse legs but I hadn't clipped them all winter to protect their legs but it's really time for them to gooooo. Nothing worse than fetlocks and mohawks on horses ......ewwwww
I'm also expecting "a little something" to show up on Saturday........hmmmmmm what could it be? Who could it be????
Marty also has a surprise on the way.
But shhhhhhh it's a secret!
So, whatchadointhisweekend?
Stay Safe and enjoy it and don't blow too much money on junk, and Timmy says to tell you "God Bless Us Everyone" :aktion033:
Not going anywhere.
Not doing much.
I'm grounded.
My truck blew a water pump last weekend. Jerry fixed that. But now it's still running hot. So that truck ain't moving till he tears into it again to find out why. Besides, I'm broke so I can't go anywhere.
If I get brave enough, I just might clean off my desk here. I'm burried in piles and piles of papers and files and junk. Can't barely find my keyboard.
It's going to be cold and rainy and nasty anyhow I think. So, I'll be hold up watching Sci-Fi part of the day on Saturday, and then having my ritual grooming fest in the barn. Time to clip bridle paths and fetlocks. I really cannot stand fetlocks hanging from horse legs but I hadn't clipped them all winter to protect their legs but it's really time for them to gooooo. Nothing worse than fetlocks and mohawks on horses ......ewwwww
I'm also expecting "a little something" to show up on Saturday........hmmmmmm what could it be? Who could it be????
Marty also has a surprise on the way.
But shhhhhhh it's a secret!

So, whatchadointhisweekend?
Stay Safe and enjoy it and don't blow too much money on junk, and Timmy says to tell you "God Bless Us Everyone" :aktion033: