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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is a no brainer for me.


Not going anywhere.

Not doing much.

I'm grounded.

My truck blew a water pump last weekend. Jerry fixed that. But now it's still running hot. So that truck ain't moving till he tears into it again to find out why. Besides, I'm broke so I can't go anywhere.

If I get brave enough, I just might clean off my desk here. I'm burried in piles and piles of papers and files and junk. Can't barely find my keyboard.

It's going to be cold and rainy and nasty anyhow I think. So, I'll be hold up watching Sci-Fi part of the day on Saturday, and then having my ritual grooming fest in the barn. Time to clip bridle paths and fetlocks. I really cannot stand fetlocks hanging from horse legs but I hadn't clipped them all winter to protect their legs but it's really time for them to gooooo. Nothing worse than fetlocks and mohawks on horses ......ewwwww

I'm also expecting "a little something" to show up on Saturday........hmmmmmm what could it be? Who could it be????

Marty also has a surprise on the way.

But shhhhhhh it's a secret!

So, whatchadointhisweekend?

Stay Safe and enjoy it and don't blow too much money on junk, and Timmy says to tell you "God Bless Us Everyone" :aktion033:
After 3 weeks of snow on the pass I have my pony going to an equestrian team kid, Yeah!!!! Now that it is drying out I plan on moving tons of manure out of the paddocks and moving horses around.

Bringing the yearling fillies into the barn and remind them they are supposed to be civilized, well behaved little beasts.

That should blow my weekend.
I have two mares that are getting close, and I am not going anywhere. Also my husband is working this weekend so I have the house to myself.
Hmm -- not much exciting going on up here in Georgetown

Gotta take the car to be repaired - it will stay at the shop for at least a week as it is a 40 mile drive to the shop (dealer) - so we drop-off/pick-up only on weekends.

Gotta get some keys made for our farm truck (see my thread about my losing them - groan)

Then hoping to long line and maybe drive my gelding -- we are entered in a schooling show cde in mid-april.

And will do laundry and clean the house and clean harness too... and do grocery shopping.

Might fertilize/lime the paddocks - and/or re-seed as the recent rain washed most of that away from the other weekends' work. Supposed to rain Friday/Saturday and then again Mon - thurs so may NOT do that after all.

Going to avoid ebay if at all possible -- my husband has started collecting Ertl Precision model tractors and I am having entirely too much fun spending too much money buying them! We need the money for a REAL tractor.

So - nothing else much going on.

Marty your weekend sounds more interesting to me!

Playing with my new puppies!

Here's a picture of mom and her 1st born - a silver sable female.


Still waiting on the others to make their appearance.

Well, you know how exciting the weekends are around here! We're doing the usual. Cleaning the paddocks, assorted horse and house chores, possibly going to lunch, possibly watching a movie or two, and sleeping! I slept about 2 hours last night and am pretty drowsy.

Can't wait to hear and see more of your secret suprise
I wanna play!

My folks are SUPPOSED to come up (I'll believe it when they drive in!) Dad needs some help getting the medical bills from his heart surgery sorted out and taken care of.

One mare's milk is the yellow floor wax so hopefully we have at least one foal within the next 24 hours!!!!

The next mare may be set off by this one foaling....hey I can hope right!?

A new mini enthusiast wants to come out and see the minis on Sunday. She eventually wants one of her own.

Hauling the trash off....yeah! So much fun but such a feeling of accomplishment afterwards....why?

Of course, the rest of my time will be playing with the horses, cleaning stalls, keeping the hubby busy.
Pleasure Driving Clinic in Grand Blanc on Saturday, I'm also going to try and squeeze in a ride on Sadie AND a drive with Tweet.

Sunday is cleaning and if the weather holds a ride AND drive.
Pet sitting for one thing, thats takes about 2 hours a day.

The lady pays me pretty good so I stay at least an hour in the morning, and another hour in the evening, even if I'm just sitting there talking to the cat and horse.

The only other thing I have to do is work on my keyboarding crap.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour trying to download my last 3 lessons

If my instructor saw how I type when I'm on here she would very upset with me
Going to be in North Conway at 4 Paws completely booked every half hour from 9-6 both Sat and Sunday.

So that will pretty much take care of the weekend and keep this ole gal out of any trouble!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Let's see....not much going on tonight (maybe Mexican and Margaritas)

Tomorrow we have a 4-H petting zoo in conjunction with a local vet to support the Relay for Life and then we're going over to Pensacola to Harbor Freight to get a couple more barn cameras as both of ours that we use for foaling were jacked up due to hurricanes or lightning last year
: .

Sunday we will be moving furniture around inside the house and then also getting the barn all set up for our two mares that are due April 11th (the moving furniture has nothing to do with getting the barn set up - we don't live in our barn LOL). The mares are already sleeping in the barn but it'll be the official start of mare stare -since by Saturday night we'll actually have a way to stare at them again
: .

Hope everyone has a safe and productive weekend!
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OK,....My weekend is not gonna be too eventful either,.....

Playing with Foxy will take up most of it,..I am thinking,.....She is really doing great and coming along well!

My oldest is going to a friends house for the weekend,.....sooo,..there wont be any squabbling rituals with her,.....LOL

My youngest wanted to stay the night with nanny,..sooo,..after her GO,GO,GIRL practise today,....she will walk to nannies till tomorrow night!

Katie,..my middle girl,..will probably HANG in the barn with mom,..or else bombard the puter or nintendo all weekend!

Then there is my Sunday picture shoot with Foxy,......

Cant wait to see your surprize as well Marty!!!! :aktion033:
My usual, working all day today and working on the barn tomorrow. Only difference is I will be putting the harness on Little Man for the first time this weekend. I still have to find a bit to fit him but at least I can get it adjusted.

Today after the work the vet is coming to do shots, float teeth, pull coggins and preg check my rescue donkey. Then tomorrow is clean barn and house (you know what will get done first) then go to feed store. Sunday is the NASCAR race in Bristol. :aktion033: It is my son's first time going to the big race so he is very excited. The track is only 10 miles from house and we always have a great time.
I have my farrier coming in the morning. I finally found a good one and he was in my back yard the whole time. I love and appreciate him.

I'm watching some pregnant mares closely but no one seems real close. I changed some donkeys around today so have to keep my eyes on everyone, just to be sure they'll all be ok. I think they're all happy right now.

Sunday I may take my granddaughters birthday gift over to her. I already missed her 6th birthday, she had the flu that day so it's already late but just want to get it over to her.

We're supposed to have some beautiful weather so their'll be all kinds of things to do outside so it won't be a real exciting weekend but will be busy! It's a great time of the year here in Wisconsin!
Moi? Working as usual... :no:

Tommorow after work I am going to the inlaws because a man is supposed to be coming to get 6 nannies. Rolling big rolls of hay out for the goats and welcoming the 15 chicks that the hen finally hatched last night..15 wow I am proud of that hen.. I love baby chickies.

Sunday after work, I am going over to the inlaws again cause we get the joy of trimming horns on some of the goats..Some of them have got some sharp ones...

Then both evenings it is back to the house to care for my horses..Never ending farm work, and I love it. My hubby says I can put some men to shame, cause I work harder than some of the help they have hired over the years. (BTW that completely cracks me up!)
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**SPRING BREAK** All week next week :bgrin :bgrin

HORSE JUDGING CONTEST!!!!!! For FFA .....only a practice compitition agian but same old fun.

Our Bus is leaving at 7am in the morning and we're going down to Ashland Ohio for the practice. Normally we have a written test, then go out to a stable and judge a halter and performance class. Im really excited ..nothing beats FFA Bus rides, there some of the most fun. Should be back around 4pm tommarow, then im cleaning stall's.

SUNDAY .....starting conditioning with the horses. I have a big training/conditioning schedule set out and i figured that spring break week would be the best time to start it off. Then going to TSC to get clippers.

Our computer might be getting sent in to get fixed sunday, so i might not be on for a while unless i go over to the Library and get on the net.

Leeana H.
Yep.....Spring Break! And we're going to DISNEYLAND! :lol: (Sound like a commercial??)

WOW!!!! I think MiniV won!

Didn't know Disneyland was an option.

Daughter was accepted to Western Washington University. SO hoping the some financial aid letters are coming in the mail too!!! :new_shocked:

I am sickkkkkk I didn;t know a body could make so much,,, ugh,,, wet nose problems.... gross. So I am going to be in bed most of the weekend. When I need to get some hay and shavings and clean stalls. I guess they are going to have to wait a day or so...

One of our foals born last year here on the farm ( Washington State) is going to be heading to a show with her new owner in Arizona, and I am psyched up about that! WooHoo!

Guess that is all....
Well.... we are taking my Dad out tonight for his b-day(it's the 30th). We are going to a Japanese steakhouse(yum!).

We have been watching Kasey. She is due to foal anyday. I really think it may be this weekend. This is our only foal. He/She is a Kickapoo's Nickeloden baby. I'm trying not to get too excited.

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