What has happened??????

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
OK,......I have been coming on here for the past week or so,.....not logged in or nothing,......wondering if anyone would mention anything about me or Foxy or somthing.

I was feeling soooo very happy to have found this board,....and making new friends,......but,......somthing has gone wrong and I am not sure what it is,......

As you know,..I am from Nova Scotia,..and had LOTS of friends down home,......I STILL havent made any out here,....I dont go very far,..and it is such a lonely province,.....not sure why?

Fred and I made the final decision this winter that We are going to live here forever,...and not go back home to live,.....I told all my friends down home this fact and not one of them has called me back,
: .....now,...it seems that not many of you guys want anything to do with me anymore,.....

I have NEVER felt sooo alone in my whole life!!! :no:

I posted a while ago that my mom was in the hospital,......She has a colostomy, and a bad heart and nerve problems,...the list goes on and on,.....Sooooo,..I was really scared that I might loose her,....I know it was only the flu bug,....but,......all of her health problems couldve counteracted something??,.I wasnt sure,....

Well,....I never posted no more,..and only 3 or soo people answered my oringinal post,.....and nothing was ever mentioned or asked again.

I know that I am not a fancy big time horse farm,......and we DONT have a lot of money,...and I know that I have insecurity issues ,..and stuff,....and maybe I do whine once in a while on how life isnt fair at all,.....but,......

I was starting to feel better,..knowing I had FRIENDS on here who accepted me for who I am and it made my days a whole lot better,...I actually had something to look forward to each day,.....

I have tried to answer each and every post on here,....and I brag you guys up to everyone I meet,.....maybe I do make mistakes once in a while,..(Like Foxy with no fence up),....but,...she is happy and healthy and I learned that maybe I shoulda waited before getting her,..but,..I also ,..would not trade one day of having her around for one day without!

I know there are a couple of people on here,....that I personally called my TRUE friends,....Well,..Since I got Foxy,.....My PHONE NEVER rings anymore,......and it is the most loneliest feeling in the world!!!

I am back to crying all the time,....I am also having probs with my oldest daughter,..Fred is gone long hours now,....and I havent been outta the house since Xmas,..( I realize that is no ones fault but my own),....but,.....I would just like to have my friends back,......PLEASE,PLEASE,....Tell me what I have done soooo very wrong ,..to turn you guys away,.......

I am not trying to sound whiny or looking for sympathy,.....I just cannot figure out for the life of me,...What I did so wrong?

edited to add; Please be honest with me,......soo I can fix this?
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I'm really sorry you are feeling badly! I've been busy and more preoccupied than usual, and it's the time of year a lot of others on this board also get sort of hectic days with foaling and show season, and all the other things that can happen. I'm sorry that you felt like you weren't missed but I am also sure that's not the actual case and that there are a lot of people here who enjoy you being a member!
Keep your chin up! It isn't just you. There are lots of folks on here that get "overlooked" quite frequently.
Hi Foxy, you always have me as a pal :bgrin I am sorry if I havent been posting as much as I was but the weather is starting to finally get a little warmer out and I have been outside alot. You know if you get really bored --you can always just email me. I know what its like moving from a area with alot of people and friends, to a much more secluded area, heck---more like the boondocks! Chin up and cheer up!! Corinne
Hey girl,

Don't beat yourself up over this. Heck, I could drop off the face of the earth and no one here would miss me. :lol: There are a lot of us who don't post much (I read more than post) for one reason or the other. I agree with the others, the days are getting longer, show season is just around the corner (for those of us who show) foaling season, etc. that time seems to slip away. I haven't been here all that long, but I think the ones who are missed the most have been here a long time and/or post a lot. People get used to seeing your name, then all of a sudden they realize thay haven't seen it and start asking questions. If you want people to realize it when you aren't on here for awhile, try posting at least every day, if not several times a day and sometimes post funny stuff, or uplifting stuff. I'm not saying not to post your problems, that's ok too, but I read posts (like yours sometimes) and just don't know what to say or how to offer any advice. Maybe I should take the time to log on and say I'm sorry or something, but I usually don't do that unless I feel I have something to contribute. (Like your post about your mare and not having a fence. I posted there, trying to help.)

Anyway, chin up kiddo, it'll be SPRING :aktion033: (weather wise) shortly and if you're like me, things will be much better as you can spend LOTS of time outside! :aktion033:

Heck, you can email me anytime and I'll talk to you. I do work 3 days a week, but come April 27 of this year I will be RETIRED!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Ok, hang on, and don't take it so personally.

I've been here a long time and I'm sure no one would "miss" me at all. I'm sure most people dont' "consciously" know I'm "out here" somewhere.

Doesn't change a thing.

Encouragement, help when needed, information, and friendly, "internet voices" are all here, whenever I look for them.

It's not personal if someone doesn't reply to my posts, or "look" for me if I don't post for a while.

I'ts a good place that will send you tons of support whenever you need it, but it's over the internet so it's really up to you to keep coming and looking for it.

You're doing fine and a contributing member, just keep coming, it's not a "personal" thing at all.

Just a lot of busy lives with crisis of their own, demands and responsiblities, and dreams to chase.

Still mostly caring people.

Hi Foxy;

I edited out my whining

In the mean time - {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}} to you.

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First of all when you want to talk to someone you have to post and people will answer you.

I felt like you did when I moved up here away from my friends.

At first, everyone still called me and wrote letters and emails.

They don't anymore. I guess I just got blown off. It bothered me a lot at first, but no more. I have a new life, just like you do. But I still get a few cards at Christmas from some of them.

Very much out of my element now.

Just being totally alone all the time can really mess you up.

Gives you way too much time to THINK. And for people like me, that's not necessarily a good thing.

I hated being alone. But now I"m used to it and learned to like it sorta. No one crawling up my rear and ordering me around for once. My phone doesn't ring much for me either. So I keep myself very busy with work and the horses and of course these teens.

Now I'm kind of a hermit.

I don't go anywhere except Walmart once a month.

Don't like crowds anymore either. They bug me.

Don't like to talk to people I don't know.

I don't make friends.

Got very self conscienceous over these past years.

I just sit up here and rule my little modest kingdom.

Life it going to be what you make of it.

There's nothing wrong with you.

You can choose to sit there and bawl your brains out.

That's ok. I love a good cry. Won't hurt unless you do it too much.

But then when you decide to dry it up and get over yourself, you will, in time, when you are ready.

You're just not ready yet.

But you will be.

Just post.

Keep busy.

Stop thinking so much.

Eat ice cream!

And by the way it didn't help that you changed your forum name cause weenies like me kinda forget but now I"ll remember it better too.

Hugs from the mountain
And how IS your mom doing? I hope all is well and you will continue to post. It is tough when things seem to be going wrong and you feel like there is no one who cares and no on to talk to. Keep your chin up. We are all here waiting to listen.
Thanks so much guys!,......

I feel sorta stupid now,......You are right Marty,......I guess,.....I am soo upset over leaving home,..that I was maybe,...just a little,..mind you,.....
: ,...was feeling sorry for myself,......

and show season and stuff never even crossed my mind,......you all are truly wonderful people on here,...and I dont know why,..but,..I guess maybe I am inmature to the fact that I needed to find out if I was accepted or not,....

I do sit here and THINK!,...maybe to much,..,..and I dont trust a lot of people anymore,..Which doesent seem to help,...

Remember last summer,...That lady that shoved me into my van and told me that she couldnt live without me being her friend,....Well,....I STILL have the police involved,..She is sending me threatning emails and stuff now,.....I think the police are findly starting to take me seriously now,..and they say that they are going to do something about it now!

I told my mom the other day,..that ,...Who cares,..I DONT need friends,but,..you know somthing,..Everybody needs friends,...at least one good one,.....

I think maybe that is what drove me to write this today,..

Ohhhh,..Bluerocket,.....I am not going to flame you at all,......I myself tend to steer away from all the problems in the world,..because It is depressing,.....(((((hugs to you)))))

My horescope is Cancer,...and a lot of quizzes that I take tell me that I am too loyal and stuff to my friends and that I will FIERCELY (sp?) fight to that death for them,....also ,..that I am easily hurt and love my home and do not like change,...weird,..huh?,.there is more,.but,..I wont bore you all.

It was very weird this week not posting my Sunday with Foxy!,..and not answering Marty's,..Whatchdoingthis weekend post!

Guess ,..maybe,.I will try not to take things to heart soo much and start posting again,....(bear with me,..old habits are hard to break
: )

Love and ((hugs)) to each and everyone of you,.....I would fight to the death for my friends!!!
[SIZE=10pt]Sorry to hear that you were feeling down in the dumps - we all have those days. I was wondering how come you hadnt been on in while - I always read your posts, but dont post all that much really. Like every one say's - chin up and hang in there and yah - like Marty said - EATS LOTS OF ICECREAM!


P.S. So how is your mom now?
You've had good advice so far, and trust me there have been times when I felt like I was invisible on here too...I think most people do at some time or another. But I have learned it's NOT PERSONAL!! (heck most people on here will TELL YOU ABOUT IT if they have a problem with you :lol: ). I disappeared off here for months and I bet you a dollar that no one missed me LOL. :lol:

It's a very busy time of year (I can speak for me anyway)...we have foals coming soon and we're getting the barn ready (have to buy new cameras as both of ours that we used last year were hit by lightning), and we have 4-H stuff (petting zoos and community service events), and my older son is having problems and my younger son is 7 (I know that doesn't sound like a good excuse, but I just mean that he demands a lot of my time), I work full time and then go home and do chores, (oh and my Dad's having issues with his Rheumatoid Arthritis again)....the list goes on and on....

I've always enjoyed reading your posts and your excitement at finally getting Foxy just made me smile so big. You're the kind of person I'd love to have my minis go to, because you genuinely care about them - anyone with a brain can see that!!

Please don't take it personally if people seem kind of unfocused - I assure you the majority of us are just going a dozen different directions at once and don't have the time we had in the cold dead of winter to respond to every thread.

Hang in there and keep your chin up, we're all still here...and please do give us an update on your Mom - parents are important (I worry about my Daddy all the time) - I hope that she's doing better!!!
Thanks again,.....

You know,..the more I read my original post,...The DUMBER I feel!!!!!

I was just looking at my siggie and one of my sayings that I put on there,...I never even followed!!!

Can you guess which one?????

My mom is home now,......It wasnt the flu,..she had food poisioning,.....all the tests that they gave her,..and she has found out that she has to have hip surgery now,.....

She is feeling better though,....tired but better.

Well,..im gonna go make a post about last Sunday with Foxy,..before this Sunday actually comes along and I get to far behind,
I could write volumes on being homesick and it sounds like you have a bad case of the homesick blues.

Even now after 20 years of living where live I an still homesick and get pretty depressed about it.

Sometimes I write a long letter (e Mail) to a friend "back home" lots of times I don't even push the send button after I reread it, but it always makes me feel better, at least for a while.

Why is it that you cant go back home?
Hi JO~* :saludando:

Well,.....The business that we had down home,...got wiped out,......certain people down there helped it along,.....and We just dont want to go home and be laughed at behind our backs,....

Plus,....There really are No jobs back home,.....and

The big one for me,......When you leave a place for soooo very long and go back ,...It is very rarely the same anymore,.....everything changes,.. and I would be scared to death to have that happen,....

I guess ,..I am trying to remember home,..the way it was,....When things were good!

but,..you and Marty are both right!

I think This move was the biggest influence on how I feel about life now,....I probably will never be the same person as I once was,....

but,..dont get me wrong,...Home will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart!!!!!!

I still dream every night that I am there!

think I will take Marty's advice,......ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!! YUMMYYYYYY!!!!!! LOL
: :bgrin

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