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  1. dawnsminis

    Who lives in Idaho?

    thanks so much for all the replies...we will fly out there & drive around soon.
  2. dawnsminis

    Who lives in Idaho?

    How bad are the winters? And what about grass in the summer, are most of the farms/pastures irrigated?
  3. dawnsminis

    Who lives in Idaho?

  4. dawnsminis

    Who lives in Idaho?

    We are a long way from actually moving, but are considering Idaho. Tell me everything you can think of about it & which part is prettier....northern or southern? Also, is there a problem with the mountain lions & bears? How do you protect your minis from them in rural areas?
  5. dawnsminis

    Do mini Donkeys carry lung worms.

    NO, I didn't mean only once a year...I rotate wormers every 3 mos. I just meant that my vet said to use the "gold" one time a year. I just checked replies on this post...I guess I worded it wrong & couldn't believe ya'll thought I only wormed once per year!
  6. dawnsminis

    Do mini Donkeys carry lung worms.

    Horses can get them too right? Not just donkeys??? Also, as long as they're wormed on a regular worming schedule, shouldn't everyone be okay? My vet said to worm once a year with the Zimecterin Gold.
  7. dawnsminis

    100% Powdered Natural Psyllium

    I use the one from Wal Mart that you have. My vet said 5 TBSP for big horse, 5 consecutive days every month, so I give mine 2.5 TBSP. I have the larger size B minis, so you could adjust down a little if you have the smaller ones. I tried Sand Clear & all those others, but the generic orange...
  8. dawnsminis


    I exercise mine daily on golf cart. No cars or traffic...we live on a private airport community. I take them around the taxiway, which is 2 miles. They enjoy it & look forward to this everyday. We stop along the way to eat clover & grass. I've been doing this since they were babies. It's...
  9. dawnsminis

    What Shampoos and conditions to use?

    I've always used the same one; Superpoo by Absorbine. It smells good and makes them really soft & shiny. I like Cowboy Magic Detangler for mane & tail.
  10. dawnsminis

    Has anyone ever give their horses bananas?

    I do....mine love em'!
  11. dawnsminis

    feed question

    Does anyone feed this to their donkeys? A lot of people on the mini horse forum talk about how much they like it. I've always wanted to try it, but never have because I've been afraid the 14% protein might be too high for them & have always used 12% or under. I have three minis, one donkey &...
  12. dawnsminis


    I use the regular orange one with sugar. I don't want them to have that harmful artificial stuff. My vet said five consecutive days every month, 5T for a big horse, so I give mine 2 1/2 T. I would think it would be the same dosage whether it's the regular of sugar-free.
  13. dawnsminis


    Hi...I got up this morning, checking lilbeginnings forum as usual and saw your post about exercising minis with golf carts. I've been doing it for 4 years. It's great!! It's not boring for me or them, like lungeing them in a round pen. We live on a small private airport(fly-in community)...
  14. dawnsminis

    Fruits & Vegs.

    Mine love apples, carrots, bananas & grapes.
  15. dawnsminis

    Have the Florida farms checked in?

    Nothing here in north central fl, except a little rain yesterday. Cleared up by noon, but was windy & cold. I hope everyone down south fl is okay.
  16. dawnsminis

    My new mini is home

    That is so sad...bless her heart. Thank goodness you took her in...that was very nice of you. I'm sure she will be happy & have a wonderful home!
  17. dawnsminis

    when to give a vit/min supplement

    Thanks Lyn....they've been on grass all summer, plus a little hay in the evening. I guess that's why they're fat. Now that we're approaching winter, I'll increase the feed and hay. I've never been able to give them very much feed because they get fat so easy with just the grass and hay. They...
  18. dawnsminis

    when to give a vit/min supplement

    Forgot to mention: also 1T flax & 1/8 c boss once daily; right now they are fat so only 1/8c sweet feed 2 times, but will increase the feed this winter.
  19. dawnsminis

    when to give a vit/min supplement

    Since I only give mine a small amount of a good quality sweet feed, anywhere from 1/8 cup to 1/2 cup 2 x a day, depending on the time of year; is there a need for supplementation if the feed contains all the vit & min they need? I've been given various info by different feed store reps. Some...
  20. dawnsminis

    mini sized farrier tools - where to find?

    Does anyone have the hoof trimming video for miniature horses from Is it good enough to get you started? I'm thinking of ordering it.