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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2005
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Does anyone use a golf cart for exercising their horses? If so what - gas, electric? What would I have to spend on a reliable one? Where in Wisconsin might I find one?

I'd like to get some ideas from the members so I can decide if this is something I should do. I am having trouble getting my group of 3 to exercise in the round pen without bitting up and hooking up long lines and going through that everyday for 3 isn't possible for me. I end up the one doing the most exercise and it's getting too much for me.
One of the farms around here used to use one. They would tie 2-3 to the back and go down the road. Theirs was electric.

I have one now (brother gave me one
) that is going to need 6 new batteries YIKES!

Check out the EZ Go website. They sell all types of carts, even 4 x 4. They are not cheap.

Electric is quiet, affordable. Gas makes a little more noise and you have to deal with exhaust.
I know there are stores around that sell new and used golf carts. One of my clients/friends got hers at a garage sale for a song!

I sure could have used one this past week! Twice now I've met horse transporters at night at the foot of my street about a 1/2 mile from my house. Nothing more fun than hiking in the dark with a horse and a bag of feed!
We use one, love it too. Ours is electric and I bought it from a used golf cart place. yep they actually have those. And since my horse trailer is huge and has a ramp, I take the golf cart to shows with me. Sure saves money because we sleep in our trailer. Don't have to use the truck to go to the barn and back.

We usually put two at a time on the golf cart to work them, one on each side. But we also go at pretty fast clip too. The do work up a sweat. It was a very good investment for me.
Hi...I got up this morning, checking lilbeginnings forum as usual and saw your post about exercising minis with golf carts. I've been doing it for 4 years. It's great!! It's not boring for me or them, like lungeing them in a round pen.

We live on a small private airport(fly-in community). There are grass taxi-ways around the area that total 2 miles in length. I have two horses and a donkey...I put horses on each side and the donkey in the rear. We just cruise around the airport, stopping for grass and horse cookies. They love to go...when they see the golf cart, they start hollering! I have a good time because lots of times we see deer, it's just nice to get out with them. We go at least once a day.

We have an electric EZ-GO golf cart. You can buy a good one for about $1500. Can probably get one in better shape up north where you are, than down here because the golf courses sell their fleets about every two years. Down here they're used all year around, up north I would think only in the summer. They would have far fewer hours on them.

Everyone here on the airport has a golf cart, some electric and some gas. I greatly prefer electric because: they're quiet, no exhaust fumes/smell, are far more reliable(gas ones here break down a lot).

Look in the yellow pages under golf carts and start calling around. If you'd like, I can email some pics of when we take ours for rides.
dawnsminis said:
Hi...I got up this morning, checking lilbeginnings forum as usual and saw your post about exercising minis with golf carts.  I've been doing it for 4 years.  It's great!!  It's not boring for me or them, like lungeing them in a round pen.  We live on a small private airport(fly-in community).  There are grass taxi-ways around the area that total 2 miles in length.  I have two horses and a donkey...I put horses on each side and the donkey in the rear.  We just cruise around the airport, stopping for grass and horse cookies.  They love to go...when they see the golf cart, they start hollering!  I have a good time because lots of times we see deer, it's just nice to get out with them.  We go at least once a day.

We have an electric EZ-GO golf cart.  You can buy a good one for about $1500.  Can probably get one in better shape up north where you are, than down here because the golf courses sell their fleets about every two years.  Down here they're used all year around, up north I would think only in the summer.  They would have far fewer hours on them. 

Everyone here on the airport has a golf cart, some electric and some gas.  I greatly prefer electric because:  they're quiet, no exhaust fumes/smell, are far more reliable(gas ones here break down a lot). 

Look in the yellow pages under golf carts and start calling around.  If you'd like, I can email some pics of when we take ours for rides.


Hey, Dawn, those guys of yours in the avatar are really cute!
Don't know how I ever lived without a golf cart! We also bought a used electric EZ Go from a golf cart dealer, seems like it was in the $1500 range. I use it to exercise horses, feed, get the mail, you name it. My biggest disappointment at World was not winning the new one they raffled
sure thought it had my name on it! We just bought a Gator, which is going to be great when it gets muddy out here, lots nicer vehicle.......but I'm sure not giving up my golf cart.

Yes, I use one- gas, Yamaha. A tank of gas lasts me FOREVER- plenty of power. The batteries on the battery ones are VERY expensive and when they begin to run low, you lose power.

Got mine used from a golf course- took the governor off, had lights put on. Headlights, brake lights, will eventually add turn signals. Have a horn.

If you are taking it out on streets, you will need to see what your state requires for it to be 'street legal'. Here they now require windshields, etc... too, oh and rear view mirror.

I have been seeing lots of golf carts for sale in my travels around Wisc. Check like used garden equipment places used lawn mowers and lawn tractor places. I see one or 2 everyday I am on the road for sale. Privet people selling to used equipment places. Even look in trading post type mags.

Sandee said:
Does anyone use a golf cart for exercising their horses?  If so what - gas, electric?  What would I have to spend on a reliable one?  Where in Wisconsin might I find one?I'd like to get some ideas from the members so I can decide if this is something I should do.  I am having trouble getting my group of 3 to exercise in the round pen without bitting up and hooking up long lines and going through that everyday for 3 isn't possible for me.  I end up the one doing the most exercise and it's getting too much for me.


We have and use a gas golf cart. When Jerry customized our trailer for the minis, I made sure there was room in the front for my "white horse". Love it. We too use it to get mail, take people out on the farm to look at horses, exercise horses and just about everything! We exercise three at a time. One each side, one in back. When they become accustomed to it, they love it! No more boring around and around in the round pen. They actually get out to see the real world and get exercised at the same time.
Forgot to add, wouldnt trade mine for the world and I can work 2 or 3 horses at one time.... also better on their legs than longing in a circle over and over.....

They love it!
We love our electric Club Car..bought it new in 1996, it's even the farm colors, hunter green
We use it for putzing around the acreage, ponying horses, carring grain/soaked beet pulp to pastures with a wagon hitched, meeting transporters at the road..taking clients around farm.it seats 4 adults and another seat for 2 can be added in back, just haven't gotten around to that yet lol Ours has a neat heavy duty zip on cover so even in our -20 temps we can zip around pretty comfortably..well, at least out of the Wyoming wind! Between the golf cart and the riding lawn mower we decided we didn't need the 4 wheeler anymore..it sat mostly, except for the VERY few days snow accumulates and doesn't blow away, we can get through all the aisles to all the pastures. I've pulled the Newer Spreader, the hay wagon and few times the grandkids IN the hay wagon
and once a colicky little mare in the hay wagon clear from the other end of the acreage...whew..those things have alot of power!
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