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  1. Kaitlyn

    Trailering Help

    I really appreciate all the input I'm thinking that I may try something like this:
  2. Kaitlyn

    Trailering Help

    Do you mean that you attatched a panel to the swinging partition, or to the chest bar part? And I forgot to mention that it would be really nice if I could manage to pull both a mini and a regular sized horse at once. I guess that would mean that I would need to extend the partition downwards...
  3. Kaitlyn

    Trailering Help

    I was wondering if anyone has had experience trailering minis in a two horse straight load trailer? I'm not sure how exactly I could work it out, as there is a bar running from floor to ceiling where the chest bars attatch for regular sized horses. If I left the chest bar on, it is obviously...
  4. Kaitlyn

    We have a baby

    I love your suggestion! Echo Acres New U Could Echo Acres Can U Showme
  5. Kaitlyn

    Our 2010 Buckskin appy colt -

    He's lovely! The fog makes for a pretty setting, too. If you don't mind me asking, what are the heights of the strands on your fencing?
  6. Kaitlyn

    2010 Foal.

    oh! I love his markings- so simply elegant. What a cutie!
  7. Kaitlyn

    Miniature Horse Sport Boots

  8. Kaitlyn

    Would like to Introduce...

    He's so handsome :D Sounds like my kinda guy, too.
  9. Kaitlyn

    Warning @ Banamine injections(IM)

    That is frightening! Thank god I only give Banamine orally. thank you so much for that information, it is very much an eye opener!
  10. Kaitlyn

    Okay,,, I think I am gonna do it!

    I'm just curious, but if you're not worried about size, why not get a standard Aussie? One of my favorite breeds! :D
  11. Kaitlyn

    On the Gelding Subject...

    As some of you know by now, I'm on here to mostly lurk and just gain knowledge in general, for any future miniatures I may have, so this is, as always, a hypothetical question for now. In any case, I fully plan on having my first miniature be a colt/gelding. In the event that I do get one...
  12. Kaitlyn

    Boarding Mini Horse Question

    I too agree that that is a heck of a deal! My trainers' boarding fee has now reached $550 a month, with use of an indoor, but not including farrier, worming, or shots.
  13. Kaitlyn

    New pics of my POA

    Aww he's so cute! My first pony was a (solid bay) POA. He was a gorgeous boy but a spoiled brat!
  14. Kaitlyn

    our colt born 2/20

    wow he's almost as tall as momma already! I love his markings
  15. Kaitlyn

    need advice asap

    Well without being there I can't be sure of course what the cause is, but it is likely that a white froth/foam is from clover. None of my horses eat clover (it's very sweet), but I have seen other horses have this happen to them- kind of like the froth from eating an apple. If they are...
  16. Kaitlyn

    Designing next years barn

    ruffian- I'm also very interested in seeing pictures of what you are talking about! I definitely love your ideas of attached paddocks, wash stall(s), bathroom, and sitting area- all things I know I want in my future barn! I've had some people telling me about the hayloft shafts (not something...
  17. Kaitlyn

    Anyone Travel w/out a Trailer?

    Yeah I can see what you would mean about ventilation. It does have one window, though that is much less than the back area of the trailer. I'm leaning towards using the back of the van for travel, and then setting up the tack room to let him stand in while I'm showing (w/ door open for airflow).
  18. Kaitlyn

    Anyone Travel w/out a Trailer?

    Sorry if I'm missing something but I don't really understand how they would be uncomfortable in the tack room/ trunk space? I'm sure I've seen some minis travelling in converted tack rooms on here (someone had removed the wall to the tack room, if I remember correctly). They wouldn't be able...
  19. Kaitlyn

    Anyone Travel w/out a Trailer?

    I'm still planning for the /possible/ addition of a mini this summer- want to make sure I've covered all my bases! Anyway, I was wondering if any of you travel/ have traveled in the past without a trailer specifically for miniature horses. I have a two horse straight load for big horses, but a...
  20. Kaitlyn

    Color preferences!

    Definitely roans for me! Certain pintos definitely catch my eye, but I'm very picky about my markings!