Boarding Mini Horse Question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'm actually asking this as the BOARDER and not the owner.

We've been boarding FOUR miniatures -- two mares, one stallion, and one gelding - for over five years at $2.50 per day per horse. This includes hoof trimming, worming, shots. They have been stalled when needed. Basically all but the stallion are included as part of a herd.

They rarely take the stallion and we keep him in his paddock, now by himself as he's become too aggressive to be with others. (The husband isn't ready to have him gelded, which I'm trying to encourage...long story....)

The owners live 180 miles away in a city environment and have a weekend home about 45 minutes from us where they have about a half acre. They come and take one or two of them from us every four or six weeks for a weekend throughout the warmer weather. (They bought a mini van and set it up specifically for taking them to & from us.) you think that as long as we continue to include the hoof trimming, worming, shots, would a standard $50 Per Month for Each be fair?
No I don't think it is fair to you. I would think they should pay at least $75 a month per horse and if they wanted to keep the one a stallion then he should be $100 a month.These boarders have it pretty good and you have all the work and resposibility.
They're getting a heck of a deal. It's obviously your choice, but around here boarding for anything other than a stud is minimum $150 per month. That usually includes pasture board/run in and hay. Shots, feet, anything else is extra. Many places won't take a stallion. If they do, it's usually double as a stallion will take the place of several other horses.

If they want to reduce their cost, I'd reduce it to $50 and then start charging for worming, etc.

...................... you think that as long as we continue to include the hoof trimming, worming, shots, would a standard $50 Per Month for Each be fair?
I see you're in Oregon. I'm not familiar with what boarding goes for up there so maybe it's cheaper than here but all I have to say is MOVE TO WISCONSIN AND TAKE CARE OF MINE FOR ME!!!! All the care etc. and the hoof trimming? I mean, I pay $30 per horse every 6 to 8 weeks just for the farrier work. Please move here!!!

Maybe you're just being nice and maybe you get the joy of these horses without "owning" them but you do have ALL their care. You're a nice person.
I am currently paying 100.00 per month per horse not including anything but hay and water. I am there for the farrier and the vet and I worm them and make the appointment well most of the appointments for vet care. I have a great place for the boys till I find housing where I can have them with me. But I am sure I am very lucky. Especially in California
Wow:shocked I think THE OWNERS are getting one heck of a good deal! I was paying $315 per month for daily turnout, a full size stall and hay. NO farrier work or worming included! It was a barn that only had large horses and I was charged the same as a large horse would have been because my mini was using a stall that could have been used for boarding a large horse... Thank goodness I have her at home now!! I dont know what your hay prices are down where you are at but I am sure that my mini eats about $50 in hay every month...
We actually board our horses just outside of Portland, Oregon. And total self care is 60 per horse. And partial care which meant she sometimes fed them and thats it was 75 per horse. The previous barn and most other barns around here are a 100 per horse and 125 for a stallion for full care. but still extra for worming and hoof care of about 25 per horse. So i'd say like all the others on here, you're boarders are getting a helluva a deal.
I too agree that that is a heck of a deal! My trainers' boarding fee has now reached $550 a month, with use of an indoor, but not including farrier, worming, or shots.
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Hi guys. I am boarding three horses. The two show horses have 14x14 stalls with 14x36 runs attached to their stalls. They also have a 14x14 area (each) attached to the stall for tack/feed etc. This is in the main barn at the property. The facility owner feeds twice a day and is in charge of cleaning and replenishing water. They also do blanket changes/fly masks, etc if needed. I provide all feed, supplies and clean. I also have full use of the 70' round pen, HUGE outdoor arena, mountain trail course, and our own pasture for turn out that is "mini proof". I pay $100 a horse. The other horse has a 25x40 run with a 12x12 three sided shelter. Being that we are on the east side of the state, we don't normally get the "wet" weather, and most facilities over here dont even have strictly inside stalls. Again, I provide all farrier, worming, shots, feed, supplements, etc just like usual. The average cost around here for this type of facility can run 100-350 a month, regardless if its a mini or not.
Better look outside your gate in the morning. There is going to be a line

up of new customers, ponies in hand, waiting for your boarding service.

We did self care, for 9 years, at a great place for us - as far as being able to do our own thing. (30 years total in boarder situations before getting our own property) Kids had indivudual 12x12 stalls with paddocks. Outdoor arena, my own feed locker. We did all our own work except owner fed pre set up breakfasts for us and would feed pre set up dinners, if we let him know ahead of time.

We did all our own fence work, all our own repairs, arranged our own farrier and vet care, cleaned our stalls and paddocks, every day rain or shine - for $50 per mini and $100 for our last big kid. We knew we were getting the deal of the century and appreciated the opportunity they gave us every day.

Think the general concenus, from all these replies, is that your boarders are getting one heck of a deal. Hope they appreciate you and what you have made available to them, so they could have minis with so little effort on their part.

Should you decide to increase their monthly cost I hope they just smile and say, "Thanks, we appreciate all you do."
We just brought two minis home that a client has been unable to care for today. I charge $50 a month per horse. Trims are at farrier cost $25 each, and I generally charge $10 for deworming (when farrier is here)/vaccinations, etc.

Can you charge more? It would depend on your area. I definitely would for a stallion or any special needs (feed, etc).

The two I just got back today are a bit neglected, (my farrier is going to shoot me next week when he sees their hooves, as it will be months of work to correct),but they needed to get out of there, so I was willing to do it. I have seen people charge $1.50 to about $3.50 a day, per mini. More for stallions or mares/foal at side.

The higher costs some mention are often at boarding facilities that charge regardless of size horse. I know people that pay $150-300 a month.
bording here in Switzerland is 1,600. per month with turnout, and 2 feedings a day, for a 34 inch horse. So I would say 150 to 200 per horse where you are is still a great deal. you are short changing yourself, at 75.00 a month you are not even covering the cost of good quality hay, not to mention the clean up, the waste removal, and your time. However if you look at it as a package deal 300.00 or so, and there are not other horses that are waiting to get in , maybe it s better to have that 300.00 then nothing. Any amount of extra money you ask for is not too much, so if you feel its necessary then by all means do it , I doubt they will get a better deal somewhere else. They might suprise you and say "we were wondering when you were going to raise your rates problem"
In our area most barns charge the same whether it is a mini or a large horse. Mainly because they take a regular stall and would need to be kept in a separate turnout area than the larger horses. That usually doesn't include the feed, worming, farrier care. I know one who charges what you charge for a totally self care situation for minis. Charges go up from there for any added work. During the winter they are last on the totem pole for turnout. It has been 5 yrs and prices have increased during that time for everything. Time to increase yours I believe. Even in our economy at this moment if they can afford a vacation home in your area they can afford to pay more for your wonderful care of their sometimes pets.
Please emigrate and live with me.

I can provide board and lodging for you and hubby, and I can pay more than you are charging

Anyway I think $50.00 a horse is way too low.

I think $100.00 a month, all in, would be very reasonable, and about what I charge for animals that fit in with the herd.

The stallion would be twice that much and they would have full responsibility for Vet's bills incurred if he escaped!

I hope you insist all these horses are individually insured??

In the end it is your choice, what you are happy asking, of course, but they are getting a very, very good deal.
I agree, you are charging far too little!! Board around here for a large horse starts around $300mo. At one stable, they will allow two minis in a large "sub-divided" stall, but still charge the $300mo for that stall. That includes hay, feed and bedding. YOU pay farrier, worming etc...after all, it is not the barn owner's responsibility to do it ALL. If you wanted to have them do everything, you would pay extra, a lot extra.
For my 4 horses (3 mares and a stud) When I bought feed the first of the month I paid $88. I pay $120 every 6 weeks for trims. Wormer costs about $40 per year per horse if "YOU" do it yourself. The cost of shots varies. Then you have your labor on top of that. I think $300 a month for all 4 of horses is fair since so much is included.
Here, trims (I do every six weeks) are anywhere from $30 to $50.

Deworming, well I guess that's pretty darn cheap. I'm not sure I'd do a boarder's horse unless they signed a waiver JUST IN CASE. Most dewormers are of course super safe but that rare, rare chance you don't want to be liable.

Self-care board per minis around here is anywhere from $75-150. You provide feed, you clean.

Full service board is about double that.

Here in East Tennessee we charge a flat fee of $10.00 per day per horse! This includes everything except farrier work which is an additional $20.00 per horse! Your cheating yourself by charging way to little! If you use 1 bag of pine shaving per horse per week you've lost half your bording fee! We also have the horses owner pay for any and all vet work, no matter how miner!

With the cost of everything going up by leaps and bounds, you have to raise your prices or go in the hole! The time you spend taking care of boarders is worth more than the time you spend on your own horses! What your charging today is what people paid 20 years ago! JMO!

OMG! WAY, WAY too cheap! Boarding for others is hard work. I know, because I do it. I charge $5 per day but that does not include farrier or shots or transporting to the vet, etc. It's hard work and it's a lot of responsibility. Don't short change yourself.

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