our colt born 2/20

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Shelley, ID USA
Bonkers and his momma were down the road at a friends for the past 2 months, i brought them home so i could start gradually weaning him as he is almost 3 months old. clipped his head and neck, they arent the best pics, but WOW i love this little colt!!





lacey is 31 inches tall.. LOL and bonkers is 28 inches! GAH i wonder how tall he will be in a few years?

thanks for letting me share!
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wow he's almost as tall as momma already! I love his markings
Wow he has grown. I remember watching his dam before she foaled. I feel I know him already
Wow he has grown. I remember watching his dam before she foaled. I feel I know him already
He has such lovely markings !! And HOLY COW he is looks like a yearling next to momma....Maybe he will get most of his growing done by the time he is a yearling..I have heard of some lines that do grow really quick then just stop...Crossing my fingers for ya....
wow - Holly always uses the term "milk drunk" for our foals and this baby must really get drunk drinking upside down! LOL

Sorry - that was meant to be funny! LOL

Maybe it's just that momma is so short, the foal looks so tall. Sometimes they'll do all their growing at once, then by the time they are a yearling - they start filling 'out' and not so much 'up'.

Beautiful baby - congratulations
What wild marking on him.

He sure has a long leg which makes him look taller than your measurement.

He is a cutie.

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