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  1. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    Sorry to all. I will tell alittele about myslf.I`ve been training horses for myself for about 20 years both minis and qurters. I have been in the minis from 1989 and in 1995 had the B poformance horse of the year. I was raised with horses. Don was showing ponys before I was born.When I take a...
  2. D.M. Minis

    Why every mare for sale is bred?!

    Hi this is Russ from D.M. minis you know Don and Russ maas we have got some good poen mares on our sale. Infact I think some may hay your breeding.(SUNRAY TARGET) THATS ON SEP 3
  3. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    I have not got scared off. Im sorry for feeling that this horse is ready but I belive he is
  4. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    I would love to but you know its all for sele. I may not even show next year. If I did though he would be somthing to see
  5. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    Im so happy the driver I started on aug 7 is going so good. I wish there was more showes. I feel he is ready to go to the ring.Im also fear I will never get to show him. I think somone will buy him on your sale. If somone dose they will get a great one he can win in the country under.
  6. D.M. Minis

    Choosing a performance horse as a baby,

    I watch how they carry there head and how much they are willing to please you. I also look to see how his feet growe if the toes are longer in the back that showes he is getting his but under he and that is what you need for roaster
  7. D.M. Minis

    Pre National Pick,,,,,,,,,,,,what's yours?????

    I think D.M. STARBUCK SUNNY for the 34 and under Roaster he is back on track no we got some toth work done. :
  8. D.M. Minis

    Iowa State Fair Mini Show with Rose

    Russ donnt sweat Bob I have tryed to bring him over to the D.M. way : Sanndy Russ has found the trick to showing the monkey a wonder power.better than GOLD BOND Bob you should chech it out :risa_suelos: :488:
  9. D.M. Minis

    Iowa State Fair Mini Show with Rose

    Hi this is the other Russ from the D.M. minis You did a great job at the fair. I will get you driving dancer next year then you can really have goose bumps :new_shocked: Hi this is the other Russ from the D.M. minis You did a great job at the fair. I will get you driving dancer next year...
  10. D.M. Minis

    ROLL CALL.....Iowa State Fair Mini Show

    I will be there but. Im going to have a easy show just drivinf this year I may put dancer in halter donnt know yet.I have drink request for you Russ :472: I here someone is not happy stalling by us so we are going tobe on or best behavior :
  11. D.M. Minis

    What color is my stallion???

    I think it is a dun and withe paint
  12. D.M. Minis

    Had someone ever a stallion

    Some of our studs are the same way we paster breed so if we put a new mare in after they og to paster we have to take the sud out for 2 or 3 days then he will except her in the group.
  13. D.M. Minis

    Driving People--Has anyone ever had a judge...

    was it GUYFOX or malinda they are knowen for that. I have seen them lift a drees up to see the shoes you are wearing :
  14. D.M. Minis

    Russ' horse Rose

    : nice pic russ looks like a little dancer :aktion033: :
  15. D.M. Minis

    can you safely freeze pelleted feed; like strategy?

    If you would put it in cardboad or plastic tub it will last longer in a meatle or steel can ih will draw mostuer from condensation.
  16. D.M. Minis

    Driving horse

    I have just started a new horse today to drive my question is how well brock do you like to have them before you would by one. Im wanting to put him on a sale on sep 3 what do you think.
  17. D.M. Minis

    trailer ramps

    If you were to get a set of like four wheeler ramps and put like plywood on the withe 1 bys going acrossed.or indoor outdroor carpet
  18. D.M. Minis

    Desensitizing The Driving Horse..

    Hi I do alot with drivers, and some of the things people have swaid is good but you have to have the confendece to do them. The fastesr way to mees one up is to just go half way with what you try. One thing that works good is fi you have open ground hook him up and just drive tell he is wore...
  19. D.M. Minis

    Our New Stallion

    Hi this is Russ was gump A d>m> horse or out of one
  20. D.M. Minis

    New to this just want to say hi

    [Well Im still thinking about the national show but probly will not make it. I think you get along with the one monkey that I donnt need to be there.Wild Monkey is all yours If you guy deside to buy him. I losed me good driver dancer broth BOMBER he got kicked in the head or heat strok and well...