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Howdy forum, still a bit sore and tired(as in oh, my aching?) from my adventures of the Iowa State Fair. Was walking a bit like the ole Gunsmoke character Hoss Cartwright :lol: . Man, that was alot of walking in 4 days. You'd be proud of me.....I sweated less in the ring this time and relaxed
saved the sweating for loading/unloading trailers ......lost some weight though....hey who knew the state fair could do that to ya!
I had a AWESOME time and think Rose had a good experience also. Proud of my mare, may not be fancy or experienced or the string bean style mare we'd like to be but we are trying and having fun.
Will try to condense the story as there are 4 VOLUMES, one for each day of the fair......only kidding! Although, I warn ya this is long.....still experiencing that state fair RUSH! It gets in your blood this fair......felt the same when I showed there in high school with my pigs. Ya never forget that Iowa State Fair feeling!
Day there early and sprayed stalls down. Waited for Timberview to arrive and then get the herd settled in, stalls equipped and curtains up. WOW, Larry and Lavonne have beautiful stall curtains.....purple. Was a really busy time but by dark all was in place and Lavonne was washing her B gelding for the Sunday show. Rose was taking everything in stride.....think she likes to travel. After a long day of hard work......that really was fun type work we called it a day. Crowds of day one were tallied by state fair website at 108, 331
Day 2 Sunday, 6:00a.m to the fairgrounds and ready to get chores done. I was the trusty stall cleaner.....a.k.a. the pooper picker upper. As Lavonne and all the people stalled around us will probably tell ya......I am a bit anal about a clean pen. :lol: I kinda hogged to pick :bgrin . Hey, nothing looks nicer at a fair than a nice clean pen and horse......and boy.....the crowds were really coming down the mini isles to look at the horses.Nice to have people see things neat and tidy.
9:00A.M Timberview was showing their gelding in color class at my favorite building.....the PAVILLION. This building is made of brick and a complete round circle......huge grand arena with natural sunlight just beaming through. The crowd surrounds you in the bleachers and it is just breathtaking to be in in the evenings at a show. I got goose bumps watching the evening driving classes....the organ music playing, crowd cheering, accoustics and awesome horses driving just made the atmoshere electric. Quite a feeling to see your friends drive in that arena and be a small part of it. It is a proud moment to be part of the fair. If you've never been to the PAVILLION and witnessed a driving class....make time to do it next year.
Afternoon we washed all the horses that would show Monday. Leave it to me to open up my BIG mouth at the wash rack :lol: There was a really nice guy with one of those media tags around his neck taking pics right by the horses. Of course I'm sweating and helping Lavonne wash Diamond. I like the grooming part of shows so of course scrub like I'm plucking a chicken.....ok not that hard but try to do a good job. I lean over and better be from the Des Moines Register, which is kinda our states offical paper. He replies, will the U.S. World News do?
Imagine how embarrassed I was? I said......ah ah.... yeah....sir we like your paper too! He kinda laughed and kept shooting pics of Belgians being washed right next to Lavonne's sorrel driving gelding. It was pretty cool !
Baths done, chores and last of quick clips on muzzles.....we were off to bed for early show morning the next day.Crowd total 92,553
Day 3 Monday, 5:00a.m rise and shine. To barns by 6 a.m to do chores, stalls picked and ready horses for the show at 8 a.m. The show is a blurr as it just is so busy. Everything was well organized by the state fair mini people so the exhibitors had a smooth day.
Rose showed in 4 classes, model.....amateur.....aged mare.....color. I didn't place in model or amateur.....we had standing issues
: . It's not a good thing when your horse decides to cleanse the bowels... not once but twice when EACH judge took their turn to look at Rose. :lol: Think Rose doesn't have a sense of humor? I walked her that morning to ensure that wouldn't happen
Rose was a bit distracted aty the Big Belgians who showed exactly in the same ring across the arena. She kept turning to look to see them and was fidgeting.....I had a hard time keeping her to focus on me. Obviously, we need more work.
We did finally get a moment where she tried to stand in the aged mares class. These classes were all in a row so quite a bit of ring time. In aged we place under both judges. I was glad to get any ribbon. Not exactly sure of my placing as I was so busy....think fourth and 5th.
Color was the biggest surprise for me, got a first place BLUE under one judge and a think a 3rd. :lol: So a total of 4 nice BIG and fancy rosettes (Blue, Yellow, White, Pink) Pretty neat for a beginner like me.
I was really happy to get any ribbons as the competition was really good....excellent quality horses. Told myself going in, a ribbon would be nice but don't hold my breath as anything could happen.
I won't spoil the others fun on sharing their placings. Lavonne and Larry had a great show!
Evening, Lavonne had a driving class and then we could relax after a long day.
Had fun that evening.......stayed up late and had a great visit with new friends. Crowd total for day 85,483
Day 4 the last day, some driving classes for Timberview in the morning then some time to explore the fair. I walked all over the fair and bought some things, ate too much and walked alot. Nothing is quite like the Iowa State have to get out and experience it to get the full effect. From the beautiful Buttercow sculpture that looked so real it was amazing and also a butter sculpture of superman who was a tad too anatomically correct :lol: a few too many butter sticks if you know what I mean LOL ...... to the tons of free entertainment....there was a sight in every corner of the fair grounds and something for everyone. Even a super Bull weighing over 3,000 lbs! Crowd total, 90,201.
At 7 p.m Timberview drove in the evening class for our final class show for the 2006 fair.
We then headed back and started to pack the trucks/trailers. The crowds were really curious to see the horses load out.....everyone wants to see the mini's. I would garner to say the horse barn was a huge hit with Belgians and mini's under 1 roof.
Kinda sad to see it all end.....met so many new great people who I hope I can keep in contact with. The knowledge and experience they can share is tremendous! I appreciate all their help. I don't want to forget anyone I met but there were lots of Iowa mini club people and they were really supportive and encouraging group.A couple great guys from Nebraska who really know their stuff and deserve respect for all their accomplishments.....way to go Russ/ Don Maas, Monkey, Sunny and Dancer! :worshippy: If I could learn half of their skills in the ring/out of the ring.....I know I would be a better person. Russ is alot of fun to talk to and smart as a whip on stuff. You guys could learn alot about showing/driving from him and Don. Keep teaching do have a gift!
Rolene Lundy and family, it was fun to meet you all. We sure can laugh and learn about things!
: I look forward to seeing you at more shows and learning more. Congrats on all your wins!
Oh and Sisters Two miniatures......keep up the shower patrol......the state fair appreciates your commitment of keeping those guys in the right shower area.
Wish you'd post a pic of Amazon.....she did great!
Many thanks to all who helped me.....especially Larry and Lavonne Parks. I hope I didn't forget anyone, not my intention.....this post is way long already.
I did get educated in alot of new show aspects
: I think I'm a better exhibitor because of it and now know how to deal with these unique situations. This farm boy is much the wiser!
Showing is a positive IS what you want it to be and make of it. It can be can be competitive and yet respectful and you can always learn !
As we loaded the last horses and I got to take Diamond and Rose out to the trailers they each trotted out in full style.....those little clippy clops on the cement at the state fair are really a music that gets ya right in the heart. We all may be different, which is good in life.....we all may not see eye to eye but we ALL LOVE our MINIATURES. I will try to always remember that at shows.
I'm proud of our IOWA STATE FAIR.....our theme was "Only at the fair". I say, only at the fair can you feel so much pride for a small horse that your heart just smiles......only at the fair can you make new mini
friends that make you laugh and help you out anywhere or time. Only at the fair you can say,how many days till next years fair! It was an honor and privledge to show there.......I want to make it an annual trip but I will be more polished.
: I've got the show bug bad......I'd like to really get after it next year and show the pants off that state fair. We will see how things go. Gotta learn to walk before I can drive.....
: Proud of ALL my friends and wish you all much success in the future!
Oh, gotta tell ya my secrets to success.....monkey powder and Old Spice Red Zone "Showtime" scent :lol:
I won't ever go to a show without them to those hot's kinda like the American Express card.....only a show guys version of something you won't leave home without :lol:
Last but certainly not least.....THANK YOU to the state fair horse barn people in the office and the vets, Richard and Rita Lindalh for all their dedication and to all who made the show great.
Cowboy (wanna be) Russ with the black hat signing off......till next year I hope to see YOU at the fair! Hopefully the attempt at pics will follow this post......cross your fingers.....I'm learning!

I had a AWESOME time and think Rose had a good experience also. Proud of my mare, may not be fancy or experienced or the string bean style mare we'd like to be but we are trying and having fun.
Will try to condense the story as there are 4 VOLUMES, one for each day of the fair......only kidding! Although, I warn ya this is long.....still experiencing that state fair RUSH! It gets in your blood this fair......felt the same when I showed there in high school with my pigs. Ya never forget that Iowa State Fair feeling!
Day there early and sprayed stalls down. Waited for Timberview to arrive and then get the herd settled in, stalls equipped and curtains up. WOW, Larry and Lavonne have beautiful stall curtains.....purple. Was a really busy time but by dark all was in place and Lavonne was washing her B gelding for the Sunday show. Rose was taking everything in stride.....think she likes to travel. After a long day of hard work......that really was fun type work we called it a day. Crowds of day one were tallied by state fair website at 108, 331
Day 2 Sunday, 6:00a.m to the fairgrounds and ready to get chores done. I was the trusty stall cleaner.....a.k.a. the pooper picker upper. As Lavonne and all the people stalled around us will probably tell ya......I am a bit anal about a clean pen. :lol: I kinda hogged to pick :bgrin . Hey, nothing looks nicer at a fair than a nice clean pen and horse......and boy.....the crowds were really coming down the mini isles to look at the horses.Nice to have people see things neat and tidy.
9:00A.M Timberview was showing their gelding in color class at my favorite building.....the PAVILLION. This building is made of brick and a complete round circle......huge grand arena with natural sunlight just beaming through. The crowd surrounds you in the bleachers and it is just breathtaking to be in in the evenings at a show. I got goose bumps watching the evening driving classes....the organ music playing, crowd cheering, accoustics and awesome horses driving just made the atmoshere electric. Quite a feeling to see your friends drive in that arena and be a small part of it. It is a proud moment to be part of the fair. If you've never been to the PAVILLION and witnessed a driving class....make time to do it next year.
Afternoon we washed all the horses that would show Monday. Leave it to me to open up my BIG mouth at the wash rack :lol: There was a really nice guy with one of those media tags around his neck taking pics right by the horses. Of course I'm sweating and helping Lavonne wash Diamond. I like the grooming part of shows so of course scrub like I'm plucking a chicken.....ok not that hard but try to do a good job. I lean over and better be from the Des Moines Register, which is kinda our states offical paper. He replies, will the U.S. World News do?
Imagine how embarrassed I was? I said......ah ah.... yeah....sir we like your paper too! He kinda laughed and kept shooting pics of Belgians being washed right next to Lavonne's sorrel driving gelding. It was pretty cool !
Baths done, chores and last of quick clips on muzzles.....we were off to bed for early show morning the next day.Crowd total 92,553
Day 3 Monday, 5:00a.m rise and shine. To barns by 6 a.m to do chores, stalls picked and ready horses for the show at 8 a.m. The show is a blurr as it just is so busy. Everything was well organized by the state fair mini people so the exhibitors had a smooth day.
Rose showed in 4 classes, model.....amateur.....aged mare.....color. I didn't place in model or amateur.....we had standing issues

Rose was a bit distracted aty the Big Belgians who showed exactly in the same ring across the arena. She kept turning to look to see them and was fidgeting.....I had a hard time keeping her to focus on me. Obviously, we need more work.
We did finally get a moment where she tried to stand in the aged mares class. These classes were all in a row so quite a bit of ring time. In aged we place under both judges. I was glad to get any ribbon. Not exactly sure of my placing as I was so busy....think fourth and 5th.
Color was the biggest surprise for me, got a first place BLUE under one judge and a think a 3rd. :lol: So a total of 4 nice BIG and fancy rosettes (Blue, Yellow, White, Pink) Pretty neat for a beginner like me.
I was really happy to get any ribbons as the competition was really good....excellent quality horses. Told myself going in, a ribbon would be nice but don't hold my breath as anything could happen.
I won't spoil the others fun on sharing their placings. Lavonne and Larry had a great show!
Evening, Lavonne had a driving class and then we could relax after a long day.
Had fun that evening.......stayed up late and had a great visit with new friends. Crowd total for day 85,483
Day 4 the last day, some driving classes for Timberview in the morning then some time to explore the fair. I walked all over the fair and bought some things, ate too much and walked alot. Nothing is quite like the Iowa State have to get out and experience it to get the full effect. From the beautiful Buttercow sculpture that looked so real it was amazing and also a butter sculpture of superman who was a tad too anatomically correct :lol: a few too many butter sticks if you know what I mean LOL ...... to the tons of free entertainment....there was a sight in every corner of the fair grounds and something for everyone. Even a super Bull weighing over 3,000 lbs! Crowd total, 90,201.
At 7 p.m Timberview drove in the evening class for our final class show for the 2006 fair.
We then headed back and started to pack the trucks/trailers. The crowds were really curious to see the horses load out.....everyone wants to see the mini's. I would garner to say the horse barn was a huge hit with Belgians and mini's under 1 roof.
Kinda sad to see it all end.....met so many new great people who I hope I can keep in contact with. The knowledge and experience they can share is tremendous! I appreciate all their help. I don't want to forget anyone I met but there were lots of Iowa mini club people and they were really supportive and encouraging group.A couple great guys from Nebraska who really know their stuff and deserve respect for all their accomplishments.....way to go Russ/ Don Maas, Monkey, Sunny and Dancer! :worshippy: If I could learn half of their skills in the ring/out of the ring.....I know I would be a better person. Russ is alot of fun to talk to and smart as a whip on stuff. You guys could learn alot about showing/driving from him and Don. Keep teaching do have a gift!

Rolene Lundy and family, it was fun to meet you all. We sure can laugh and learn about things!

Oh and Sisters Two miniatures......keep up the shower patrol......the state fair appreciates your commitment of keeping those guys in the right shower area.
Many thanks to all who helped me.....especially Larry and Lavonne Parks. I hope I didn't forget anyone, not my intention.....this post is way long already.
I did get educated in alot of new show aspects

Showing is a positive IS what you want it to be and make of it. It can be can be competitive and yet respectful and you can always learn !
As we loaded the last horses and I got to take Diamond and Rose out to the trailers they each trotted out in full style.....those little clippy clops on the cement at the state fair are really a music that gets ya right in the heart. We all may be different, which is good in life.....we all may not see eye to eye but we ALL LOVE our MINIATURES. I will try to always remember that at shows.
I'm proud of our IOWA STATE FAIR.....our theme was "Only at the fair". I say, only at the fair can you feel so much pride for a small horse that your heart just smiles......only at the fair can you make new mini
friends that make you laugh and help you out anywhere or time. Only at the fair you can say,how many days till next years fair! It was an honor and privledge to show there.......I want to make it an annual trip but I will be more polished.

Oh, gotta tell ya my secrets to success.....monkey powder and Old Spice Red Zone "Showtime" scent :lol:
I won't ever go to a show without them to those hot's kinda like the American Express card.....only a show guys version of something you won't leave home without :lol:
Last but certainly not least.....THANK YOU to the state fair horse barn people in the office and the vets, Richard and Rita Lindalh for all their dedication and to all who made the show great.
Cowboy (wanna be) Russ with the black hat signing off......till next year I hope to see YOU at the fair! Hopefully the attempt at pics will follow this post......cross your fingers.....I'm learning!
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