Hi Stephanie,
Yes we have had judges ask us to show them our feet. Some people have asked why?
Well stop and think about this.....you're at the Area or National Show...you're suppose to be spit shine for your class and stand heads above the rest. That includes you (hair neat and in place, show clothes clean and free of as many wrinkles as they possibly can), your horse (well groomed), your harness (polished not dirty) and your cart (polished and clean), the over-all picture should be as perfect as it can be. When the judge has two horses that perform the same then what other criteria can a judge use to place those two that are tied? Picking apart you, your horse, harness and cart. We've even have had them to ask us to name the parts of the harness! If one answered wrong and one right then who do you think wins? We've even had it happen in the Showmanship Class between two people who were perfect in every way, but when the judge asked a question regarding their horse and one could answer and the other couldn't then the one that had the correct answer won the class.
I keep some stylist but cheap black patton flats in my show stuff just to slip my feet into when I go into a driving class. This way I'm as spit-polished as can be in case a judge does ask to see what I have on my feet under my skirt.