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  1. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    List any great sale items you found

    Marty, We had just bought Dave one of those electric nail guns ( :DOH! technical name escapes me right now) for $129 at Menards, and a week later on "Black Friday" they were on sale for $69 from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. I bought a new one for that price, and then turned around and returned it...
  2. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    Wow, thank you for all the support, and points of view from both sides of the fence. We have considered both sides, and at this point will be standing firm on our decision to not allow the dogs in our home. It was a decision made easier by the support of this group, and I thank you, I was...
  3. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    Boy oh boy, what a great bunch of people you are! I have been feeling miserable over this for a while now! I feel as though Dave and I will be looked down upon by our family for being this way, but I have to say now, I feel so much relief having gotten this off my chest. You have all...
  4. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    Hi Group! I need some advise for a delimma that's starting to take place reguarding our family christmas. Dave and I just bought this place not long ago, and we're excited to share it. My family is coming for our christmas on Dec. 22nd, most of whom have not even seen our new home yet. My...
  5. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    Hi CyndiM, We have a ton of Juncos and finches (yellow and a couple of the purple), chickadees of course, just one breeding pair of cardinal that I can tell, quite a few nuthatch, and just about every size woodpecker you can imagine! We've got the black and whites with the red caps, the grays...
  6. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    Thank you everyone! I'm so happy I could share the pics, and will definately share more when I have time! There is just a ton of activity around this place, so I'm sure there will be many more. It's kinda like the glass door in front of the animals cage at the zoo around here! You are very...
  7. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    We are in Wisconsin...........and this morning it was soooo cold here! It's snowing again right now too, and more on the way for the weekend! Mother nature doesn't want me to have a barn! :DOH! You are so sweet Karla! Thanks!
  8. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    LOL Jill, I just noticed the snow on her nose too! My camera is not good with distance, so they aren't as clear as I would like. Santa did leave me a note in my St. Nick stocking though, and said that I could maybe expect a "really nice" christmas present under my tree this year (wink wink wink)!
  9. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    I am so thankful, and have to pinch myself every morning I wake up! It was all worth it!
  10. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Just a few simple reasons why we love

    Most of you know that Dave and I moved just a little over a month ago I guess. It was a super long process for us, and one that seemed like it was never going to end. It was so stressful, I started to doubt if we were doing the right thing, and started second guessing our choices. Moving this...
  11. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    My New Barn Pics...from Start to ALMOST Finished

    Just seeing this now Mona.................that is AWESOME!! Those stalls are beautiful , your hubby did a great job! Mine is at a standstill right now, the help left, and hubby is working. One top of that, we're now getting ready for up to another 4-6 inches of snow in our area today on top...
  12. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Looking to upgrade my camera

    Thank you Sterling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I appreciate the info very much. Since we moved, we have so much wildlife and beautiful schenery around us, and the camera I have now just doesn't cut it. I'm thinking this is going to be the best step up for me now, being an amateur, it may take...
  13. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Looking to upgrade my camera

    Thank you Farmhand!!!
  14. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Wanna see...........

    Looking forward to that Mona..........just like Karla, I always love looking at the barn photos! Hi Karla! Will gladly do that! I've been taking photos as the steps go along, from before the digging even started, and will continue to do so. We got sleet here tonight, hubby went out an...
  15. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Wanna see...........

    Thank you everyone! My step-dad and brother are from Rhinelander, which is about 3 hours or so away from us. They took time out of their busy schedules to come help us! Hubby said it will be another couple weeks till he can get the barn and fence done enough for the boys to come...
  16. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Wanna see...........

    The wind and snow are blowing here in WI! My hubby, brother, and step-dad (on the roof) are braving this nasty storm to get our barn up! That's how bad we want our boys home here with us where they belong! I'd say that's love!
  17. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Looking to upgrade my camera

    I am looking to upgrade to a better camera. Back when I purchased my current camera, the Canon Rebels were all the rage, but I couldn't afford the price tag! I've been researching cameras again to upgrade, and read that the new Rebels weren't as good as some of the older versions. Does anyone...
  18. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Your home business

    I have a small sewing business that I run from home, we sew cria sized and adult sized coats for alpacas. Similar to dog and horse blankets. It came to life after getting into the alpaca livestock business. I needed cria coats............and mom needed a job! Mom and I worked as a team to...
  19. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Oooh Barnbum!!!!!! are so talented girl ............and also so caring and kind to do these for so many folks!