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  1. minifancier

    Switching from PC to Mac....

    I didn't go for the 24 inch IMAC but 20 inches is what I have now in a monitor so the 20 inch IMAC will do me just fine. I was up at the Mac Store today but because I wanted the extended keyboard it is taking a little longer to get it. Although I do HOPE my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse...
  2. minifancier

    Cell Phone Tapping

    So they are not listening to Aunt Mable giving her latest recipe to mother. So no worries, unless YOU do have something to hide.
  3. minifancier

    Switching from PC to Mac....

    Neat as mine is about as close to me also just a 30 minute drive. and yes I did get Applecare~! and I am still waiting for the store to call to tell me my IMAC is in, maybe tomorrow. So I will have this weekend to get used to it lol
  4. minifancier

    Switching from PC to Mac....

    Yes that was the last time for me also~! But in those days we had a blank data base, that we could program ourselves. and after awhile I was able also to program the MAC with that data base that we had in the Mac Power PC.~!
  5. minifancier

    Switching from PC to Mac....

    I am also going to be going from PC to Mac~! My IMAC should be in sometime this week! And I am very lucky I have a Mac store just 15 miles from me so if I have a problem I can get very quick responses. I have not been on a Mac for 154 years now and I am just sick of the virus stuff going...
  6. minifancier

    More on horse slaughter

    I bet your pardon but NAIS and the ID Chipping program is Not and never has been just for animals entering into the food chain. It IS however designed to TRACK and TRACE Back diseases ~! Hence,, Horses are included....because the system is "designed" to trace disease - think strangles and other...
  7. minifancier

    Stop Horse Slaughter

    Well that is what happens when the Far Left Animal Rights People and some peta folk get together thinking with heart instead of using their God Given Brains, and thinking Outside of the box and what could happen IF this happens, like closing the processing plants down. What Might happen. And...
  8. minifancier

    Computer Worm

    I Leaned computers by using a Apples like Apple SE30 I think it was~! With 30 MB Of Hard Drive space lol and did this For years at the place I worked for in AZ. I was head of inventory control, when ever the company got a new Computer, I was giving it~! Then mine was moved on down the line etc...
  9. minifancier

    April Fools Worm hitting tomorrow!

    The MAIN thing is this~! Not only have a good anti-virus program but DO ALL the Critical Updates from MS.~! Those that have Done ALL Critical Updates from Microsoft and have been doing so religiously, have nothing to fear~!~!! In fact in one of those updates was even a tool for removal if you...
  10. minifancier

    Computer Worm

    Good one and that is what I am about to be doing~! I am getting a 20 inch IMAC. But getting back to this Conficker virus.. Those that have Done ALL Critical Updates from Microsoft and have been doing so religiously, have nothing to fear~!~!! In fact in one of those updates was even a tool...
  11. minifancier

    Stop Horse Slaughter

    And those so called slaughter videos that have been spread all over the net. in NO Way represents the Modern Processing plant and was produced by the Highly biased peta and the far out side of the Animal Rights wackos.~!
  12. minifancier

    Stop Horse Slaughter

    Horses have NOT been slaughtered in this country now for 2 YEARS. They are however Shipped into Canada, and Mexico and then go to the tables in Europe etc. However we SHOULD be slaughtering in THIS country to help the neglected, starving or just plain turned loose horses.~!~ Nice to what...
  13. minifancier

    big news in healthcare

    Ah yes here is a nice one about the uninsured Colledge age student and part time workers that they are.: The Uninsured: College StudentsYou Should Know: There are more than 45.8 million Americans today without health insurance, a number expected to increase to 56 million within the next...
  14. minifancier

    big news in healthcare

    A significant portion of the uninsured are illegal aliens and their children (who in some cases are US citizens). Another significant portion are legal aliens. Higher medical insurance premiums and government support for the uninsured are two more ways that native born American citizens pay for...
  15. minifancier

    big news in healthcare

    And that 47 million is as bogus as bogus can be~! IN THAT 47 million is the 20 million ILLEGALS~!! THEY are counted. What part of Illegal does the president NOT understand. And another 10 million that for what ever reason do NOT want to have insurance, Now that brings the total...
  16. minifancier

    Fox news is no better than the lying trash tabloids...

    Well I NEVER Voted on the LB poll about fox news and yet I support and watch Fox News as I have Fox News on TV right now.~! So if there are more people out there like me the FOX News Poll on LB Would be even Higher yet in Numbers~! And may be very close to that National ratings of Twice as...
  17. minifancier

    Tax Stimulus

    Oh NO WE will get ALL of that $250 added to our SS check in May. A One Time Deal.
  18. minifancier

    Fox news is no better than the lying trash tabloids...

    Well let UPS Leave if they want to. If they want to give up the number one cable news station and especially the highly rated Bill O Reilly show so be I am sure others will be begging at the door to be on such a large audience show in high viewership as that. More then twice the amount of folks...
  19. minifancier

    Tax Stimulus

    Well in my case and others on Social Security, WE will get a additional $250 dollar amount starting with the Checks in May. Not as big as last times $600 but it will help. And I am then going out as that is just enough to make the amount I have been saving up to buy a new computer, as this...
  20. minifancier

    Obama -- Recap Of His First Bit of Time In Office

    Thats OK. I see some on here can't grasp the fact that when a government takes over a private company hence AGI and have 80% control that is headed in the wrong direction for this country. And now it came out yesterday that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wants even MORE power. And where...