Computer Worm

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
Hi All

There is a major concern in the computer industry regarding a worm that they say has already infected over 10 000 000 computers around the world. It's set to really initiate tomorrow, April Fools Day. Some say it may just be a prank, others say that it's really happening. Either way, I'm turning off my computers tonight. Here's the story:
I saw on the news where they said it is not a prank, that it is actually going to happen. They said it is a 2 part virus, and as you have said, the first part is aleady in place with it being on computers that did not have the proper virus protection etc. They said this will affect PC only and not only those operating on Windows systems. They said to make sure you have strong firewalls set on your computer, and to ensure you have a good anti-virus program in place and running and to ensure you have the most recent Windows patches. Those that missed doing this, are supposed to be the ones that get blasted tomorrow, and they say it is no April Fool's joke. They said this is something major, and not just some kid in the basement trying to impress their friends!
I heard them say on the news this morning that you can figure out if you have it (do it today) by trying to go to one of the security websites, like symantec. If you have the worm, you won't be able to navigate there. I just this second received this email here at work, and there is a link for more information. Of course the part about shutting down and the automatic update is unique to us as our IT department has put together an automatic update that will run when we boot up tomorrow.

This message is intended for all ODJFS NETWORK USERS.

OIS has reason to believe that a known virus called "Conficker Worm" will be released at 12:00 MIDNIGHT GMT on April 1, 2009. To mitigate any potential harm to our agency, we are requesting that ALL employees power down their machines before leaving for the evening. By doing this it will ensure that you receive the most current version of the definition file and post critical update to protect our systems from this virus at login tomorrow morning. OIS recommends that users avoid using programs/applications while the update occurs as they could lose work when the computer automatically reboots. Once the installation is complete, the computer(s) will automatically reboot themselves. Users will not be prompted to reboot.

If you are interested in learning more about this virus, please reference the following link for more information.
hey, I've got an idea....why don't you go get a Mac?


already got it last week and had to have Mcafee go into my computer to get rid of it. It keeps you from brousing the internet or accessing any security company like mcafee or norton. Cost me $100 for the clean out and then I had to get mcafee installed. My fault for not having it there in the first place.
hey, I've got an idea....why don't you go get a Mac?
:OK interesting

Good one and that is what I am about to be doing~! I am getting a 20 inch IMAC.

But getting back to this Conficker virus..

Those that have Done ALL Critical Updates from Microsoft and have been doing so religiously, have nothing to fear~!~!!

In fact in one of those updates was even a tool for removal if you had already on your machine.

So PAY Attention Window users. Have the Automatic Update Feature ON At all times and never ever refuse to do the Critical Updates.~!

Added Note.

Those that have older OS Systems from before XP are NOT Getting These Crucial Updates~! Just remember that Microsoft is No Longer Supporting Anything older then XP with SP2~!
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Good one and that is what I am about to be doing~! I am getting a 20 inch IMAC.
minifancier - you will be SO glad you did... come to the Dark Side!

I am on a 24" (yeah, I know - overkill!) iMac... so quiet. So clear. So sensible. I was glad to get back to Macs after so many years of nursing PCs along. If it is a new OS X one with Boot Camp - you can DL Windows (XP or whatever you already had on hand) amd have it available without the worries of yet another Microsoft breach... or if you really miss Windows stuff, you can always get Windows for Mac....

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Good one and that is what I am about to be doing~! I am getting a 20 inch IMAC.
minifancier - you will be SO glad you did... come to the Dark Side!

I am on a 24" (yeah, I know - overkill!) iMac... so quiet. So clear. So sensible. I was glad to get back to Macs after so many years of nursing PCs along. If it is a new OS X one with Boot Camp - you can DL Windows (XP or whatever you already had on hand) and have it available without the worries of yet another Microsoft breach... or if you really miss Windows stuff, you can always get Windows for Mac....

I Leaned computers by using a Apples like Apple SE30 I think it was~! With 30 MB Of Hard Drive space lol and did this For years at the place I worked for in AZ. I was head of inventory control, when ever the company got a new Computer, I was giving it~! Then mine was moved on down the line etc. The last one I was on Was a Power PC, using Operating System 7~! I nearly bought a Power PC when getting my first home PC, but I decided to go with a IBM Clone, namely a H-P, Now I am on a 7 year old Dell.

BUT while in AZ. I learned to Program the Data Base we had~! It was a Blank one that you built from scratch. So I was able to make lists and such to use in my inventory control as I sat right next to and the Computer Programmer also he used my input to get the company started with computers, as when I first started they were still using Index Cards lol

So learned first hand from the programmer and then learned how to do some of the programming myself.~

And NO, I will not be installing Windows on it either
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Our very first computer was an Apple....I think it was called an Apple 2? something like that....this is going back a few years
I LOVED that computer! OMG, here it is!!! LOL

I love my Mac now....but am looking into getting Windows added to it using Parallels ONLY for a pedigree program that only operates on Windows...but I can get very extended pedigrees on Cardigans from someone I know, and that will be worth it....

I still use my parents' PC and it drives me bonkers!!!!


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