April Fools Worm hitting tomorrow!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
What do you guys think of this worm that is suppose to hurt, financial.

Glad I am not rich... won't hurt me...

Wonder what is going to happen or what we should be looking for?
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I think I will make sure I have my computer shut down before midnight.

Start it up later in the morning, maybe this too will pass...

If you do a google search on the subject, there's advice on what to do. Basically, the virus has already infected computers and is supposedly laying dormant until tomorrow. So you need to scan your computer for the virus BEFORE midnight to find out if you have it.

And then there's always the possibility that this is all a hoax....... But Larry felt that it was worth the time and effort to scan our computers today. Fortunately we came up clean.
I watched a big news story on it yesterday . Basicly if you use your Anit Virus "Norton" on a regular basis then you shouldnt have a problem. Its different then a virus because it commands its self once its in your computer and collects passwords and account numbers , but doesnt erase things like your typical virus. Its hidden in web pages , attachments , and emails.....This is what they are saying in Switzerland ...and its 12:11 April the first ...and so far no problems ...not one single report on the news ..so who knows..
Oh glad I do not do my banking on line.

And I up and running today. so maybe I was a lucky one, or April fools joke got me..
I watched a big news story on it yesterday . Basically if you use your Anti Virus "Norton" on a regular basis then you shouldn't have a problem. Its different then a virus because it commands its self once its in your computer and collects passwords and account numbers , but doesn't erase things like your typical virus. Its hidden in web pages , attachments , and emails.....This is what they are saying in Switzerland ...and its 12:11 April the first ...and so far no problems ...not one single report on the news ..so who knows..
The MAIN thing is this~! Not only have a good anti-virus program but DO ALL the Critical Updates from MS.~!

Those that have Done ALL Critical Updates from Microsoft and have been doing so religiously, have nothing to fear~!~!!

In fact in one of those updates was even a tool for removal if you had already on your machine.

So PAY Attention Window users. Have the Automatic Update Feature ON At all times and never ever refuse to do the Critical Updates.~!

Added Note.

Those that have older OS Systems from before XP are NOT Getting Thiese Crucial Updates~! Just remember that Microsoft is No Longer Supporting Anything older then XP with SP2~!
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