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  1. M

    If you were allowed to only breed one mare per year

    Hard question -- either Millstones Amazing, the mare in my avatar or one of my Boogerman daghters, Grosshill Boogermans Secret Ballot, who has produced Millstones Loud and Clear: and Millstones Sinful Sydney: and Millstones Tryst and Shout:
  2. M

    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    We would have loved to have you attend, Rain, as there will be something for everyone of all ages. One of the nice things about attending a clinic led by someone with Mike's credentials is that you get the perspective of a judge (he's judged the AMHA World Show), but also a trainer and and...
  3. M

    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    I just wanted to remind everyone to be sure to get your AMHA Amateur card remewed in time for the clinic on Saturday. There is no charge for amateurs with current cards for the Saturday clinic. You won't believe how much you can learn from someone like Mike -- he is not only a wealth of...
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    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    In our tradition of bringing you the Best of the Best the Northeast Miniature Horse Club Cordially Invites You To A WEEKEND of CLINICS with MIKE McCABE World-Renowned Breeder, Trainer & Judge April 12 and 13, 2008 The Carriage Barn Equestrian Center 6 Sarahs Way, Newton, NH in the historic...
  5. M

    Infertile Stallion

    Whenever you buy any horse for a specific purpose, get whatever guarantee you want in writing in the contract. Broodmare/Breeding stallion/show horse -- whatever it is, ask that whatever you want from that horse be outlined in the contract and it should also detail WHAT the guarantee is --...
  6. M

    Showing Weanlings :)

    We don't show our babies until they are yearlings. We give them that first year to be babies. It's a personal decision and we decided a long time ago it isn't worth stressing them. Some people do it very successfully, others not so. I don't want to take a chance with them -- there's plenty of...
  7. M

    An idea to reduce cheaters when being measured in

    And if you have the same people measuring all the horses -- think of the potential for spreading all sorts of nasty viruses! These measurers would be exposed to every germ that every single horse there is carrying and spread it to every horse they come in contact with. When I am at the World...
  8. M

    In the Event Membership Voting

    Thanks, Jody. I think many people forget that point! It's very difficult to get a show started in a new locale -- trust me, I know. Just a thought: About getting shows started in new areas - have you tried approaching an established show -- a hunter/jumper/ breed/4-H/anything -- about...
  9. M

    I need a recommendation of best mini boots and/or pads

    I've used the Sabre Sneakers on a foundered minis and I have to say they were great. They stay on and have held up for several years.
  10. M

    Colt with crypt testicle

    The price may be affected by how high in the abdomen the testicle is. The higher the testicle, the higher the price. That price may also include hospitalization (the recovery from abdominal surgery is long). When I had one of my guys gelded 8 years ago, his retained testicle was in the ring...
  11. M

    Fuel Costs

    I just past my gas station and almost drove off the road. Diesel fuel went up overnight. Yesterday it was $4.00 a gallon. Today it is $4.25 I can only imagine what it will be once the summer driving prices hit us. It's going to cost me more than $150 to fuel up my truck. Combine that with the...
  12. M

    Rules Committe Meeting Minutes

    It sure was easier when the AMHA sent out the Minutes in the mail after every BOD meeting. I know the expense was huge, but maybe it's something that should be explored again. A separate mailing does get my attention. I also preferred when the AMAH Newsletter was sent out as a separate...
  13. M

    Are the shows shrinking?

    When I got involved in minis waay back when, I could show almost every weekend. There were shows put on in CT, NY, MA, NJ, PA.. The NY club held at least 4 AMHA shows annually and numerous shows in the northeast. Now there are 2 AMHA shows put on by the Northeast Miniature Horse Club, a show...
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    I'm bumping this so it stays on the first page.
  15. M

    Sneaky Mares!

    "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Minis. NONE of these mares have read any of those books" Laurie - I beg to differ. I think they have read all the books so they know what signs we're all looking for! Seriously, look for any behavior that is "off." Some of my nice mares aget grouchy and my...
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    And don't forget -- there is stabling available at the Carriage Barn for this clinic if you need it.
  17. M

    The Show Ring

    You could also check to see if any clubs in your area are hosting clinics because that would offer you a chance to get hands-on learning. Otherwise go to a show and ask questions.
  18. M


    I can answer #1 -- because their market research told them pink is the color. AMHA Marketing Survey from years back told us that the more women in their mid- to late 40's own minis than any other demographic group. The folks who designed the Platform bag decided women like hot pink. As for 2...
  19. M


    That's great news for a lot of people who want to attaend both clinics but aren't able to stay over Staurday night. I'm one of those people. Rev's lesson is Saturday and I can't wait!