You have to look past the bag, just because it has a miniature horse on itIs Platform Miniature Horse & Pony a good quality feed? And would you recommend it over other feeds?
Of course they are going to make their product look impressive ...its their $$$$$.Matt Drown Posted Today, 11:17 AM Platform is actually a very good feed, in my opinion. The thing is, it is worth talking to a rep about because most people don't understand how to feed it. The reason you feed quite a lot of it is because it has a substantial amount of beet pulp in it which is fiber (hay replacement). You should not be feeding very much hay if you are feeding platform properly. I saw a presentation on the product that was very informative, and I was pretty impressed with it. One of the major drawbacks is that it is hard to get in some locations.
Well that prooves what I said about our easy keepers but they are show horses but thats how easy they are to feed, they were just getting too fat on the other feeds. Like I also said before I'm not sure if I am going to like it for broodmares and not sure about babies, but everyone else I love it.We did have a feed rep out to our house and he did NOT recommend it for our show horses. He said it is meant more for the "easy keepers" out in the pasture that are generally plump and easy to keep weight on rather than show horses that you are exercising all the time. SO even though it was one of his products and it was for miniature horses he said no. He had been part of studdies in show barns along with research from the factory.