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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2004
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1-Why do the Platform sacks have to be so Pink?

2-Why do the ladies have to smile for driving and the men can look so gumpy and still do fine?

1) At the moment, the pink bag is really all i like about that grain

2) You have a point, i have seen a few male trainers that smile during their classes but that is something to think about

Ive been looking at all kinds of feeds suitable for Miniature Horses and Platform keeps popping up.

Is Platform Miniature Horse & Pony a good quality feed? And would you recommend it over other feeds?
Is Platform Miniature Horse & Pony a good quality feed? And would you recommend it over other feeds?
You have to look past the bag, just because it has a miniature horse on it
. I dont like the grain, there are MUCH better products out there are a MUCH better price. My biggest issue with this grain is that you have to feed allot of it to keep your horses near where *I* want them to be. In my honest opinion, i should not have to feed my 34" gelding the same amount of grain as my fathers 15hh Tennessee Walker Gelding (who is on a Sr Feed)! The intake should NOT be the same
. If i was to have kept feeding my horses Platform (i fed it for about two months to a few, back when they send out them coupons to amha/amhr members) i would have went through a bag of platform a day, platform is $14/bag at my TSC.

Now ..why would i want to feed that when i can feed Purina Strategy, A MUCH MUCH BETTER PRODUCT IMO, that costs $12 a bag and lasts me a week??? My horses look better on it to

Like i said, only thing i like about that feed is the pretty bag ...and the fact they sponsored nationals and congress
1. I agree with Leeana on the pink color is the only thing attractive about that feed. There is NOT enough CALORIES in that feed IMO.

2. LOL @ Fred's answer..........
Platform is actually a very good feed, in my opinion. The thing is, it is worth talking to a rep about because most people don't understand how to feed it. The reason you feed quite a lot of it is because it has a substantial amount of beet pulp in it which is fiber (hay replacement). You should not be feeding very much hay if you are feeding platform properly. I saw a presentation on the product that was very informative, and I was pretty impressed with it. One of the major drawbacks is that it is hard to get in some locations.
I can answer #1 -- because their market research told them pink is the color. AMHA Marketing Survey from years back told us that the more women in their mid- to late 40's own minis than any other demographic group. The folks who designed the Platform bag decided women like hot pink.

As for 2 - I've seen lots of serious looking females drive and win.

(the mental image of a man smiling like a sap is pretty amusing).
Matt Drown Posted Today, 11:17 AM Platform is actually a very good feed, in my opinion. The thing is, it is worth talking to a rep about because most people don't understand how to feed it. The reason you feed quite a lot of it is because it has a substantial amount of beet pulp in it which is fiber (hay replacement). You should not be feeding very much hay if you are feeding platform properly. I saw a presentation on the product that was very informative, and I was pretty impressed with it. One of the major drawbacks is that it is hard to get in some locations.
Of course they are going to make their product look impressive ...its their $$$$$.

But, oddly enough the platform is not a complete feed ...is it? I fed it propperly and with enough hay and i ws not happy with how my horses looked on it, to say the least. My 31" gelding who was just on maintance did decent on it but he also does pretty well just on air

I do like some of the farnam and platform products ..just not this one
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I have not tried the feed. I know people that really love it though. But that Pink sack is so loud. I wonder if Platform is going to be sponsoring our National Show this year. We need those sponsorhips. Maybe that discussion comes up at our spring meeting.

Joe, at office told me that they got the sponsorship last year for between 12 and 13 grand. Pretty cheap advertizeing, I'd say. Especially to change the whole name of both the Nationals and Congress.. I think that if everbody in North and South Dakota got together we could come up with that much. Boy would I pay to have the Nationals called the Dakota AMHR National show. In my opinion it should have been billed The AMHR National Show -Sponsored in large part by Platform feed.

Does anyone know how much AMHA got paid. I think I say some Pink sacks on their pictures too.

Just another thing to ponder about.
1. I think pink is the new black! Hahaha! No, I think they've just used every other color for their feeds, that pink was all they had left! What's the matter with men hauling around pink???? Men wear pink shirts during the bull riding. Its perceived as "tuff" now.

2. I think men genetically have a hard time smiling in front of a camera. Makes them look weak (or so they think). Geez! Just to get my husband to smile in our wedding pics years ago was a chore (and it was a happy event for him, I think??). Hahahaha!
Now does Bob wear Pink or does frown or does he need prunes?
Well PINK certaintly gets attention tho doesn't it compared to those drab lookings bags lol

From my understanding and reading the instructions on the bag that this is NOT a complete feed. You must give 50/50, 50% grain, 50% forage or hay. My minis have and still are doing wonderful on it. I do think its better for the easy keepers cause thats what I have here and they got so fat on the other feeds, and these are my show horses who I exercise
. Last year they were on it during show season, they were perfect and looked really good. The only negative I have about it is so far I don't particullary like it for my current broodmare that has a baby by her side, but thats just the 1 mare so can't really say I don't like it for my broodmares yet or not, and can't say I like it for my babies but will be giving it a try.
We did have a feed rep out to our house and he did NOT recommend it for our show horses. He said it is meant more for the "easy keepers" out in the pasture that are generally plump and easy to keep weight on rather than show horses that you are exercising all the time. SO even though it was one of his products and it was for miniature horses he said no. He had been part of studdies in show barns along with research from the factory.

On the #2 topic- Men just don't know how to have fun! or is it they just don't know how to paste on a smile for a little while. Hey guys, here is how its done.
But everyone should know...men do have a thing called,,,, the constipated smile.

It is the thing that gives you that ''it'' factor in the ring...that certain ''show presence''....that ''look at me'' I'm the cats meow.... you can't buy anywhere online....your born with it.
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We did have a feed rep out to our house and he did NOT recommend it for our show horses. He said it is meant more for the "easy keepers" out in the pasture that are generally plump and easy to keep weight on rather than show horses that you are exercising all the time. SO even though it was one of his products and it was for miniature horses he said no. He had been part of studdies in show barns along with research from the factory.
Well that prooves what I said about our easy keepers but they are show horses but thats how easy they are to feed, they were just getting too fat on the other feeds. Like I also said before I'm not sure if I am going to like it for broodmares and not sure about babies, but everyone else I love it.
Oh, Russ, I hate getting so old and slow witted, Now I get it. Thought a little lightheartedness was in order, however the second part of my post is sort of a real dilema for me.

You see when Renee took Puck in for TRAINING, the codndition was that I had to drive him at Nationals after he was trained. I said, "oh, sure" cause it sounded like a good idea two years ago. Now, it doesn't sound like such a good idea. Even those old people go like crazy.

I have asked a couple judges about it and they said it is important for ladies to look like they are enjoying themselves, and smile. Smile heck I don't even know if I'll be able to keep my teeth in. And you can be assured that constipation will not be my problem. Later, LaVern
LaVern, you have no idea how much I enjoyed your post! I just came off a bummer of a February and just when I needed alittle light hearted fun...I see your post and then see Fred's reply. Thank You!

Life is so much better with a little laugh every once and awhile.

I was hoping Bob would see the earlier post...I know he has a excellent sense of humor....besides from being one of thee very best mens drivers in area 6!

P.S. LaVern, hope to meet you this summer and see you driving Puck at a show.
I can't wait to meet you and this Bob. I heard the story about how he and Corey, chased down that no good theif at Nationals and it was like out of Law and Order.

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