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  1. F

    Stock Trailers

    I just got my 16 footer made in May and it has mini sized dividers that can be removed to haul anything I want. So far I have hauled more big horses then my minis.... Only thing i would have done different is to have vents put in the front that could be closed and opened with the weather..... I...
  2. F

    Where can I find good hay in Missouri?

    I get mine from a friend in Dora MO... I got 80 bales from the first cutting this year. I also get round bales from the neighboring farms. It is EXTREMLY dry here and we didnt get a second cutting anywhere. April
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    Feed Prices

    I buy Purina feed... my cheapest I get is $8 a bag (50#) and the highest is $15. As for grain it is $3.50 to $4.00 a bale for orchard mixed. April
  4. F

    Need website help

    OOpPPS thats what I ment.... never claimed to be the worlds best speller... LOL :bgrin Maybe I will try that site you gave and see what I can find... Thanks April
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    Need website help

    I hope you all know what I am talking about... I am wanting to put my horses parentage on my sight but need a templete of some kind that I can add names to and save to add to my site. Like I can with buttons and such..... April
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    Tammy Fayes dies

    I just got a Yahoo Today letter and she has died from her colon cancer that had spread to her lungs... they reported she only weighed 65 pounds..... so sad. She was such a strong woman. April
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    Any Potter fans out there?

    Add me to the list.... I will be 32 soon and LOVE the HP movies.... cant wait till I can go see the new movie out...... I will be very bummed when the last one is here :-( April
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    FYI.... All turtles can carry Salimonlia.... snakes can also. ALSO wash hands after you play with them. I have a snake and a box turtle. Can you post a picture of a Painted Turtle???? Never heard of them. April
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    Colic surgery horses

    My colt is now almost 3 months out from his and is doing great. I will not put him back up for sale till a year has went by. Doc says that after 3 weeks the surgery sight is as strong as it is going to be. After a year , he is as likely to get colic again as any other horse...... He is out in...
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    Vet Bills -- What's Been Your Highest

    My Dwarf Babydoll cost me $600 to have her spayed... had to go through abdomen, then my yearling colt cost me over $800 for an impaction colic.... THANK GOD I work at a vet clinic.... April
  11. F

    National Top Ten vs. National Champion

    All I know is that if I went to Nationals-- got 10th in my class--- I would want EVERYONE to know that I have a National TOP TEN horse. I would have worked hard to get there. Granted this staement can be missread or mistaken by a potential buyer, but HONEST sellers will put it out front that...
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    For those of you traveling

    Nope Im way down here in the south!!! 30 miles from Arkansas. 100 Miles for Springfield. I live on HWY 17 about 7 miles from 63. My father also drives.... I worry about Colorado in the winter. they ALWAYS have road closings up there. April
  13. F

    For those of you traveling

    I was just on that raod Thursday... Glad I did it then and not this week.... Where in MO do you live Steph?? April
  14. F

    foal who has or had colic surgery

    I had a yearling have an impaction this last April and he is doing wonderful. The one the we had to worry about was contamination due to a tear but was on antibiotics and did great..... My cost was very cheap due to knowing the vet and staff (work there) if i hadnt it would have cost about 2000...
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    Favorite Childhood Toys

    I was born in 74 and I ALSO had the Milky Milk cow... SO ironic is that I milked cows for 8 years from 94 to 07 as an adult LOL. I now have 2 of these I got off of Ebay !! Of course I had a LOAD of My Little Ponies.... and a Breyer Stable mate set that I still have to this day minus the Drafter...
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    I work at a vet clinic that had a large horse come in this way... HE RECOVERED.... we where being very agressive with it and took special care with his kidneys!!! LOTS OF FLUIDS. PLEASE watch the kidneys!!!! April
  17. F

    hwo did minis

    Im with Marnie.... a LOT poorer.... what makes it all worth it is when you go out the back door and all those horse are yelling at you... like saying Good Morning when they really are saying WHERE IS MY FOOD!! As I said before BROKE...... April
  18. F

    Coggins Testing How does the law read on this?

    I dont understand the "Void after 30 days" thing in Missouri. I know here you have to have it to go to shows. Havent been to one yet that ASKS to see it though. You do not have to test foals as long as they are on the mare (that has a negative one) or a year of age. They are good for a year from...
  19. F

    Your favorite puppy chow recommendations?

    I for one have used the Large Breed SCIENCE DIET Puppy and am very happy with how my German Shepard/ Great Pyr mix did on it. He is now on the Large Breed adult and looks wonderful. His joints are healthy and strong. I was worried about how he would grow with haveing 2 known hip dysplasia breeds...
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    ROLL CALL!!!!

    Hey Parmela!!! I made it home about 4 PM Sunday. Man was I wore out. I sure did learn some more do's for the next show. I guess I will TRY to razor for the July show. Lisa was going to show me on her boys but the board member meeting took a little longer then they expected.... and I was tired...