Any Potter fans out there?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2006
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Is anyone else anxiously awaiting the release of the final Harry Potter book? It's driving me batty. I just reread the sixth to get myself refreshed and ready for the final installment. This is why I shouldn't start books in a series until the entire series has been written.
You betcha! I pre-ordered my copy and am anxiously awaiting the big day!

I 'read' the first few on audiobooks, what wonderful productions they were. Some day I would like to have the entire set in audio book form. The person who read the books had a different voice for every character and made it totally enjoyable.

I also own all the DVDs of the movies and plan to have the full set of those as well.
Me too!! Me Too!! Going to see the newest movie this weekend and can't wait for the next book to come out.
: Yep! Got the books and the DVD's. Whenever a new book comes out I'm worthless about getting anything done -- just keep grabbing some reading time every moment I get!

I'm a HP fan... but after the last book, I'm not "anxiously" awaiting anything. I could take it or leave it, honestly. However, that said, we are having lively discussion around the house (between Dave, Me, my Mother, and Brother) on it, and we'll all have a copy when it comes out... already reserved!
Oh, yeah. I just reread the last two to refresh my memory, too. Can't wait! I want to see the movie, hopefully this weekend.

Our paper had a "Harry Potter" quiz in it today- I think I missed two out of 50 questions....

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Yep, here too... I sure hope she doesnt kill off Hagrid or Harry... I heard she was bawling when she finished writing the last book and says more than 2 people die in it... After the last book, if any of my other fav characters die, Im going to hunt her down.... :eek:
meee!!! :saludando:

i am guessing voldy and harry are the ones who die

one magazine said she absolutely couldn't kill hermoine, as she's the smart one and it would send the wrong message to public. on an interveiw she almost said harry would die, and i think he will. i'm almost certain voldy dies, or there'd be reason for an 8th.

i'm seeing the 5th this weekend, can't wait to get the 7th!!! although i'll be waiting a while because no way i'm spending that kind of money right now, and the waiting list at the library's gotta be a few feet long

and on tv yesterday daniel radcliff said he wanted harry to die so he gets to do a dramatic death scene. lol!

edit because it was wording and confusing
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I love Harry Potter, very enjoyable.

Alex, you should remove that latter part of your post so you don't ruin anything for those of us who haven't seen the movie yet. I have the necessary will power to not read your entire post, others may not. :eek:
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I love Harry Potter, very enjoyable.

Alex, you should remove that latter part of your post so you don't ruin anything for those of us who haven't seen the movie yet. I have the necessary will power to not read your entire post, others may not. :eek:
huh? that was just my guess on what's gonna happen! i haven't seen it either!
[SIZE=14pt]Add me to the list.... I will be 32 soon and LOVE the HP movies.... cant wait till I can go see the new movie out...... I will be very bummed when the last one is here :-([/SIZE]


It will be a long time before I get to read the last book. (when it comes out in paper back) so I hope no one ruins the ending by posting it!

I'm a big fan! :aktion033:
Me! Me! Me!

I just saw the new movie a couple of nights ago.....the best way to beat our 100 plus degree day.....

I won't give anything away of the movie though.....wouldn't be fair!!

I can't wait for the book and like the rest I am on the pre-order list....I even know 1 girl at work who is going to be at the store at midnight so she can get one of the first books....... I am a fan, but I am not crazy and let's face it, at 40, sleep is more a priority for me these days! :bgrin
Well, I'll be 66 next week, and I LOVE the Harry Potter books and movies! My adult daughter pre-ordered the final book; she will let me read it first, and then she will-she has taken her time reading all of them(don't know how she has the willpower-when I get ahold of a book I REALLY like, I am 'worthless' to do anything else until I have read it!)

I can't stand crowds, so will not go to see the movie for another week or two. I SELDOM go to the movies, so I'm looking forward to it...

I will be VERY disappointed if Harry is 'killed off' in the final book--just wouldn't seem right, because readers are so 'invested' in the character...

Eagerly awaiting the last book here as well. :saludando: No problem admitting that I (at 53) am a huge Harry Potter fan
I love the Harry Potter movies , I haven't read the books though. I find that one usually spoils the other.
: I will be going to see the new movie but we usually wait a few days to let the crowds die down. But like they say all good things must come to an end , I will definitely miss them no matter what the ending. Just like the Lord of the Rings movies ( at which I cried at seeing the ending on that one !) and the Pirates of the Caribbean . ( not sure if that was the last one or not though)

Edited to add that I am thirty something ( not for long) with an 18 and 14 year old that also love the series.
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Saw the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it. Won't say more then that though for those of you that haven't seen it yet. Was surprised that it wasn't more crowded then it was. For the last movie, the time we wanted was sold out and we had to wait til a later time and it was still packed. For this one, we had great seats.....but we were there about 1/2 hour early!!
: Can't wait for the final book!!!!
Bumping to the top.

I love the books (and movies too). Made it 1/2 way through book 7 so far --- have not seen Phoenix movie YET. Hope to this weekend.


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