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  1. bluerogue


  2. bluerogue

    Horses attacked by pit bulls (update on page 9)

    Oh, poor baby. He does look in better spirits, and much less swelling tonight. I'm sure he'll be glad to come home.
  3. bluerogue

    Comparison of responsible and not-so-responsible breeders

    I agree that to run as a business, you must promote. My point was that everyone seems to be focused on breed ring shows. There are so many other things minis can do... from 4H, to carriage driving, to CDE. These are the things I'm pointing my program towards. While my stallion would be...
  4. bluerogue

    Comparison of responsible and not-so-responsible breeders

    Generally I try to stay away from threads like this. I have what most would see as a pretty lenient view on what a responsible breeder is (one who takes good care of their animals, registers, spays/neuters/gelds, and sells responsibly, while not poducing tons of babies that get dumped at...
  5. bluerogue

    Birthday Parties

    I haven't done birthday parties, but I have done some church functions. I can't really help you on what to charge, except that I've seen such services offered for anywhere between $75 and $350 (the higher end is usually riding ponies, or driving horses, and depends on the number of horses...
  6. bluerogue

    Dwarfs (Registries and our responsibilities)

    I wasn't referencing the article, I was adding my opinions and knowledge of the subject. There are many types of dwarfism, and different compounds can affect fetuses differently. Just as different people can look at the same foal and say yes or no that it is a dwarf, different people can have...
  7. bluerogue

    Dwarfs (Registries and our responsibilities)

    Charlotte brings up a very interesting point. As someone who has training, has worked, and is very interested in the environmental fields, I can say without any doubt in my mind that some dwarfs produced every year are not "true" genetic dwarfs. There are so many things that can affect fetuses...
  8. bluerogue

    Letter to the editor

    Renee, I don't respond to a lot of threads here for varying reasons (usually time related), but I felt it important enough to respond here. First, I LOVE your program, and what you produce. Your program is outstanding not only for the consistant quality of your horses, but also for the ideals...
  9. bluerogue

    planking a Mini

    They were 18 year old girls. Stupid, cruel, idiotic girls. I hope the owner's of Buddy do pursue the matter in civil court, and I hope they win. I am protective of my animals... and any animal that happens to be within my sight. If I caught someone doing this to a mini, you bet I'd at least...
  10. bluerogue


    Yes, I have several. One of my broodmares is rabicano, and 5 of her 6 foals inherited it as well.
  11. bluerogue

    Breeding Age for Mares

    Yes, Lizzie, I meant the reaction to having a foal. Some mares just don't handle it well when young. It's painful, and they don't know what's happening, and their minds just don't process it. I'd rather not need to hand raise a foal, so I'd rather wait, and let them mature. Besides, that gives...
  12. bluerogue

    Breeding Age for Mares

    I've bred 4 year olds, but my current maiden is 5. I have two other maidens, one who is 6, and one who is 8, who are scheduled to be bred next spring. I prefer to not breed before 4, and really, I'd like them to be 5 or older. They are more mature, and it doesn't seem as shocking to them.
  13. bluerogue


    I had a vet tell me once that size does matter. But not a great deal. He had a big, long explanation, and it's been several years since I had Houdini gelded. I don't remember everything that he said. He also said that genetic capability plays a role, and that will trump size. So if you have a...
  14. bluerogue

    New website!

    We've been needing to get a website up and running for years now, and finally got it done! Let us know what you think! Thanks!
  15. bluerogue

    Would you do this?

    I've thought about doing this, as well. I have a friend who wants a foal out of one of my mares, but we figure we'd just trade foals of the same sex born that year (so I'd get to pick one of her foals. If my mare has a filly, I'd get to pick a filly... and if she has a colt, I'd get to pick a...
  16. bluerogue

    Pics of new stallion

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments on my boy. He's an awesome horse, and I am absolutely thrilled with him! I'm pretty sure he carries tobiano, but because it's fairly minimal, I'm not sure if he carries something else. Here's a picture of his sire (Half Measures GM Mega Bucks, a sorrel...
  17. bluerogue

    Pics of new stallion

    Yes! And I think we should do Topper, too. He has matured since his professional pics, and I think he looks better now. Plus his greying has progressed. Maybe next week? Bathe them all, clip heads and necks, and pics again! It's not like any of them are hard to deal with. Should be pretty easy!
  18. bluerogue

    Pics of new stallion

    Thank you, Diane! I'm hoping we get some foals, his mares had him running pretty scared! He's a pretty "studdy" stallion, in that he really doesn't like other stallions, but those mares had him terrified! While it was hilarious, it does concern me that he may not have bred many of them. We're...
  19. bluerogue

    Pics of new stallion

    Bells Hollywood Heartbreaker came to live with us in April of this year. I've been trying to get some good pics of him ever since! He was either hairy, or ran off weight with his mares, or the weather was bad. But finally I got some good ones yesterday. Hollywood is a 4 year old son of Half...
  20. bluerogue


    Minimor, as I said, it will take me years to set the type I want, given that I prefer to not breed close relatives. I did not say it was set now. My breeding program is still in it's infancy, and it would be ridiculous of me to say I'd reached my goals in one generation of breeding. I was using...