planking a Mini

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
Mini injured

If I were to catch someone doing this to one of my horses I would be very tempted to plank them....upside the head with a 2x4!

What gets me is how our court system won't order restitution, the owner has to take the kids to small claims court. I was shocked a couple weeks ago when a friend told me that they'd had to pay the fire department after an arson fire that burned a bunch of round bales and a manure pile. Two guys, aged 19 and 21, were out in this area, on foot, and set 3 fires early that morning. Police caught the two suspects that same morning and the two were found guilty of arson. I assumed that they would have to pay restitution, at least for the fire crews to come out if not the bales they burned. But, such was not the case, and seems like that is a common thing--these people do as they please with no regard for other people's property, and there are no consequences for them. Makes sick--and especially when they torment and injure animals with their stupidity.
It is a very sad world
If these kids got a job they would be too busy to go around doing such ludicrous things. I hope their parents feel very ashamed.
I would hardly call them kids. They are grown men who are criminals. I suspect they have committed many crimes before and will end their days for something very bad, on the inside of prison walls.

They were 18 year old girls. Stupid, cruel, idiotic girls. I hope the owner's of Buddy do pursue the matter in civil court, and I hope they win.

I am protective of my animals... and any animal that happens to be within my sight. If I caught someone doing this to a mini, you bet I'd at least yell at them, and if it was one of my minis, or a friend's mini, there would probably be more than just yelling going on.
yes this is very sad.. But the bad thing is they might not win in court due to not having proof that they plank this horse. all they have are pictures of them in the pastures with the horses..

I bet that is why they was not charged with it anyways.. Me for one you better not come in my lots where my horses are b/c you will not be walking out. You will be leaving by 911.. with 2 matching bracelets..

I do feel for the owners of this horse. But i have a 25 year old mare that will spend the rest of her life with us that looks 100% better this this gelding.. I am sorry but he needs weight on him bad there in no reason to see the rib bones on him

Flame way

My husband heard the radio interview with the owner as the incident occurred in our radio listening area.

Initially the officers were very upset and helpful when the lady called to report that two teenage girls were involved.

Later on the same officer wasn't too interested in helping and the owner subsequently found out that one of the girls involved was the daughter of an O.P.P. officer.

The police asked the owner if the girls came to the farm and apologized would she let the matter drop.

The gelding was apparantly a horse the lady rescued and in very poor shape.

I didn't hear the interview, just relating what my husband remembered. I guess the lady's daughter saw the you tube video and recognized the horses.
Grrr thats awful , Id be the one locked up if they came into my minis field !!!!..Ive never heard of planking it common ?
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What a terrible, callous, unfeeling thing to do to an old horse!
Geez. People like this need to be shot. And the court system that denies the need to make restitution even when guilt is proven as in the arson case? Don't get me started!

dianemcc said:
I do feel for the owners of this horse. But i have a 25 year old mare that will spend the rest of her life with us that looks 100% better this this gelding.. I am sorry but he needs weight on him bad there in no reason to see the rib bones on him
Flame way

No flaming, but I'll point out that just like people every horse ages differently. My mom's Arab started carrying his weight funny by his early to mid twenties, showing ribs but having fat pads on his neck and rear, and there's no way to tell from one newspaper photo if this horse might be doing something similar. My Arab, on the other hand, only lost weight when he lost his teeth and gained it back quickly once placed on a special diet. He looked younger when he died at 33 years old than the other horse had at 24. Both horses had plentiful food, good vet care and similar bloodlines. The vet insisted ribs on an older horse weren't a problem and were far better than allowing his fat pads to become larger as that would put him at risk for laminitis. Maybe this horse has Cushings. Maybe he's a recent rescue. He has certainly been very stressed since this incident and may have lost weight. Don't judge, is all I'm saying. I'm glad your own mare is so well taken-care of; she's a lucky girl!

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supaspot--planking seems to be a growing "game". I was going to say sport, but it's really not a sport. I don't know anyone that does it, though have some internet acquaintances that have done it & from what they say they go out to try it on a couple props, and then once they get going they just keep finding things that are harder & harder to plank on. I truly don't get it--it's just not something that interests me! I believe I heard awhile back that a fellow died after trying to plank on a balcony railing & he lost his balance & fell several stories.

It just makes me so angry that so many people have absolutely no respect for other people's property. Why do so many people think it is their right to go wherever they want & do whatever they want, no matter who or what it may harm. Common sense should tell a person--even a teen--that climbing onto a small equine, whether they are planking or sitting on that horse, may very well cause harm to that animal. People just don't care, and all too often the law favors the one who causes the harm.
You know hubbys going to be a cop here in the next couple years IF that was MY daughter shed be held accountable for EVERYTHING she does... I dont care if shes a cops daughter thats no reason to get off scott clean it just ticks me off when i see it
The girls had to pay $100.00 being they got charged with trespassing on two farms, so $50.00 for each farm, well the one owner of the mini has a vet bill of $1500.00
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I saw planking on an episode of The Office. I thought it was a joke. How stupid.

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