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  1. bluerogue

    I am having a hard time deciding

    In cases like this, I put a high price on the horse. If they are willing to pay it, and I still have issues, I just tell them I've decided to keep the horse for now. But most of the time, if someone randomly asks if any of the horses are for sale, I say no. If I say yes, and they ask a price, I...
  2. bluerogue

    Dwarf Question.....

    I voted no. I agree that she is badly conformed, as is her dam. Neither of them need to be bred. Both of them show dwarf characteristics. They both have short necks, big heads, but their leg bones are not too short (cannon bones aren't markedly shorter than they "should" be). I don't see roached...
  3. bluerogue

    Newbies WAKE UP

    I'm not a big breeder by any means, nor have I bred every mare I owned every year. Did I start off breeding? Yes. I've been responsible for 10 foals so far. I still have my first born (the only filly). 7 of those 10 foals are still alive. I've made mistakes, and I learned from them. I never...
  4. bluerogue

    Small Breeders

    I didn't breed for this year at all. But I am going to breed at least one mare for next year... and that foal will be a keeper, colt or filly. I don't care what it comes out as, as long as it's healthy. The mare is my Rowdy granddaughter, and the stallion is a son of Wardance. The mare is...
  5. bluerogue

    Where to buy hay.

    Which feed store are you using? I go to River Valley... but I buy hay direct from the grower until he runs out. After Eric runs out, I have to switch to River Valley. We're currently feeding alfalfa, as that's all I can find that's decent. I can only store 15 or bales at a time myself, so I have...
  6. bluerogue

    Was this a red bag?

    It certainly sounds like it was. The foal looks healthy. I've been watching Buffy for days, and the 20 minutes I didn't check today while reading email, she foals! What did she have? The baby is very pretty, and looks like he/she has gotten a good start!
  7. bluerogue

    Your Colt VS. Filly Ratio

    Out of 10 foals, I've had a whopping 1 filly. I still have her, she's 6 this year. She was my very first foal, and I bought her sire from Mizbeth for the sole purpose of her birth (and her full brother). She's my baby, and lives up to her name, Princess. Out of the 9 colts, one hiplocked and...
  8. bluerogue

    Papers, what would you do?

    I agree with Michelle. I do not like to sell horses without their papers. I have sold colts on applications, but they always have the option of papers, barring a darn good reason for them to not keep their heritage (dwarf, or serious genetic issues, neither of which I have had yet). I can't do...
  9. bluerogue

    My New Feeding Program

    If you are feeding Elk Grove Stable Mix, it is a very well known company here, and a very quality feed. The company is local here, and very well respected. The feed they produce is high quality, and I've fed it for several years now. It has always been high quality, and my horses love it. The...
  10. bluerogue

    swollen throat

    It's possible that her gutteral pouches are full. You can call your vet, but they might say not to worry about it. I've used an herbal supplement to reduce that when one of my horses comes up with it. I can't remember what it's called at the moment, but I got it from Heather at Mulligan's Run...
  11. bluerogue

    Stable Mix

    Elk Grove Milling Stable Mix is a very good complete pellet. It's made by a local company out here. I feed it to my horses. It is alfalfa based, and they have several different varieties to choose from (regular stable mix, senior, and one or two others). I believe it's only sold locally, in...
  12. bluerogue

    O So had his surgery!

    I'm glad O So's surgery went well. It doesn't sound to me like he's so fat he needs to be taken off grain... maybe cut back, but not taken off it entirely. It's hard to decide what is too fat... some vets take a hard line, and some are ok with more fluff. I prefer (esp going into winter) to be...
  13. bluerogue


    I am aware, and I actually asked his owner that at the time. I was told he was given something.
  14. bluerogue


    Yes, his blood was checked. The thing that stuck out to me when I was him that day were his eyes... he was twitching. Rolling his eyes, blinking, the pupils were out of whack, they just were wrong. Something was given to him. Something that messed him up for days.
  15. bluerogue


    I am glad to hear, Sheri, that nothing worse was done. It could have been so much worse. I hope whoever attacked your horse is found, and punished. The next horse this person attacks may not come out of it as well as your boy did. And he was attacked... someone intentionally removed his clothing...
  16. bluerogue

    Joined The SHA!!!

    I'm also located near Sacramento. I didn't know the Association had a mini club. I'm glad you have a place to take O So for walks. It can be hard to find safe places around here. I end up taking mine around the block (I board some of them out in Rio Linda). I get comments from "OMG it's SOOO...
  17. bluerogue

    just some pics...

    Wow. I'm not going to comment on the way things are being said. It is somewhat disappointing, and that's all I'll say about it. All I'm going to comment on is what I've read from your posts, Molly. To get them fully broken to drive safely in a parade will take months of training. It won't be...
  18. bluerogue

    R.I.P. Ravenwood Medalions Royalty

    I am so sorry you lost Royal. He was a beautiful horse. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  19. bluerogue

    Lessons in Sacramento CA Area

    I board at a barn where the owner is a former trainer of large horses. I keep several of my minis on her property. Send me an email at [email protected] if you'd like more info. We're located in Sacramento.
  20. bluerogue

    Pacing foal?

    My two week old colt paces when walking, and when at a trotting speed (although every once in a while he does trot). Should I be worried? I've heard of minis pacing before, but they were harness bred minis, and my guy is not harness bred at all. Is this something I should talk to the vet about...