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  1. LowriseMinis

    Anyone own aquariums?

    AquariaCentral is a great resource: You'll want to read up on cycling your tank and proper stocking, especially with a smaller tank. Good luck!
  2. LowriseMinis

    We are having babies too!! A bunny explosion!!!

    Actually that's largely a myth. It may be a little more true for wild rabbits, though. And just in general, you don't want to disturb wild critters, no matter how cute.
  3. LowriseMinis

    Docking a Dog's Tail

    If it hadn't been done within the first 3 days of life, I would not have done it at all.
  4. LowriseMinis

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    It's possible I may have seen the bootleg too, and based on that I won't be paying to see this in the theatres. Oh, Deadpool.
  5. LowriseMinis

    horse accident last weekend at Ram Tap

    Good thoughts coming her way. I'm shocked I didn't hear about this-Ram Tap is literally five minutes from my house.
  6. LowriseMinis

    Cocker Spaniel Breeders in Va?

    Try starting here:
  7. LowriseMinis

    Just found out I'm related to...

    Val Kilmer does play my favorite portrayal of him. I would love to go to some of these old west towns and dig around for some history. What a cool experience, mininik!
  8. LowriseMinis

    Just found out I'm related to...

    I'm a distant relation to Doc Holliday. That's the quality of the folk that makes up my family tree.
  9. LowriseMinis


    I had some at a sushi place and I think it was steamed or boiled and salted. Not fantastic, but not bad. This is a big deal considering I don't usually like veggies!
  10. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    That is true, but overall illegal immigrants only account for around 15% of those costs. I'm not saying isn't significant, I just wanted to be sure we weren't perpetuating the myth that it's somehow all their fault! So no worries. For those who oppose a nationalized health care system, I would...
  11. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Tango, a few pages ago I found a link stating "The large majority of the uninsured (80 percent) are native or naturalized citizens." with evidence to back up that claim. I'm not saying that illegal immigrants aren't a burden on our system-especially here in California-but I don't quite believe...
  12. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Social Security sounds like socialism to me. So does taxes. A central government entity takes your money, sticks it together, then puts it where they feel is needed.
  13. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Would you care to explain phenomena like taxes, government funded universities, and social security then? Those are all every bit as 'socialist' as national health care, and yet they exist in America. Our Founding Fathers.
  14. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    In addition, since we were talking about choices... The wealthy have made the choice to be wealthy, I'm assuming. That's fine, trust me! I don't begrudge anyone for their money as long as it was gained legally and fairly. However, by pushing yourself into that income bracket, you accept certain...
  15. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Welcome to America, Jill.
  16. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    And those who already 'have theirs' are the ones who seem to be against it, and nevermind the masses of uninsured or why those people are uninsured, or the people who DIE daily for lack of care. The lack of empathy some people show is astounding to me. I find it very difficult to believe that...
  17. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    I don't think that was it. It aired late one night on PBS.
  18. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Okay, I believe you that there are a large number of 18-24 year olds who are uninsured. I'm in that group and I can tell you that NONE of my friends (most of whom are 22-28 years old) have insurance either. That doesn't mean we don't want it. The short summary of all the information below: The...
  19. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    Do you have any links to back up your illegals/people who don't want insurance/students claims, by any chance?
  20. LowriseMinis

    big news in healthcare

    I wish I could find the name of this documentary I saw a while ago. Someone went around to several of the other countries that have some form of national health care-if I remember right he went to Canada, Japan, England, Germany, and Singapore. He was talking with one of the British (or German...