X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
Anyone else psyched to see it? I'm going to see it tomorrow! It's gotten great reviews
well, I just got back from wal-mart, where I had to get a gift for my nephew. Does it matter that I stood a little longer than an adult ahould have, admiring the wolverine figurines and packaging?

Sp yes, in answer to your question, I am psyched!!!!!! I can't go until Sunday night, as I have to work fri. and sat. nights.

Have fun, and you might need to bring your drool bib.
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Are you an x-men fan? I have read the comics (when I was in H.S., 18 years ago) and followed all the movies. I love them......and think that Wolverine will be great too. Funny, Wolverine was always my fave character, even before Hugh Jackman....now, it's even better. LOL.
I might have already seen the bootleg...But we're still going to see the movie at our local drive-in this weekend.
Are you an x-men fan? I have read the comics (when I was in H.S., 18 years ago) and followed all the movies. I love them......and think that Wolverine will be great too. Funny, Wolverine was always my fave character, even before Hugh Jackman....now, it's even better. LOL.

Huge! I loved both the first movies. I never read the comic books (wasn't much into comics), but always knew of them. I loved playing the game at my friend's place after dinner parties, after a few glasses of vino
I was always Dark Phoenix (go figure lol).

Ooooo. AND...Star Trek comes out next Friday! It's getting awesome reviews, too. Pretty big Trekkie here (I don't go to conventions or dress up or anything...lol). My favourite series was Voyager then STNG. Love love love "Captain Katherine Janeway, of the Federation Starship Voyager" lol. Wow. Do I sound like a big geek or what
It's possible I may have seen the bootleg too, and based on that I won't be paying to see this in the theatres.

Oh, Deadpool.
It's possible I may have seen the bootleg too, and based on that I won't be paying to see this in the theatres.
Oh, Deadpool.

The bootleg, apparently, wasn't finished. What do you mean "It's possible"? lol
I loved the newer remake movies, but i also watched the cartoon when i was a kid and i thought they were pretty neat. Planning to go see it this weekend with mom, it has been forever since we have been out to see a movie. I'm both a superman and Xmen nerd...leaning more toward Superman. They are coming out with a Superman Returns II ..i will be standing in line at the first viewing, most likely even take off work for that one
Absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!! Ryan Reynolds was great in it! The special effects and fight scenes are stunning. Don't miss this movie!
I am SO excited to get to go see it!! I do adore Mr Jackman, but it is Wolverine I am all into! I am a geek, have always been a geek, and happen to be married to a geek...there is NO doubt we will be at the theater tonight.

Matt...honey, I am SO with ya. I always wanted to be Pheonix!

trying to cotrol my geekout...

Yeah!!!! I'm so glad it was good! I'm a huge X-MEN fan! I used to draw in high school and I always drew Psyloch( I think thats her name..... hummm.....it's been a while...) and Wolverine. I have seen all the movies, have a comic collection, and I did watch the cartoon (even though I was alittle old to be watching cartoons!!!
LOL!). So yep I'll see this one for sure wether it stunk or was awsome!!! LOL!!!!
that is funny! My hubby is an artist as well...and his fave gal to draw when he was a teen--Psylock...should I be jealous??
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I was sooo hoping to go see it tonight...but I just wasn't up to it....maybe next weekend I'll feel like going to see it....

glad to hear it is good though

Saw it last night, I'm a huge X-Men/Wolverine fan and thought they did a good job. Not an "amazing" movie... but considering everything they condensed into that movie to make it all make sense with the hodgepodge of books I thought was handled well.

Actors were great, special effects a little cheesy (CG is way more advanced these days, it wasn't as visually stunning as other films out there) and all in all it was very entertaining. Could see it again, and I'm pretty picky!

Just got back from seeing it. LOVED IT!!!!! I waited until the very end, thanks to those who said to. I really enjoyed the movie, it did leave me wanting more, but in a good way. I can't wait till more of the Origins series come out....... I really felt they did a good job piecing the books together also. There was a lot of info to cram into 2 hours.

Oh yes, loved the waterfall scene, felt bad for the old people and LOVED Hugh.
I am so glad I went to see this, I may go again later this week with some friends who haven't seen it yet. Yes, I am that much of a geek.

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