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  1. L

    Gestation Length again!

    My earliest was a filly at 299 days last year, was a lightning fast delivery and no problems at all. The same mare foaled at 311 days this year, a perfectly healthy filly.
  2. L

    normal poop!!

    Only horse people would understand what normal poop means. I email a friend of mine and the subject is sometimes something like "such and such is pooping normally--yippee." Glad to hear yours is pooping normally. Means a lot!
  3. L

    Yellow Diamond Little Feather

    Steff, To my knowledge, he is still alive and has 119 registered foals. I own a direct daughter of his (Hunt House Farms Tickles) and also previously owned another daughter (Southern Charms Diamond Lil)--I kept her filly from last year (JBR Frosted Freckles), so I have a granddaughter now of...
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    Horse Heath Question

    I've had several horses over the years like you have wood fencing or trees where she can nibble on the bark? I had one filly who did this and it caused wet poop like your mare. Once prevented from being able to eat the wood or bark, she cleared up almost immediately. My horses...
  5. L

    "Lethal" Defects in my Mini Stallion

    So very sorry for your loss. There are a few pintos in his pedigree...I am thinking along the same lines about the LWO gene. Here are some on his sire's side: Komokos Brandy Wine, chestnut pinto; Komokos Little Champ, chestnut pinto (three times); Bond Sir Galahad, black pinto; Bond Peppermint...
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    UPDATE on Star bay mini filly with joint illness

    So sorry to hear about your filly. I had a filly born two years ago that developed joint ill in the right rear hock joint at one day old. At first, we thought it was a fracture. She endured almost daily joint flushes for three weeks and was on injectible antibiotics (gentomycin and Naxcel)...
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    AMHA<AMHR Look up

    Only one registered foal listed in AMHA in 2000 and none registered in AMHR. Did you contact the seller to ask about this?
  8. L


    I know this is a controversial subject. Many people believe it's best to keep a foal on a mare for six months. In my experience, some foals are ready at 2-1/2 months and some are not ready until five or six months. In the last few years, I have had to wean foals at 5 weeks and 2-1/2 months on...
  9. L

    Who here is still in a drought,,,,,how has hay

    You all are very lucky! We are paying at least $6.25 per bale for grass hay here in central Florida....anywhere from $10.49 to $17.99 for Timothy/Alfalfa and $15.99-18.99 for alfalfa!!! It is finally raining down here, but the new hay prices have set the bar, so I doubt we will see hay any...
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    Animark pregtest

    I have had the PregTest for about 6 years now and have had good results with it....mostly once the mares are over 3 months pregnant--you scan in a different area after the foal has dropped (2 inches in front of the udder on the belly). I have had varying results scanning from 14 days to 3...
  11. L

    Are YOU an appy breeder???

    Hi--this is the first time posting here. I LOVE mini apps (big ones, too) and only have miniatures now. I have been breeding since 1997 and have developed some very nice, show quality babies over the last few years. Check my website when you have time at We are located in...