UPDATE on Star bay mini filly with joint illness

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
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brandon, ms

Star our bay mini filly who has joint illness is in the hospital. Last Sat a week ago she started limping with her left leg. We took her to the clinic. The vet flush her joint in her shoulder. She was able to come home last wed with oral meds twice a day. On sunday this week star star having trouble again. We took her back to the hospital on Monday morning. Star was put on IV meds. The vet tad her joint today to see what we are dealing with. Star has infection in her shoulder again and her knee area as well. :no: The vet sent of the stuff to be tested for infection and to see the best way to treat Star. The flush her shoulder and knee today and she is still on iv meds. The vet said they will flush her on wed and thurs and kept her on meds until the test come back from the culture.The vet said that star is what they call guarded. The vet Star has 50% change of recovery. So please pray for star. It does not look good for her right now, because the infection moved to the knee as well. The shoulder is infection again as well. The vet said they are going to culture the fluids that they pull from her joint to see what meds will work best.

keep our family and star in your prayers.She is so sweet. I would hate to loss her our family would be very heart broken.


Will definitely keep your little girl in prayer.........She is lovely! And she looks like a fighter!


My thoughts and prayers are with Star, you and your family!! Hoping she recovers soon!!

Oh no!! How long did they have her on antibiotics the first time?? Mine was on for a looong time. I hope they can figure out something else to give her to get rid of it!!! Keep us updated please!
So sorry to hear about your filly. I had a filly born two years ago that developed joint ill in the right rear hock joint at one day old. At first, we thought it was a fracture. She endured almost daily joint flushes for three weeks and was on injectible antibiotics (gentomycin and Naxcel) (sp.) for almost a month and a half! Happy to say that she recovered wonderfully and shows no side effects at all at over two years old today. Your filly has a good chance if the vets can keep flushing the joints and get the right antibiotics. She needs to have limited turn-out time so as not to stress the joints. It is scary, and I hope all turns out well. GOOD LUCK!
our filly was in the hospital last time from sat til wed with iv meds then wed til sunday oral meds twice a day. Then she got worst went back to hospital on monday this week.so she has been on meds for about 12 day or so now.
No! :no: I was hoping for better news for your little girl. Keeping her in my prayers and thoughts.
I will definitely be saying a prayer for that beautiful little baby! Come on Star!!!
Thanks everyone,

Star is being flushed again today. We are waiting on her culture results should be in thurs or friday. The vet said she is hanging in there. She is still 50 / 50 right now.The good thing is Star is a fighter. I feel so sorry for her it is like she is a pin doll poor thing :no: , but we are trying to safe her life.
Sending prayers to little miss Star. I am so sorry you are having to face this horrible ordeal. You are certainly a good horse mom and are doing everything necessary to give her the best chance. (((((HUGS)))))

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