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  1. S

    Finally got Misty driving!!!

    Thanks for replying. Could you please do me a favor? Could you post photo #24 from your page of her driving so others see it (not everyone checks links) for thoughts? It might be able to help alot of folks who are starting off or still new to driving. Appreciated.
  2. S

    Saber's recent school visits

    Thought I'd share some photos taken last & this month of Saber on a couple visits to schools. One is a local high school which has a special class that our therapy animal group visit weekly and document any changes/improvements in the students. The other is a Pre-school which the attendance...
  3. S

    Finally got Misty driving!!!

    Enjoyed the photos. Now I haven't been driving long and the photos are a bit blurry ...but to me it looked like the shafts were a bit far back that if she were turning they might poke her. Just a light concern - if I'm wrong my apologies.
  4. S

    I need some help

    Desert Realms Daughter Of Eve. That's what Lucy was.
  5. S

    dispersing my little herd of 2

    Glad to hear the boys will be having a full life and staying today. That's real good. Sorry you had to make this decision tho. Take care of yourself! Wish I was closer to help out.
  6. S

    Ugly Ducklings to Beautiful Swans!

    Other than exercise which in the beginning was just going for walks then later doing some up and down hill work we put Saber on a diet. When we first got Saber (almost 4yrs ago) he was pooping like a full sized riding horse While we were giving him less food in general he was fed more...
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    Ugly Ducklings to Beautiful Swans!

    Photos say it the best in regards to our boy Saber. He was "over -loved" in the food department. This was him in the halter he came with and then several months later....
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    What is your minis favorite item of amusement?

    Saber enjoys his beanbag chair.. moves around alot& sits on it. He also likes his people exercise ball to kick around.
  9. S

    Who's gonna get it right??

    She'll be mean and hold on until the 16th and if she does it'll be a lil girl who looks just like momma.
  10. S

    Another "Buyer Beware" Story

    Too funny That's an April Mule's Day
  11. S

    Name ideas is a great place for looking up names! They have it broken down into languages or you can search under meaning.
  12. S

    My minis want to be cows, clowns and racehorses!!!

    Here's Saber as a windup toy with my hubby. I built this costume for Saber. The key is cardboard with silver tape wrapped around it.
  13. S

    My minis want to be cows, clowns and racehorses!!!

    Saber as a Tourist. Saber wore this costume last year around Halloween at a couple therapy events including a festival at a nursing home & at an elementary school during READ. A friend had given us the hat & shirt which was a dog costume that was too big for...
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    would like some opinions/help

    Now I'm not being judgemental here as I haven't bred minis nor at this point in time do I plan to. However, I show & occassionally breed Great Danes and I would really think what holds true with dogs would be important with minis - heck maybe even moreso. Basically what I would think would be...
  15. S

    Showing smarts = Peppermint

    Saber knew I had a peppermint candy in my pocket and he wanted it. He was not cued or asked to do what he did here. This was the 1st time he offered this all by himself.
  16. S

    Webcam mare - 352 days & waiting!

    I watched Cider born... he arrived at 7:33am
  17. S

    Webcam mare - 352 days & waiting!

    You are probably seeing Dyami. He's a Harlequin Great Dane. Our grandbaby & litterbrother to Saber's best bud, Rooster.