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  1. P

    Teach an Old Mule New Tricks?

    Silly Bunnylady, don't you know.... you ARE a walking carrot dispenser! :DOH! i know i am <sigh> but i love my kids anyway... it's late and i'm tired so i will share with you my Little Miss Maggie when i have more time... she was OUR first rescue, also a mini mule, and what a character... i...
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    The Missing HEE HAW,

    you don't have to pass it to me, i have my own
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    Pictures for minimajik62...

    wow Baa-Donk looks so much like my Taffy Jo!!!
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    Sugar and Sparky at Petsmart

    LOVE IT! we did the same the year we got each other donkeys for Christmas... it was a blast! that same year we had pups and took all 6 to get a picture with Santa before they went off to their new homes. that was sure a busy day! (and yes we did it in SHIFTS!)
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    2007 HEE HAW ...

    oh i adore that picture... i saw it somewhere on the computer and took a chance, right click and copy, right click and paste... and now i have it on my computer! not sure what i can do with it now but i go look at it every now and then, it's just so CUTE!
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    Just got this email from a friend....can anyone help?

    hurray! just saw this and too far away to do it myself but we DO do it, here, so i was praying you would find someone as i read through the thread... glad to know it's in the works!
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    My new puppy it's a Pem Corgi

    aawwwwwww she is ALMOST as cute as my puppy seriously, congratulations on a real cutie!!
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    Christmas tree

    i have some that were given to me by my grandma too... not sure how old they are but i know they were on the tree when my dad was little and he is 67. i have "tinsel" that is actually hard metal strips about 1/4 inch wide and 6 inches long, and they are twisted, silver on one side and a color on...
  9. P

    Husband ever say "It's me or the horses"?

    had to laugh at that, boyfriend was jealous of the time i spent with my horse even though i took him riding whenever he wanted, and i did everything including drive the truck... he just enjoyed, no work. told him, don't ask me to choose between you and my horse, you WON'T like the answer... oh...
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    Logan's calf and God

    oohhhh <shivers> i didn't even have to click the link, someone sent me that e-mail over a month ago and i can still hear it in my mind... i even bookmarked it on my favorites so i can go back later and listen again. it was WONDERFUL...
  11. P

    I started writing this in October...

    Karen, we had a similar problem with a dog we rescued from an abusive family... it was horrible, watching this man with his children, horses and dogs, i wanted to take them ALL home with me... but we do what we can. i will never forget that terrified dog, only the day after we brought him home...
  12. P

    I WANT one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    now that's one donkey my daughter Hilary couldn't object to - no pooping and no knocking over the wheelbarrow
  13. P

    Another christmas party...

    one big horse yahoogroup (PMU rescue based) i am on did an exchange last year, we were going to do it again this year but one member became a single parent (husband walked out) and is having money trouble so we all voted to instead get things for her and her kids... that is the only other...
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    More pics of my insanity (uh, farm)

    too weird, i am still getting red x boxes here for all of them... but i saw them in the other post. looks like NICE insanity lol
  15. P

    Couple of questions?

    i run my mini horses, donkeys and mules together, they get mixed-and-matched depending on what time of year it is (breeding or not) and depending on who needs a diet or a little extra chow... they all get along although i have noticed that the horses eat first, then the mules, and the donkeys...
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    Happy Birthday Girl...

    oops Nikki had a VERY busy day at work, just finally got a chance to sneak on for a few minutes before bed tonight and HAD to check the donkey forum... so better late than never hope you had a great day!!!
  17. P

    OK, I have permission for a few

    all these compliments for Shawna's work and nobody says what good-looking grand-dogs and grand-horse i have??? geez i thought you guys were my FRIENDS!!!!!!! (please note i have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor - i LOVE Shawna's work and i am thrilled to say that after having each of...
  18. P

    More pics of my insanity (uh, farm)

    darn it i cant see them either! have you tried loading your pictures on photobucket and then copying THAT to this site? that's how i do it...
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    Look at what wandered into my yard

    not surprised the horses were scared... we had a gal move in next door with 4 ostrich. the first day my horses would NOT leave the small pasture to go out into the arena (next to the ostriches) to eat! they soon figured it out though... and her horses ran with the ostriches. she moved over a...