Sugar and Sparky at Petsmart

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2004
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I took Sugar and Sparky to Petsmart today to have their photo made with Santa. I was going to only take Sugar, but decided at the last minute not to leave Sparky behind. I was a little apprehensive because he can be a little skittish sometimes, especially if Sugar gets out of his sight. lol.

Also it was very busy and crowded in there. I should've figured that, being a week before Christmas.

But they were both SO good! Very well behaved, and no poopies in the Petsmart.

People went nuts over them. Cars stopped in the parking lot, we were surrounded by digital cameras and camera phones. You would've thought a movie star had walked in. Even Santa got up and took photos of them! lol!

The only damper on the day was the weather. It was so cold and windy. I mean FIERCE wind. But it was worth it.

Here are a few photos...



This is right after we unloaded them from the trailer at home...


Thanks for letting me share.

-Kristie Strange
Well isnt that just the Cutest!! They look so sweet!
great pix- thanks for sharing...
Aw I love that! Wiah I had the nerve to do it but our nearest store is an hour away on bad roads..maybe another year.Great pictures! Maxine
Thanks, everyone!
Yeah, everyone was very surprised to see the ponies.

They asked Santa for TREATS!

LOVE IT! we did the same the year we got each other donkeys for Christmas... it was a blast! that same year we had pups and took all 6 to get a picture with Santa before they went off to their new homes. that was sure a busy day! (and yes we did it in SHIFTS!)

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