This is Maryanne...I don't actually own her; she is "borrowed" since I purchased Joanie as a bred jenny and it would be a year 'til she had her foal and, obviously, I knew she couldn't come by herself. I say borrowed, but we all know how you fall in love with these guys and there is no way I will be able to send her back, so now I just have to come up with more money so I can keep her, but I still have a little while, since Joanie's not due til August.
Then, of course, there is Tess and Sophie
Now for the Icelandic sheep...the two with the big horns are both rams, and the rest are ewes.
and a pic of my son showing the ram at our county fair:
and my beautiful daughter (maybe I'm a bit biased)
Well, I think this is definitely long enough.
I love looking at all your pics, too. Thanks for the great welcome!