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  1. Fanch

    Need some opinions

    Heres a link to a picture of his head, he has a long one, so you would suggest having both the browband and the cavason done?
  2. Fanch

    Need some opinions

    Ok, I want to get a nice browband for my black gelding, but I'm very indesisive and can't make up my mine. I quite like the look of a patent silver browband, but can't see what it would look like in my minds eye. And I was also thinking of getting a matching cavason if I was to get the patent...
  3. Fanch

    Winter Olympics...

    I can't watch it right now because we dont have a working tv!!! plan to get that fixed in the next day or so, so hopefully soon. I heard the ceramonies were amazing and I actually know 3 of the drancers that were in it!!
  4. Fanch

    personality (horse) for driving

    I have a gelding that nots exactly a spooky horse to the point of bolting, hes just a very extroverted personality and wants to watch and see everything, but he also believes that if he doesnt desicde its safe of I show him its ok, its time to get away. I trained him myself and I took a total...
  5. Fanch

    Black driving horses

    Hey everyone, I want to buy a fancy browband for my black geldings harness to jazz it up a bit, but can't think in my minds eye what would be best. His harness is silver, so would have to be that or colored. I was wondering if anyone would have pictures of theirs blacks and browbands so I can...
  6. Fanch

    Video of my Modern Shetland stallion

    What a mover, can't wait to see the driving video!!! Now, quick side questions, when you say that modern's are more work than a classic or a mini, what exactly do you mean??
  7. Fanch

    Happy New Baby Year!

    Congrats, shes gorgeous. and another congradulations for starting thr foaling season, can't wait to see everyones babies this yar!
  8. Fanch

    Black oil sunflower seeds

    Since this tread has been pulled up again I'll put in my 2 bits. I have used boss for 2 years now on my black gelding and will continue to use it as he looks JET black on it whereas the 1st year I had him he just never got that stunning color. I get compliments from exibitors and judges alike on...
  9. Fanch

    I'm wondering what others do

    I come from a family of bad backs( and when I say that, my mom and all kids have back problems) From what I hear chiropraters are not the best, they snap everything back which as said above can sometimes make things worse. Physiotheraphy is the best option and the one my mom uses. She has a...
  10. Fanch

    Do you trot on pavement?

    Are you sure that there isn't a place nearby that you could work them. I too battle with not having a place of my own to drive. I used a church soccer field for 2.5 years till all of a sudden they weren't fine with it. I don't even want to get started, but it quite upset me as I hadn't done...
  11. Fanch

    Do you trot on pavement?

    I trot mine on payment, but not all the time. To get to and from the arena we travel along the road and theres quite a few nice paved roads for pleasure driving. I think it won't hurt if its just for brief periods of time and when possible keep them on the bolevards.
  12. Fanch

    Discussion topic: Starting horses at two years old

    Great reading everyones posts, very neat!! Now Im not the most experienced person out there, but have trained 2 minis myself, complete opposites. And I agree with the others who have said that, regarding starting a horse at 2, it totally depends on the horse; its mental and physical strength at...
  13. Fanch

    Minis and ice

    Well, it snowed one day, then it poured the next day, then today it freezes, so my 2 minis pathways are little skating rinks. I can see they are stepping lightly but the fear of one of them falling and slipping (and possibly breaking a leg ) is keeping me awake this evening They survived...
  14. Fanch

    Do you love the holidays or could you live with out them??

    I would say I love this time of year. I love the spirit it puts in the air; all the food, seeing all the lights inside and outside the house, sitting around with family singing and watching movie, waking up on christmas and just spending the day as a family and sharing our dinner with others. I...
  15. Fanch

    News article:

    This is an article a good friend of mine sent along to me, and thought I would share it here. It involves a sweet little dwarf named Gracie and her days at the pool.
  16. Fanch

    update on Sick Guinea pigs

    SOO glad to hear your pig is doing better, its such a horrible thing to watch them while there sick!! My condolences to you regarding bubbles
  17. Fanch

    Calling All Guinea Pig Experts

    Im so sorry to hear that bubbles passed on but glad to hear one is holding in there, Im curious as to what it was. Now, sort of a side note, you called the breeder and they only had one boy, is there a reason you don't want another boy??? I've seen 10 males all houses together near pigs and...
  18. Fanch

    Calling All Guinea Pig Experts

    Im sorry, but I will start with say it sounds like your gps need to see the vet asap!!! But in the meen time I can give you a bit of a hand, Ive had guinea pigs for 7 years now and dealt with quite a few illnesses. FIRST, I don't know what smart water is, but I know never to add anything to...
  19. Fanch


    HOLY BEGEBBERS :shocked My worst nightmare!
  20. Fanch

    Whatchadoinfor .........HALLOWEEN?????????? !!!!

    In respost to Lisa's post, Halloween actually use to be the New Year of The Celtics, if I have that correct; and many of the traditions play into things they did years Ago. I remember reading that the spooky end of halloween comes from the thought that on this night, ghost came alive and travel...