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  1. Fanch

    Feeding hay while at shows

    I know it sounds crazy, but I usually increase the amount of hay I give at a show. I have one gelding who is underweight, and never seems to blow up with hay, and the other gelding gets just a bit less. For shows, I really like to seem that hay bag full almost constantly.
  2. Fanch

    Our last colt for the year! :-)))

    WOW, what a nice looking boy, hes fantastic!! Congrats!
  3. Fanch

    Help, clipping head

    My gelding is being clipped tomorrow and my mom usually does the clipping. This time, I'm doing it and I want to know how to solve this problem. When my mom clips around the eyes (hes just a showmanship man, so no balding for him; and I also don't like the look of balding on greys, IMO) she...
  4. Fanch

    I found the RV of my dreams!!

    WOW, way out of my price range, but would love one, hehe!1 Image the looks you would get pulling up to some horse shows
  5. Fanch

    My Rescue Horse, it's been about 2 months

    WOW, he looks amaxing, so fantastic of you to be caring from such a great big guy!!!
  6. Fanch

    Ok parents, internet advice for teens needed

    Thought I might add a teens perspective, if thats ok The biggest thing is to have your friend talk to the kid and make sure they knows whats good and bad on the computer, where they shouldn't go, and what they shouldn't say. My mom is a good example of this; I have my own computer (bought it...
  7. Fanch

    Just Bad News...

    I understand what you are going through, your sounds much worse, but I injuried my back last summer lifting VERY heavy cherrie boxes, worst mistake of my life. But take it from me, you will feel guilty for that you but, but theres nothing you can do about that. Even now I still haves some...
  8. Fanch

    Quick Question on Cinnamon

    Cutting to the chase, one of my gledings has put on a little more love for a reason which has now been stopped (he was eating the other geldings food, food trying to get a horse fat) ANYWAYS, I've been working him harder for the past few weks, but I know from the past getting weight off this guy...
  9. Fanch

    We had a baby! We had a baby! We had a baby!

    Congrats Marty, hes a beauty!
  10. Fanch

    I body clipped......

    I wanna know that routine you got him on cuz hes just gorgeous
  11. Fanch


    Well, I've been out driving for about a month, not tons, but trying to get my geldings VERY energetic brain for driving, focused on driving so we may start to work on improvement. But Im wondering, how much is too much. Usually I do 2-3 drives in a row(sometimes back to back, or with a day...
  12. Fanch

    Sharing my experience

    Well, as I was sitting here with a very sore neck, I thought my experience should be shared(got your attention??) I was out driving my gelding today, he was a bit roudier that usual, and I was trying to work him out. I was serpentining, and was about to go trough the volley ball net (I use a...
  13. Fanch

    A Few Movement Photos.

    OMG, hes beautiful! In all the pictures I've seen of him, just gorgeous!!!
  14. Fanch

    You Tube to Ipod?

    no, you don't have to pay, the service is free!
  15. Fanch

    You Tube to Ipod?

    No prob, I have probably downloaded 100+ songs & videos with this as I always found my music downloader would break up, lose connection, didn't have the songs So happy for you !!!
  16. Fanch

    You Tube to Ipod?

    hmm, now the transfer im not sure about, as I have a mp3 player(sansa fuze) and you just drag and drop MP3 files onto it. Could you do such thing as that for going into itunes, then bring it onto your ipod. I can ask my brother, hes a real techie!
  17. Fanch

    You Tube to Ipod?

    yep, you just select that you want the vdieo format(I use DIvX) & MP3(which will give you sound) and presto, you have a video. And if you don't have DivX, there are many different formats to choose from, so look around the selection(one you try the site the directions will make more sense
  18. Fanch

    You Tube to Ipod?

    I use a website All you have to do, is go to the video you want, copy the url, past it into the covert direct site(where it says to) go to step 2, whichc is to download the orginal FLV(video) and then to step 3, which is picking the format you want it in, I usually...
  19. Fanch

    Head critique

    I was hoping you guys could give me a crittique of my geldings HEAD, its always the part of him that I find can look good at some angles, and HORRIBLE at others. Also, for him, is there anything I can do to help/hide his head faults?? Here are some head shots of him (sorry for having to have...
  20. Fanch

    I have Baby PIGS!!!!!!

    They are very adorable, I loved the way that they came out like miniature parents when born(I had a few litters when I was younger) I still have 3 of my own, 2 girls and a neutered male (Nugget, Nibbs, and Twoonie) These creatures are amazing when you give them the chance to thrive! Sounds like...