Our last maiden mare went what we *think* was 374 days... In my experience, the maidens that I've seen and been part of foaling for are like humans who are having their first babies... They go overdue!
We give our own vaccines. If we had the vet do it, it would be at least $77 per horse and with 30 horses it's more cost efficient just to order from an online vendor to get the shots in bulk, draw them ourselves, and do the injections ourselves.
I had the mirena too but didn't have a good experience with it. It was painful going in and I cramped pretty badly for the first 24-36 hrs. I told the hus that if I hadn't known what was causing the cramping I would've thought that I was in pre-labor! I had it for 3 months and during those 3...
Here's one of my 4... I had this custom drawn for me by my tattooist. I waited better than 2 years after my horses passed to do something. Tari (Arab mare) was put down April 19, 2006 at the age of 27 and Desi (TB gelding) was July 25, 2006 at 17 due to cancer.
ETA: This was taken less than...
I'm sorry that this is upsetting you. BUT as a mom of a preemie who was in the NICU for 109 days because he came early and had health problems, I will tell you that the only reason that they are preventing anyone from seeing the babies other than the parents is to expose them to less germs...
I'm sorry Mitzy has gone blind, Ashley! My in-laws have a blue heeler that has gone blind due to being diabetic and he still likes to go out to the barn and chase the cows into the parlor. What I'm trying to say is, she will adapt and make do with her blindness. Bandit even goes up into the...
Sounds more like abscesses. I'd take him into the vet and have the vet check it out to see what it really is and what is really going on with them.
Good luck.
I feel bad for her and the family as my first son was born at 26 weeks. I know what kind of an up-hill battle lays ahead for that little one with the NICU stay and the complications that go along with being so premature. I also think that people need to give Michelle Duggar a break and stop...
IMO, you need to get a second opinion. Have they stated if you could have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)? I guess I would see a different doctor in another clinic to get the second opinion and ask about possibly having PCOS. I'd also follow your gut... If it says that you shouldn't be back...
For detergent... You don't have to use dreft... There are others out there like All's Free and Clear that are MUCH cheaper to use. You can make your own cloth diapers from flannelette cloth and just buy the plastic covers or try to find them on freecycle. Also look at craigslist for your area...
My advice would be to take a mare or 2 and let him be with them then slowly introduce the rest of them into the mix. I'm guessing that the mares are just putting him in his place and developing a new pecking order but I'd be cautious and just slowly introduce the mares to him.
We have our stud, Cazzo and our oldest broodmare, Mae that we repeat breed every year since they've thrown correct foals with the confirmation and personality that we're looking for. They really do compliment each other and until Mae decides she's done we'll keep breeding her every year... Just...
If you PM me your email addy I can send you over a fact sheet on protein enriched items. Spinach is good for iron... I STILL have problems eating hamburger and I've got 10 weeks left of my pregnancy. The other thing that you can try is essential peppermint oil on the bottoms of your feet to...
Here's our main herd sire Painted Perfections Picazzo
Here is our coming stud who will have 1 girl next year of his own for his first breeding season. Qtr Raes Mystic Justyn Trouble. He's 3 this year.