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  1. Mulligans Run


    You are very kind and I am very grateful. We just do our job which we love. I love to help people
  2. Mulligans Run

    David Powell Benefit Auction online

    Just a reminder that this auction is still up and running. We have several items ending tonight at 8 pm EST and several items coming up with an ending date of January 31, many of which are Stallion Services. It's worth taking a look at.   These are very low bids on these Stallions...
  3. Mulligans Run

    World Futurity Paybacks

    Would love to attend the convention, but being foaling season we are grounded. Hope to hear good reports on the meetings.
  4. Mulligans Run

    NEW Mission Record,,,, Total Page 30

    $100.00 just sent in honor of my father, Larry Hale. He loved our miniatures and he would love this cause. Best wishes!!!
  5. Mulligans Run

    A New and Exciting Miniature Horse Show

    Looking good Tommy!!! I'm excited for you! Sure wish we were going to be there. Have fun!
  6. Mulligans Run

    If Santa loved minis instead of Reindeers....

    12 Loads of hay 11 Bags of feed 10 Boxes of wormer 9 Barn Halters 8 Black Lead ropes 7 Himalyan Salt Blocks 6 Tubs of daily worker 5 Extra foaling stalls 4 More paddocks 3 Extra shelters 2 people to scoop poop And a happy, healthy foaling season for all.
  7. Mulligans Run

    Online Auctions???????

    We have ran many online "live" auctions and we still do. These auctions "run by you" were created for the farms that don't want to put out thousands of dollars to transport, bathe, clip, show and possibly not sell their horses. I've been there myself. I've sold horses in live auctions and by...
  8. Mulligans Run

    Online Auctions???????

    In my opinion this is up to the owner of the auction. I am not fond of the idea of the auction dragging out into all hours of the evening, but I will do what the owner asks me to do - it's their auction. I don't see a problem with using the date/time of the email as the deciding factor. We...
  9. Mulligans Run

    Production Sales Question.

    My auction was run the way JMS Minis suggested...the starting bid was the absolute minimum that I would take, so once they started receiving bids I knew they would sell for whatever they brought, no matter how much or how little. I had no reserves and sold all but one of mine. I was pretty...
  10. Mulligans Run

    Production Sales Question.

    If there is no bidder number listed and there is only an amount, that is the starting bid you have to meet to start. The mention of reserve prices on the horse descriptions was already there at the beginning of the auction. I am sure the rules will be modified for the next auction so that...
  11. Mulligans Run

    After several years of looking...

    I'm so glad you finally got to announce this. She is beautiful!!! (but then I'm a bit the McCarthy horses). I'm very tickled for you and I can't wait to watch her grown and win and win and win!! Congrats!!!
  12. Mulligans Run


    We have actually put up cameras at Worlds before for ourselves and for a client. The computer can be set to record and you can view the recording each morning or whenver you choose to. We had put up a barrier at the end of one of our aisles and someone broke through it and went down our aisle...
  13. Mulligans Run

    Who were your favorite horses at AMHR Nationals?

    Thank you Devon for mentioning Miss Affair. We feel very honored to own her. Here she is....
  14. Mulligans Run

    Does gelding a colt determine it's height?

    Thanks Karen - 1 to 3" is alot when it's a mini. Good to know.
  15. Mulligans Run

    Does gelding a colt determine it's height?

    Marty that article stated... Interesting. People ask me all the time why I geld so young. I believe there are too many stallions and I like only the best as a stallion (personal preference) I also like to compete in gelding classes. However I've also seen babies I thought were pet quality...
  16. Mulligans Run

    Does gelding a colt determine it's height?

    I have heard several times now, that if you geld a colt when it's really young it will shoot up and be tall. Has anyone else heard this or have you seen a trend to taller geldings when they are cut as weanlings? Just curious as it keeps popping up in conversations and I'd love to know what the...
  17. Mulligans Run

    1 week til "The Move"

    I tried to email, but it wouldn't let me, so will post here. I have an extra stall if you still need one. Just let me know. I hope your travels are safe and I hope to meet you at Nationals.
  18. Mulligans Run

    The count down has begun.....

    I have been privileged to watch him grow from a foal to a mature stallion. He is stunning and I can't wait to see his foals! I am sure you will keep us posted on his progress once he gets home! I will enjoy watching him at Nationals.
  19. Mulligans Run

    Weanling poops

    I agree with Charlotte too. We use the bio sponge and it works great. We were also approached last year about promoting a product called Shiney Hiney. You spray it on their rear and the manure just slides off. From what I remember it was all natural. They sent me a sample but we haven't had...
  20. Mulligans Run


    What will happen to the senior horses,(I understand there were a few), that did measure over 34"? Is it policy that their papers are revoked? Very sad that they are suddenly no longer recognized. I understand the limitations of AMHA, but it's still sad.