Production Sales Question.

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I understand their reasoning for it but yet again instead of having a low starting bid why don't they just start at a price they are willing to let the horse go for? Unless its a horse I would really be interested in buying I won't ask. I feel like the horse will be too much for me anyways, just like private treaty sales. I understand that the price might not be much higher or that high and its my lost but there are so many more horses too look at these days I rather the seller be straight forward and tell the buyers what you want to have for the horse. You can always ask for a amount lower but atleast it gives me a ballpark.
Ahh but that's the beauty of an auction. It's the enticement that if I just bid one more time it will be mine!! It's not as riveting as a live auction, but a internet auction can be fun too. Plus this gives the seller a little wriggle room. Some folks would look at a price and say, nope, too high. But start the horse at $1,000, and it gets up to $3,000, sometimes you think it's just one more bid will get it, and a horse you might not have looked at @$3,500 you might buy for $3,400.
My auction was run the way JMS Minis suggested...the starting bid was the absolute minimum that I would take, so once they started receiving bids I knew they would sell for whatever they brought, no matter how much or how little. I had no reserves and sold all but one of mine. I was pretty serious about selling so I was willing to take a loss and move some out. Just my way of doing it..everyone has their own preferences.
Our auction was more like Heather's. The starting bid WAS the reserve price. If a bid was placed the horse was sold.

KayKay, our auction was run like a live auction except for there being an end time listed. Next year I will have an end time listed, BUT it will be prominently noted that as long as bids are coming in within a certain number of minutes they will be accepted. This year the end of the auction was VERY hectic! ... Not only email bids coming in , but the phone ringing off the wall! I had my hands full so next year I will have help here at the end. I had some very disappointed bidders who wanted to go higher, but couldn't contact me at the last.

These auctions are a lot of fun. I'm heading out to a live one this morning.....JUST TO WATCH!!!!!

My auction was run the way JMS Minis suggested...the starting bid was the absolute minimum that I would take, so once they started receiving bids I knew they would sell for whatever they brought, no matter how much or how little. I had no reserves and sold all but one of mine. I was pretty serious about selling so I was willing to take a loss and move some out. Just my way of doing it..everyone has their own preferences.

I think this is the way an online auction should be run. Very professional, very clear, everybody understands how it works. And yes, you had some very nice horses sell for EXTREMELY good prices...which makes for very happy buyers!

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