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  1. Mulligans Run

    World Show/Nationals

    I would give you a ride but we don't go through your area. Hopefully this will bump you up and someone can give you a hand. Hope to see you there.
  2. Mulligans Run


    I fully agree Charlotte, this is great news, as long as they continue to hold, steadfast, to their policies. Consistency is so needed and as badly as I hate it for those that either measured up or out, it's good that it was consistent for all. I feel for the measuring team because I heard that...
  3. Mulligans Run

    How was the market for you this year?

    We sold seven and one half foals without really advertising. We do ads in the magazines for the farm, but we really don't push like we need to. We also just sold a yearling colt to New Zealand, but that was months in the making with a lot of leg work. I have a couple mares I would love to...
  4. Mulligans Run

    Calvin did it again!!!

    I am so sorry Bren, I just saw that you posted. You know how much I love Calvin and now we have Dom to drool over. You do such an amazing job of turning out your horses too, you certainly deserve the win! Same with Beanne...nicely done with Copper. Hugs!
  5. Mulligans Run

    Embryo Transfer with minis and shetlands Page 42 letter M. I have been studying it and discussing with my vet. Hope this helps. If the link doesn't work go to an scroll way to the bottom on the right for the link to the rule book.
  6. Mulligans Run


    We have a rowdy daughter in our herd and we owned a rowdy son, hot shot, who we sold to Lil Pondarosa minis. He looks fantastic and is still producing!
  7. Mulligans Run

    roll call

    We will be there! Hope to catch up with everyone there!
  8. Mulligans Run

    My Last Post, Sorry to say goodbye to my Horsey Family

    Very sorry to hear that your LB family will no longer be part of your life. I pray that things change and you find your way back one day.
  9. Mulligans Run

    Out of all the foals born on your farm this year realize that is a brother to your boy ....we are really tickled with him! There are a lot of beautiful foals in this thread. Congrats to all the owners!
  10. Mulligans Run

    Out of all the foals born on your farm this year

    That is hard...we've been blessed with some really nice foals this year. Majority are colts, but beautiful colts, so I can't complain. The first two are a tie... Diablo - our future junior herd sire and Oz And then two other colts... Journey and Comet!! We are very pleased with...
  11. Mulligans Run

    Are they streaming amhr nationals online agian this year?

    I hope so too. The people that stream it do an exceptional job,
  12. Mulligans Run

    Need advice to put lbs on our rescued mini

    We always worry about our boodmares losing too much weight while they are nursing, so when Tonja took on an additional foal and had to provide for two..we were really concerned. Our vet suggested one tablespoon of canola oil on every feeding. Her boys are almost three months and she is...
  13. Mulligans Run


    Buy a quad processor (multi-plexer) and you can watch all four at the same time. I have both of mine set to full screens right now because I am done foaling for the year, but I will gladly give you a demonstration of what they do if you drop me an email or call me. It's much better than...
  14. Mulligans Run

    Dixieland Shows

    This is the first show we ever attended and the following year we made our show debut here. It has become a tradition! We will be there! I look forward to seeing everyone!
  15. Mulligans Run

    Foaling Cameras

    We have recently purchased several of these cameras and I love them. close out cctv. The infrared is so good that your barn can be totally dark and you can still see your horse very well. I installed these at my vets her clinic stalls and her surgical recovery room. She loves them.
  16. Mulligans Run

    Champions Sale in Ohio

    Just wanted those that are interested to know that the prices have now been listed in the catalog. Normally we do it the day of the sale, but I had some person issues and have just caught up. My apologies for the delay.   Celebration of Champions Catalog   Toni has asked me to extend her...
  17. Mulligans Run

    Introducing: Knight after Nite

    OMG That's my boy!!! I've been asking Brenda for photos and I'm so tickled that you have him and that you love him. He was always an angel for me - and a brat for Shannon. LOL He looks great! You have no idea how excited I am to see him. I love that colt. Thank you so much for posting...
  18. Mulligans Run

    purple colored mucus discharge

    This is the info I received from the owner of the mare that had the purple goo. She also sent me photos of the goo. I will try to post here. If you would like to contact Gen let me know and I'll give you her contact info. Best wishes!!
  19. Mulligans Run

    purple colored mucus discharge

    There was someone on our forum that had a big horse doing this...I am trying to get the info as I don't remember what they decided it was. I will share whatever information I get.
  20. Mulligans Run

    Champions Sale in Ohio

    I look forward to seeing you there Jay!