My Last Post, Sorry to say goodbye to my Horsey Family

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Taylor Jo

I'm sorry to say to all you that will be my last post and I will remove my profile from here. I have come to realize that there are people that have been reading my post as so called; "guest" who have only the intent to be nosy about my life. I wish to break contact with that cause I don't think it's any of they're business and they don't belong on here as they 1. don't have ANY miniature horses, 2. it's only for their own satisfaction that they're reading it. 3. They're spreading this news to other members of my husbands family. My husband and I were very private people above all around his children (all adults). He'd say if he wanted them to know something he'd tell them.

I never minded sharing on here cause I think of you guy's as my family and we have likes/horses etc. However......I can't put that out there anymore and I'm so very sad. I trusted you guy's, but on an open forum there are those you can't trust and I should have realized that months ago. My heart is heavy and is breaking. If you have FB I'll be on there for friends only. You can also contact me through wpsellwood she knows how to get in touch with me.

Want to thank each and everyone of you for your post and all that I've learned and to all those I've helped. May you keep learning and keep asking ?'s you never know unless you ask the question. I love you all and I will show up as a guest every now and then and read the post so I can still learn. You have helped me through sick horses, me being neurotic, me being stupid, me being ignorant, and getting through my husbands death. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you.

God Bless you all, TJ, Oreo, Dakota, Sonny, Knight, Nikki, Polly, Vixen and Honey

And Sammy, Ritter, Gunther, Winky, Maddy and Sam the barn cat.
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Aww, TJ, you know you'll be missed. Remember, though, if you've ever got a question or a problem you can always sign up again & ask--or keep your profile & communicate mostly via PM. But anyway, we'll see you on FB, for sure!!
Sometimes I hate people...

In time, they will become bored of trying to live someone else's you can always come back.

I'm so sorry TJ!!!!! We will miss you! It's too bad that some folks have nothing better to do in their own life than to meddle with others. I am sending you a PM.
So sorry to hear the news, TJ! And sorry you are having trouble - life is too short for that sort of thing. Hope you will still be an official member of the "Billy Club" with Sandy R. and I! We seem to have the same taste in beautiful horses.


I'd love to be friends on FB - I spend lots of time there.


Enjoy your beautiful ponies! I have enjoyed your questions & your comments :eek:)


Sorry to hear that, I just sent you a FB friend request.
TJ, I'm so sorry that some people are just not happy unless they are making life stink for others to make themselves feel good.

You and I will always be connected through the my drawing that you had tattooed on your arm! I'm really sorry it came to this TJ. Your forum family is always here for you! {{{hugs}}}
Sorry to see you leave the forum. I have always enjoyed reading your posts and about your horses. I will try to send you a FB request or you can send me one.

Donna Phillips

My picture is of my family all dressed in burgundy shirts at Nationals.

Good luck to you
Gosh Taylor Jo, don't let the 'idiot's' of the world run you off!! The heck with everyone else. You are old enough to do what you wish. If you leave us, they have won
I don't do facebook, too time exhausting, but if you think you HAVE to leave us, pm me sometime and we'll sure keep in touch.

You know how I feel, I wouldnt let some crazy a** (edited that) stalkers run you off the forum. They will get bored, and besides you get to live life, live it up!!!

friend request me on FB
While I don't know you personally, I've enjoyed your posts, and I'll be sorry to see you go, so I hope you'll reconsider.
Don't let others run you off TJ - stick around. Just try to keep your posts non personal and they will get bored and leave. Some people are just "not nice", but you should never change your ways to accomodate those that have no life. Stay with us - we really like you here!
That's plain cruddy TJ. I think you should stay. Why not just change your forum name to something else we can figure out its you. Like Betty Boop or something ( ) Big hugs gal.
It's too bad that you feel you have to leave the forum, but it is a public forum, and anybody in the world can sign up and read what you post. It is the same with any other public forum. That's why it's best to NOT put personal stuff, or stuff you don't want others to hear about, online for the world to read. While it's great to have support and comfort via the web, and easy to get wrapped up in putting personal thoughts and info on a post, once it's out there, it's out there. This is a fantastic site, and should not be condemned for passing on information to others you didn't want informed.

I'd stay and don't let the suckers win

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