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  1. J


    Congratulations Chanda on your new little boy!!! Lots of fun ahead for both of you. Joyce from Colorful
  2. J

    It´s a boy!

    He sure is a sweetie pie and you can be proud as punch. Joyce L
  3. J

    Smaller Mares

    27 3/4" was my smallest and the foal scooted right out with no problems. Joyce
  4. J

    THANKYOU thankyou upstairs

    Congratulations on your brand new filly. Joyce
  5. J

    Surprise foal this morning

    Congratulations Tony that your foaling is underway and started with a cute little filly !!!! Hug Mom for me and her little sweetie pie. Joyce
  6. J

    Tony, Top cat is still on my mind..

    Excellent news Tony. He'll enjoy being with the mares, I'm sure. Joyce L
  7. J

    Two Stallions...

    I have 3 stallions here and I keep them separate year round. They often see each other from a distance during the day from their lots but at night in the barn, they can all see each other from their stalls. Joyce L
  8. J

    Daily Wormer

    I use Strongid C and get it at my Feed Store. JOyce
  9. J

    visiting sold horses

    That is ignorance and disgusting that she did not know. What a shame. Makes one not to want to sell foals. Joyce
  10. J

    Stongid C --- Stongid T

    I swear by Strongid C and have used it ever since it came out. I do stop it once a year, worm with a good paste wormer and return to the Strongid C on the 3rd day for another year. No colics, healthier looking coats, wouldn't be without it. Joyce
  11. J


    That is such sad news to have happen when you are so close to having a foal. I sincerely hope Mom will be A-ok. Joyce L
  12. J


    Mona has just written what I was about to say John so I won't repeat it. I have had one dwarf born in my years of birthing and never mated that pair again. Good luck with your project. Joyce from Little Folks Farm, CT.
  13. J

    Daphne's new foal pix

    I didn't see it on the cam either so congratulations for a beautifully marked colt. Joyce
  14. J

    Lutalyse Shots??

    I have used it twice with two mares who had false pregnancies to shock their systems back and the Vet gave the shots. Joyce
  15. J


    Definitely welcome back and hope all your plans work out for you this year. Would love to see photos of your horses. Joyce from CT
  16. J

    A few pics of Knocker's baby boy!

    A stunning little boy with a handsome face. Congratulations !! Joyce L
  17. J

    Good things do come in the mail!

    Congratulations Tommy & Dawn. That is excellent news. Joyce L
  18. J

    Goodby to a Grand Old Girl Wheeler's Diamond Minx

    I'm sorry for your loss and I know my day is coming with my oldest mare in my barn and I will be feeling what you are. But today I feel sorry for you. Joyce
  19. J

    breeding the tiny stallions

    Robin, your small stallion will find a way to breed the mares. I have two 28" stallions and a 29 1/2" one and they don't have any problems other than sometimes they have trouble getting around the mares tails so since I hand breed, I usually hold the mares tail out of the way for them. Joyce
  20. J

    Stall hay feeder??

    My stalls are matted and I only put shavings on 3/4 of the stall so I put their hay on the mat that doesn't have the shavings. Has worked for me for over 20 years. Joyce