I have 3 stallions here and I keep them separate year round. They often see each other from a distance during the day from their lots but at night in the barn, they can all see each other from their stalls.
Joyce L
I swear by Strongid C and have used it ever since it came out. I do stop it once a year, worm with a good paste wormer and return to the Strongid C on the 3rd day for another year. No colics, healthier looking coats, wouldn't be without it.
Mona has just written what I was about to say John so I won't repeat it. I have had one dwarf born in my years of birthing and never mated that pair again. Good luck with your project.
Joyce from Little Folks Farm, CT.
I'm sorry for your loss and I know my day is coming with my oldest mare in my barn and I will be feeling what you are. But today I feel sorry for you.
Robin, your small stallion will find a way to breed the mares. I have two 28" stallions and a 29 1/2" one and they don't have any problems other than sometimes they have trouble getting around the mares tails so since I hand breed, I usually hold the mares tail out of the way for them.
My stalls are matted and I only put shavings on 3/4 of the stall so I put their hay on the mat that doesn't have the shavings. Has worked for me for over 20 years.