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  1. bingo


    I got mine recently as well. Sheesh I had really forgotton all about Congress already by the time I got this issue so at least it brought it back.
  2. bingo

    Obama good for america??

    And remember to thank Mary Lou for allowing all of this silliness to continue on her forum!
  3. bingo

    Obama good for america??

    I am sure a select few will be working overtime today posting links and video
  4. bingo

    ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins

    I would think if one wanted to boycott them for this reason it should have been done 7 years ago? I do not agree with their choice to not allow the pins but again this was 7 years ago.
  5. bingo

    Obama calling McCain /Palin & yes we Americans

    Well hold on to your hat! I am in complete agreement with you as well when it comes to the above statement. See that there is hope for everyone after all LOL
  6. bingo

    Obama calling McCain /Palin & yes we Americans

    Asking a question of a candidate does not in my opinion make someone an American Hero. If you all choose to look up to and call him your hero that is your complete and total right. I personally reserve the word hero and the term AMERICAN HERO for someone who does a bit more then ask a candidate...
  7. bingo

    Obama calling McCain /Palin & yes we Americans

    I was not going to post on these political threads but since last time I checked Joe the Plumber was not running for office I guess this is ok. Don't you all worry about Joe the Plumber. McCain has stated more then once that not only is Joe the Plumber an American Hero but he is McCains Hero...
  8. bingo

    Political Video

    This is the best statistic I can find right now and is over 18 months old but at that time there were 119,000 children waiting to be adopted. That did not include kids who were making their way through the system just those currently up for adoption at that time so obviously the numbers are...
  9. bingo

    Lowest Cost Decent Harness for Experimenting

    I realize that ThreeC however Mini Express has a harness of equal or better quality for less money as well as they have that harness available in size XS made for the under 30 inch crowd. Regular or A size harness for the 34-35 inch and under horse as well as a true B size harness that will fit...
  10. bingo

    Question about AMHA Hardshipping

    My understanding was that horses born after 2008 will not be eligible for hardshipping into AMHA.
  11. bingo

    AMHR Convention in Branson Mo

    Thanks I knew I had heard that it was already decided about Orlando. Thought I was going nuts
  12. bingo

    Lowest Cost Decent Harness for Experimenting

    I personally prefer the harnesses from Mini Express and have found them to have a bit more sizing options. They are off the top of my head about $220.00 for a leather one comprable to the Ozark harness.
  13. bingo

    AMHR Convention in Branson Mo

    Hmm I am not sure where I heard this I could have sworn it was at Convention last year but I thought it was decided already that 2009 was to be in Orlando Fl? Maybe that has changed since then.
  14. bingo

    So how do we feel about this

    Then I would need to ask why the need to have all these threads saying the same thing with the same posts over and over? As far as responding you are correct. I will no longer be saying anything nor wasting my time reading these threads. I will instead make sure I remember not those who...
  15. bingo

    So how do we feel about this

    Mininik yes that is exactly what I was responding to. Obviously it is simply
  16. bingo

    So how do we feel about this

    Maybe instead of your constant conspiracy theories it could be something as simple as due to the highly offensive content the video was removed. Perhaps the one depicting Palin will end up being removed as well.
  17. bingo

    Do you have a 401 K

    Perhaps just perhaps there are many informed voters, many intelligent voters even if they do not all agree with you. Of course I would not expect you to see it that way so no point in even telling me so.
  18. bingo

    Buying things we dont really

    RockRiverTiff I love to collect vet wrap as well. I am not sure what I intend to ever do with it all but at some point in life I can make a big huge beautiful rainbow wrap
  19. bingo

    What do you think about McCains wife

    I personally think both Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain have shown themselves to be very strong, classy women through all of this as well as being dedicated wives.
  20. bingo

    Do you have a 401 K

    Do you really think at this point in the game any of this dribble is going to change someones mind? Enough is enough. All I can wonder is how will days be filled once this election is over? Not to mention how quiet will the Back Porch become LOL