I think she is a very classy, intelligent woman who supports her husband.
Here is why she is almost always with John McCain (shaking her head in agreement):
She has been active and visible in her husband's presidential campaign during 2007 and 2008,[16] returning to Arizona frequently to attend to domestic duties[50] and interrupting campaigning for her overseas charitable work.[19][54] She has preferred to travel with her husband and introduce him, rather than act as a campaign surrogate with a separate schedule.[58][32]
From Wikipedia, here are just a couple of the things she is involved in and/or has done:
In 1988, inspired by a vacation visit four years earlier to substandard medical facilities on Truk Lagoon,[19][15] Cindy McCain founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT).[3] It was a non-profit organization that organized trips for doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to provide MASH-like emergency medical care to disaster-struck or war-torn third-world areas such as Micronesia, Vietnam (before relations were normalized between them and the U.S.[19]), Kuwait (arriving five days after the conclusion of the Gulf War[19]), Zaire (to help refuges from the Rwandan genocide[32]), Iraq, Nicaragua, India, Bangladesh and El Salvador.[11][34][35][36][37] She led 55 of these missions over the next seven years,[18] with each being of at least two weeks' duration.[37] AVMT also supplied treatment to poor sick children around the world.[38] In 1993, Cindy McCain and the AVMT were honored with an award from Food for the Hungry.[11]
While at Mother Teresa's orphanage in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1991 — as part of AVMT's assistance team following the 1991 Bangladesh cyclone[35] — she met two infant girls she decided needed to be brought to the United States for medical treatment.[24] She decided to adopt one of the girls (her husband readily agreeing), later named Bridget,[11] and helped coordinate the adoption of the other little girl, named Mickey, for Wes Gullett, a family friend.[11]
She became actively involved with Operation Smile in 2001,[53] taking parts in its trips to Morocco, Vietnam, and India.[53] She was honored by the organization in 2005,[53] and sits on its board of directors.[34] She joined the board of directors of CARE in 2005.[34] She is on the board of the HALO Trust,[34] and has visited operations to remove landmines in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, and Angola.[18] She makes financial contributions to these organizations via her family trust[19] and views her role as watching them in the field to ensure they are frugal and their money is being spent effectively.[50]
Again, a First Lady I would be very honored and proud to have in the White House.