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  1. bingo

    IF Obama wins

    Lowrise thanks for taking the time to find links that show all sides of the stories I find them very interesting and appreciate you showing them to us!
  2. bingo

    Did you watch the debate last night?

    My thoughts as well. Although of course everyone sees what they WANT TO SEE. I was very impressed with Obama and he firmly cemented my vote as he is and plans to take our Country where I feel it should go. After all the talk on here how other countries have no say nor no need to be in our...
  3. bingo

    AMHR Stake Classes

    Hmm I had always thought it was 200 for 1st, 100 for 2nd and 75 for 3rd. I was not aware that 4th place got anything.
  4. bingo

    McCain & Obama

    Ahhh once again the pot callng the kettle black! Typical at this point.
  5. bingo

    McCain & Obama

    And this is any different then the same 3-4 posters that repeat the same thing over and over again on all these threads how? Oh I know how they are for McCain/Palin . I guess posting your opinion or finds is only ok if you are for one side. Interesting I do not hear the McCain/Palin side...
  6. bingo

    Gift Cards as Christmas gifts?

    I think they are great to get and give! The best is the MC or Visa cards that can be used anywhere at any store or even saved for a emergency. Wonderful gifts.
  7. bingo

    McCain & Obama

    Isn't that the truth.I think people on both sides can agree we might be mortified if someone assumed that us being here in LB meant we have the same opinions as others on the board or that their past actions of all members are a direct reflection of us. I know I would be!
  8. bingo

    Did Saturday Night Live go too far?

    Lisa I will not dispute that in any way!
  9. bingo

    Did Saturday Night Live go too far?

    Was not going to bite again but Lowrise not going to leave you hanging out to dry alone! There have been ignorant statements made in the name of humor everywhere. I have heard jokes about race, jokes about peoples names, religion, once again going to jokes about celebrities, petefiles or...
  10. bingo

    when to start blanketing?

    Every horse is different as is their tolerence to cold. I read often on here that somehow minis have some super strength coat that simply does not allow wetness to get to the skin. I am not sure how many are actually feeling their minis to the skin. There is no water barrier in the coat. A good...
  11. bingo

    Skunks! Living in my Hay!

    Wow is that true? Skunks can not climb to high? What would be considered to high? A couple of feet or does it need to be much higher then that? We have a couple of skunks that have lived here a while see them once in a while but they do not bother us or the barn cats.
  12. bingo

    Stall Skins (new type of stall floor)

    I will be different here. I worked at a barn that had these installed and I loved them! I think they lasted long and worked well. Of course a lot depends on your type of barn and the type of drainage system you have as well. I would think they would work better in a barn with more air flowing...
  13. bingo

    AMHR Judges

    If you feel a horse is over then exercise your right to protest said horse. If more people protested horses they felt were over then it would help this whole problem. We can complain about it here on LB or to our friends all we want it will not change anything.
  14. bingo

    Did Saturday Night Live go too far?

    Your has been noted Trust me your smugness and arrogance and need to be right have no effect on my sleeping at night in any way. I am sure you will once again find the need to get in the last word so have at it perhaps it will help you sleep better. Me I will now refrain from
  15. bingo

    Did Saturday Night Live go too far?

    OH PLEASE Get a clue! Obvioulsy I was simply comparing the HUMOR that was being talked about in the SKIT ON SNL. You are right some people never stop amazing me either
  16. bingo

    Did Saturday Night Live go too far?

    I actually saw the skit in question. I will say it was not exactly as being portrayed when I have since heard about it. I do not feel it was as horrible as being said and it is SNL after all. I think it is a bit hypocritical for people to get all up in arms about this. After all how many of...
  17. bingo

    Letter from Wee Foal

    Good for you for really sticking with your gut and finding out the right answer! Congrats
  18. bingo

    McCain & Obama

    LOL I thought the same thing starting to get just plain silly now.
  19. bingo

    Modern Shetland Minis

    I do not ever remember being asked if I would like to add this particular class or if I would prefer to add a different class if we had the time and money. I am sure many mini breeders will agree we were never asked our opinion about adopting a class that is catering to a Modern Pony.
  20. bingo

    Palin on environment and wildlife and habitat protection

    Just my 2 cents here for what it is worth. I do strongly believe the abortion issue is not one to be hashed out on a public Miniature Hose forum. Everyone has a right to opinions no doubt but this is a very sensitive issue and we have no idea who among us reading that is now or has had to deal...