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  1. W

    Less foals-More training???

    Coming from the big horse world before getting into minis, I spent a lot of time conditioning and training and showing. I taught my first mini stallion to drive and went to the best person I could find to train me to train my mini. It was like training a big horse to ride. Putting the...
  2. W

    Have you ever added an awning to your trailer?

    I had an awning put on my living quarter trailer and it was the best investment I made and wouldn't be without one. When I went to shows(had friends I parked with) we would leave room between the trailers and made an outdoor living room for those after show margarita parties. Hot or rainy it...
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    Newbies-Dystocia 101

    Michelle and I had a bonding experience the first time we met as we had emailed several times and out of the blue she offered me a chance to own Val the stallion I trained and promoted to his World Championship. I went down to pick him up and am laying in bed in the trailer when at 6am I hear a...
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    Newbies-Dystocia 101

    I don't like to keep my mares in a stall all the time just before foaling. I have them in at night and under cameras but it is my opinion that they need to move around and roll to help position the foal. During the day they are where we can keep an eye on them and get them to a stall if need...
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    Newbies-Dystocia 101

    Did you ever play the kids game where you stick your hand in a box and feel around and try to identify what you are feeling? Sometimes it was hard and sometimes it was kind of squishy? Welcome to dystocia 101. We are hearing on a daily basis "we had a dystocia" and until you have one yourself...
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    Dehorning goats

    I have only had one goat so am certainly not an expert. Those little suckers are smart. He had horns and used them to hook the hot wire and pull it down so he could get out and you would find him asleep on the patio chairs.
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    Foal Training?

    The best training in the world is just spend time and play with them. Don't take a young baby and start a formal "training" routine with them. When I foal out a mare I do the things I need to do and after the foal starts nursing well I get the heck out of the stall and let them bond. I tried...
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    2011 losses

    It is the same every year with the losses and the happy news. If you are breeding you WILL have losses no matter how diligent you are. Experienced breeders post on here that it is not for the faint of heart, **** happens and try to give a realistic picture of what it is to be a breeder. That...
  9. W

    Banamine after foaling

    Matt you crack me up. I have treated many men passing a kidney stone which I'm told is similar to a woman giving birth, and they were grateful for pain meds at any point in the process. Much less passing a watermelon?!!! Let's look at Banamine in layman's terms. It is similar in action and...
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    Kim-You live in a hay growing region and should have your pick of premium hay of several different varieties. Hay is cut around the same time of year for each cutting. First cutting hay is stemmy and not worth the money, which as mentioned, was probably what you had in the first pic. 2nd...
  11. W

    Is school for children way too easy these days?

    I am in Oregon and the pay rate here for teachers is 23-24000. Very poor when you consider the average wage scale for other professions.
  12. W

    Pinkie Update Monday

    I am truly sorry about Pinkie and you are in a tough situation. I hope she hangs in and has a healthy foal but sometimes it is just not to be. Raising an orphan foal is very hard with the sleepless nights and you will need people to help you because it is almost impossible to do it yourself...
  13. W

    Is school for children way too easy these days?

    Karla-I think you are a gem and have my full respect. Teaching is a hard job with some of the lowest wages on the job market. I think we have become a way to lenient society where bullying, disruption in class and disrespect has become the norm. I know I am an old fogy but if I got bad...
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    There are pros and cons to every situation but I think AMHA has made a good decision. In this economy everyone has to think outside the box to stay alive financially. There are different levels of showing and not everyone shows to qualify for the world show and attends. For many people the...
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    Abortion at 270 days

    We had a big discussion on here a few years back about twisted cords and abortion. After many people started telling their stories it was about 9 months gestation, LONG twisted cords. The mares had no further difficulties and went on to have many foals without problems. Sometimes it's just a...
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    Pea gravel

    I found what is called playground sand and it is just smaller than pea gravel but not much. I put it in my arena, round pen and runs coming out of the barn. I love it as my mud has disappeared. I haven't had any problems with it except it tromps back into the dirt if I have big horses on it.
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    A Happy Topic

    You have a horse named Poopy? What the heck kind of name is that? LOL
  18. W

    Do you think folks are spending less time here now?

    Just to add my 2 cents worth on a few suggestions. I don't think you need another sales section since you have the free sales boards. A big improvement would be to make it easier to post pics. Off a hard drive like someone suggested. I have printed out several time the 2-3 page instructions...
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    Check in all you older members who have become lurkers

    Gage-you used to live on this forum and it is good to hear from you again. Rockin R-what's going on with the alien?
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    What do you all do ......

    Many good suggestions. When body clipping I usually start at the hip and work my way forward. By the time you are getting to sensitive areas they don't like, they are desensitized somewhat to the clippers on their bodies.