Ray brought the proposal in to the Board Meeting on Sunday, re-written. So the way it is stated in the first note here is what was passed.Unless something changed AFTER the vote on this rule, the way it was initially presented in this post is incorrect, I believe.
The rule is 2 different shows and 6 different judges, not 4. You will have to attend at least 2 shows with 3 judges each.
Also, you MUST show in EACH class you wish to compete in at the World Show (a bonus for the local clubs). The rule is different than the AMHR rule in this way.
This rule might increase participation in the local shows - that was an argument that was made prior to the vote. When you live in an area where shows are few and far between, the point was made that many exhibitors feel frustrated competing against professional handlers, getting seconds and thirds with small classes, making qualification via points very difficult. The discussion during the meeting brought this up.
lets not decide how it is "going to be" until we get out there and see what happens.
Well, I replied to this once, but it seems to have disappeared, so I'll try again. Sorry if this is a duplicate. I am in complete agreement with Mountain Meadows. I am the treasurer of our club and very aware of the economics of putting on shows. The club is dependent on the income from shows to support our other activites. If we take a big hit, we will have to cut back on the number and/or qualitry of the shows. We have no ability to borrow money, so we can only risk what we have in our treasury. The club has to function within its means. We can't cut our expenses for this year, as contracts are already signed. If we don't have sufficient money in the treasury at the end of this year, we can't put on shows next year. I sincerely doubt that we will be able to mintain the attendence at shows and changing the rules now has put us in a precarious position.It is the long range picture that I am concerned with - not the immediate issue of not enough partcipation at Worlds. Causing our local clubs financial grief because this proposal was not well thought through could cause a club to collapse financially due to lack of participation at a given show - if the local clubs go broke there won't be local shows --- back to square #1![]()
I sincerely hope that people will continue to enter multiple classes and support their local clubs, but in tough times it is not wise to EXPECT it. Likewise, the need to participate at Championship shows may also have people cutting back on this show if they have already "qualified" by going to 2 local shows and showing a couple of classes and getting qualified to show in any class at Worlds.
Again the reason it works for AMHR is not necessarily just for qualifying for Nationals, but also the added bonus of racking up those HOF points -- if you get pretty close to getting a title like HOF on your horse your are more likely to continue to show it rather than just park it at home for the rest of it's life, if all it would have taken was one or two more shows to be able to have the HOF added to the credentials of the horse.
There was a time I agreed with this sentiment, but the quality of AMHR horses showing now - at least in our area and certainly at Nationals - has really come up leaps and bounds. A top ten there means every bit as much to me as a World top ten. Yes, there are some horses locally who are not Nationals material but not what there used to be. It seems to me to have long term benefits for the association - more people participate, have fun, and ultimately come back next time around better prepared and with better horses if the show bug bites them.I also think this will reduce the fun of competing. What does it mean to win a class when some of the horses are only there to walk into the ring to qualify? This happens at AMHR shows, and there is not much of a sense of accomplishment
do see the concern some have for the local shows losing out over time, but in all honesty the trainers and people that DO compete at the World shows are the ones most likely to NOT attend more than the required 2 shows. There are people that will do the minimum to qualify and stop showing. Their choice.
Especially the last paragraph of your statement is, I think, why it passed in the first place. Most trainers horses are there for halter in one or two classes...or driving... one or two classes... Many people are there to enjoy showing their horses in multiple classes."I also think this will reduce the fun of competing. What does it mean to win a class when some of the horses are only there to walk into the ring to qualify? This happens at AMHR shows, and there is not much of a sense of accomplishment. If you don't have to qualify by showing against horses that are properly prepared for competition, you really have no sense of whether your horse will be competative at the Worlds"
I so disagree with this statement. There is certainly a huge sense of accomplishment when you place Top Ten or win at AMHR Nationals. There are typically over 1,500 horses, some of the best of the best, and just because you don't think some horses deserve to be there, others do.
On the flip side - what fun is it to place top ten in a class of 8 as I've seen at AMHA? Or would you prefer to win a class of 50? I've seen AMHA numbers drop year after year, and in our state lose AMHA shows completely because of the point system. If there aren't enough horses in the local classes, the horse couldn't get the points to go to Worlds. So after a while folks said why bother.
As a form AMHA show manager, I can say truthfully that it isn't the "big trainers" who make or break a show. They may bring 10 horses, but they go (typically) in 1 or at most 2 classes with each horse. Each has a stall. So they may pay for the stalls rented, and a few ribbons, but not for the judge and grounds. You need the "little guys" at a show to make a profit. The family who brings 3 horses and enters 20 classes. This is where the profit is!! It's great to say that "such and such big name trainer" shows here, but you HAVE to get the littler guys into the ring. Make it attractive for them to show. This change in AMHA's qualifications will help both locally and at Worlds.