Well-Known Member
From the other thread about the slow down in the forum; I know (and you know who you are) that many older members have become lurkers and don't post very often. Come out of the closet and say hi and what ya up to.
It was hilarious! I can still remember some of the threads and laugh to myself.I know there are still many of us here now that were here way back when. Remember when anyone could post under anyone elses name LOL boy that brought some drama![]()
The Alien is still with me, and she always will be. She has robbed my bones of calcium, so I "break" easily these days. I have to be careful not to fall or run into things that don't give. For "me" the hardest thing is keeping weight on. I eat about 3500+ calories a day to maintain 105 lbs. I have gave away most all of my clothes, as they don't fit anymore. I work part time now. It is nice to eat what I want, but seriously, how much can one eat! I took myself off all the meds, except the Chemo pills. There are more surgeries coming, always will be till they find the one that works. I love to see the look on the Drs faces when I have appts. They just shake their heads, yep I AM STILL HERE! I am happy with my life, and very grateful everyday I wake up. I appreciate the littlest things in life. I have been taking pictures of the silliest things, bugs, flowers etc. Have you ever truely looked at a Butterfly, close up? They are breath taking. Their wings are made of powder and glisten. A train whistle at night when it is very still and quite, it sounds sooo lonely. So I guess in essence, My Alien, "Venus" has taught me the finer things in life. Ty for asking.......Gage-you used to live on this forum and it is good to hear from you again.
Rockin R-what's going on with the alien?
I am sorry you are not better you are a pretty brave woman! Just had to say I myself have taken those horrible pills ICK AND UGH I Finally decided I could not take it anymore after losing half of each eyebrow and looking like some messed up clown not to mention the wonderful bald spot on my head and the barfyness all the time LOL but I have a feeling I have to go back on them soon. Anyway just wanted to say sorry you have to take them I know they can be miserable. Hang in there!! I took myself off all the meds, except the Chemo pills.