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  1. kaprikorn

    round pen

    Thanks for all the wonderful input. My round pen is being laid out now !! 40 feet, just need it for my stallion.
  2. kaprikorn


    Oh my gosh ! So sorry to hear this. I am sending good vibes his way and prayers to he and Vickie for a speedy recovery.
  3. kaprikorn

    round pen

    I know this has been discussed before, but I missed it. I am getting ready to build a round pen to free-lounge in and was wondering what is a good diameter. Thanks for your info. Sheryl
  4. kaprikorn

    anyone heard of "crabgrass" hay

    Thanks for the article, very interesting.
  5. kaprikorn

    anyone heard of "crabgrass" hay

    Hi, I went to pick up some more hay today and we got to talking about various hays and using orchard grass for pregnant mares the last trimester. . . etc. He said that he had Quarter Horse breeders using crabgrass hay??? Never heard of this. . .looks like orchard. He had some pretty...
  6. kaprikorn

    strand fencing experiences?

    I have the electirc ribbon around my pastures and love it. I used 3 strands of the 2" ribbon and a strand at bottom of the wire. I have had this for 3 years w/o any problems. The stallion area has 4 rows of ribbon with the wire on the bottom and he respects that fence ! It is qiuck and easy...
  7. kaprikorn

    Your First Miniature.....

    I got my first mini several years ago. I used to show and raise QHs until my prized stallion was killed by another persons' rank stallion. . .broke my heart and I sold all the QHs. Then about 10 years later I saw my first mini at a show in Adheville, NC and was instantly in love. I started...
  8. kaprikorn

    Who else gets tired....

    My stallion has been "shot" by several different photographers. . .Sandy, Uwharrie and Pamela Walsh. None of them have been doctored. Also the win picas are unaltered. I have used them and changed the backgrounds sometimes for ads and such but have never done anything to the horse himself...
  9. kaprikorn

    Hardshipping "sale"

    Yippee !!! I had everything together to AMHR my 3 AMHA only mares but was looking at the $$ and sighed. . . now I can do them. . .one a month !!! What a nice Christmans present from AMHR !! Now everyone will be AHMA/AMHR !!
  10. kaprikorn

    Maybe an Introduction is in Order

    I have had the wonderful honor to know James and have him show my Scottie for 2 years ! He and his parents have all helped me alot in my never-ending learning process. As a trainer he is fantastic ! He really loves his job AND his horses. He will always try to help anyone to the point he has...
  11. kaprikorn

    Lets see those sexy stallions!

    Here is my pride and joy. . .Double Ks Scottie Too Hottie 2010 Reserve National Champion Stallion AMHA/AMHR He is now 3 years old
  12. kaprikorn

    Opinion needed from the color experts

    Hi all, I have a colt that was born 2 months ago that has medium gray eyes. I thought he might be a smokey black: sire is buckskin and dam is black/brown (her sire is a buckskin, too). When he was born the skin under his tail and around his face was kinda violet colored and he had smokey gray...
  13. kaprikorn

    Names Thread!

    This is interesting !! Neat to see the registered names vs call names. Mine are as follows: My stallion: Double Ks Scottie Too Hottie - Scottie My girls: Cadle Creek Stormy Buckeroo - Pepper Brookhaven Scandalous Secret - Scanny RFM Extasy Moon Wood - Spooky Magnolias French Vanilla -...
  14. kaprikorn

    Let's see your favorite, personally owned Buckeroo relation

    Great thread. Most of my horses trace back to Buckeroo. The first mini I bought was a gray granddaughter, "Pepper". Then a black granddaughter of Double Destiny, "Spooky". My first homebred mini is a bay filly, "Tango", out of a granddaughter of Buckeroo. I also have a 2011 perlino colt...
  15. kaprikorn

    First foal for Kaprikorn finally here

    Well, after wakeing Joe, of Blue Chip Minis, up for several nights and keeping him home from the NC Spring Fling show my mare, Vanilla, finally decided to foal !! Colt had one leg back but Joe was able to get things straightened out and everything else went fine. Healthy,strong baby and nursed...
  16. kaprikorn

    Popping ankles(pasturns)

    Hi all, I was visiting a friends farm recently and I noticed a gelding that everytime he took a step his hind pasturns popped. You could even see it, on both back feet. I have never seen this in a QH , so what causes this and what can you do for it? Need to add this info to my...
  17. kaprikorn

    AMHR Transfer

    Well, I just called AMHR about doing a lease and they said that IF the cert. has pictures on it no new ones had to be sent in. I also asked since I have one going permanent in a few months. . .same thing IF pictures are there no new ones. She stated the forms are being updated where it states...
  18. kaprikorn


    Not a huge color expert, but aren't the freckles in champagne. The color looks more like a champagne than a perlino and also a champagne has hazel/greenish eyes. . . .my 2 cents
  19. kaprikorn

    Frame Overos

    Well, I. . like yourself, came from a QH world amd I also discovered that I have a LWO+ stallion to my suprise. I had all my girls tested and all are LWO-. . so he is safe with them. Two of them have pinto dams but they are solid. . .so who knows. But I do know never. . .never. . .never cross...
  20. kaprikorn

    Calling all you color experts

    Dam and sister are the same color. . .