Well it has been recommended that I become more active, and while I would like to anyways, it feels odd and "staged" to just start randomly commenting more often. I thought maybe an introduction would make it seem more normal and appropriate. I have been a member for many years, always reading but seldom commenting. Mostly because, when I am motivated it is usually something I am passionate about and have alot to say. While I love explaining my view and using big words, they HATE me. Even simple words seem to rearrange themselves and really make me look like an idiot. In all reality I am a high school and College graduate, Culinary School DOES count.

BTW, I am currently missing my p,zero,question mark and parenthesis button. I try to copy and paste them when absolutely necessary. I gave up bothering with capital p's, now that I have been forced to pay attention, they are very underused and therefore hard to "find and steal". I have recently noticed that I have found many alternatives to words with p's. I use folks almost exclusively now, I am not that southern, but like I said, people has too many p's.
Anyways A little about me, I am not Andi, that was my first horse, I am James Walsh. I am a miniature horse trainer, RHA Training Stables. My parents are Bob and pam Walsh of Rocking Horse Acres. They are located in Maryland. I just moved to Texas last November and have been very busy setting up my training stables down here so haven't been to many shows in the area but plan to be at most next season. I show AMHA, AMHR and hopefully Congress next year. I love Miniature Horses and work with everything from 28" and under to Shetlands. I love my shetlands but my main focus is the smaller horses and trying to use the shetlands to produce Superior under 34" crosses.
I do not have many die hard strong opinions, most can be changed with good explanation. That being said, my core views on right and wrong are unshakeable. I don't think there is any decision to small or too big that should not be based on complete and total honesty. Our sub conscience will convince us enough times that wrong is right, it needs no help from us making excuses. I have no patience for "the ends justify the means" or thinking that business decisions should have a different set of morals than other ones. I have made many sacrifices to my Business to assure I can sleep at night, and lost months of sleep at night amazed at some others refusal to do so. Some recent issues in my Business led me to try and be a catalyst for change and get us all to a more honest place in our horse showing. Sadly, in the end, it was the little sacrifices in honesty that many good people were willing to make, that when added up, left me alone on the firing line. That being said, I am still ridiculously optimistic. I think this forum represents a wonderful group of horse enthusiasts that for the most part are not swept up by alot of the games I have witnessed and I am very excited to get more involved with you folk.

ps. In all honesty I do not have any ground shaking revelations on "proper chest support". BUT, I DO have a somewhat unhealthy recent fascination with what seem to be my own "not so there" eyebrows, so may have something to contribute there later on.

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