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  1. ironbessflint

    locking patella

    I have a gelding whose stifle locks only when he's really limited on movement. He's 7 and was new to me in July, and during the summer when he was out 24/7 and getting driven regularly, we never saw a hint of a problem. Come fall when they're in the sacrifice paddock near the barn and stalled...
  2. ironbessflint


    Mine solar fencer works just fine with our tape?? I've got two (one full size) that will test and they DEFINITELY do get shocked. Showing plenty of voltage on the fence tester too.
  3. ironbessflint

    Best driving bit?

    I've had a lot of success with my big horses liking the Sprenger KK bit, so when I went bit shopping for my mini I tried this out from Pony and Carriage (UK, but ships to the US from their store or ebay): I've been very happy with it and the pony sure seems to like it. The size options were...
  4. ironbessflint

    Buck is BACK

    Yay!!! Congrats!! How excited you must be
  5. ironbessflint

    Tell about your first cart

    Wow let's see...I was very fortunate to start driving by introduction from a fabulous coworker, a third-generation draft guy, now working with Haflingers. He really turned mentor and was wonderful in teaching me to drive. I'd been working with him and using all his equipment with my mare for...
  6. ironbessflint

    Can we see pics of minis in training for driving?

    Well just a bit of an update... Henry progressed to ground driving in the big scary world with no fences...and didn't care. (And not ONE snatch for grass! Definitely has my big mare beat there!) Then on to dragging the tire all over as well. Grass was no biggie, the gravel on the other...
  7. ironbessflint

    Just another day at the beach

    stella and you go! Want one yet? Looks like a blast!!
  8. ironbessflint

    Harness help.....yes, again!!

    Another vote for Country Carriages. I've just been so pleased with mine and Claudette's service!!
  9. ironbessflint

    Did I really see this on AMHA website???

    Yikes!! It does seem to be an ad for a farm, so perhaps AMHA didn't even realize since I'm sure somebody paid and then just submitted pictures. I know AMHR has a rule about removing bridles while hitched, but I can't find anything in the AMHA rule book.
  10. ironbessflint

    Just starting my 5 yr old mare

    For some laid back horses yes this would be a normal reaction. But it in no way means she's really trained to drive. She might accept these things, but that doesn't mean she understands what's being asked of her, and I'd worry that at some point in the future she may blow up out of confusion...
  11. ironbessflint

    Can we see pics of minis in training for driving?

    In both riding and driving, my horses work on a steady but very light contact. I've often found that if I have other people work them, they find they can't get that same "frame" without a LOT of contact. What has actually happened is that there's less finesse in the contact, and so the horse...
  12. ironbessflint

    From $100 tooo

    What a fabulous story! Congrats to both of you!!
  13. ironbessflint

    Blinders vs. open bridle

    My thoughts are that I want all my horses to be able to go in an open bridle, and I start them that way. But after they're I drive exclusively in a closed bridle. My reason is that I don't want the horse to see the whip coming and GUESS. A tap on the hip for forward, a little lash touch on...
  14. ironbessflint

    Can we see pics of minis in training for driving?

    Thanks Paula! This pony was SO anti-contact when I brought him home, that I'm just thrilled to have some real connection going. (And too funny about your one driving pony. I joke that my dressage mare has such a good stretchy trot because she thinks it's the "look for food circle") The...
  15. ironbessflint

    Feed Storage?

    I got these and have been very happy with them: Wouldn't work for storing large amounts of feed, but does hold one full bag easily. Definitely small critter proof, but we did learn...
  16. ironbessflint

    How to get a white horse CLEAN!!!

    My method is just like Diane's. I braid it the tail, making the first couple of crosses loose, then braid snugly all the way down. I then pull the end of the braid up and through the braided tail just below the tail bone. In a long and thin tail, I might pull through or fold over a few times...
  17. ironbessflint

    How to get a white horse CLEAN!!!

    Joy - that sounds about right. Just make sure the tail is TOTALLY dry before you put it up or it will turn yellow. And if your method of putting up a tail includes vetwrap, use white vetwrap or the color will bleed onto the tail. I showed once with a blue tail Outside of THAT issue, I like...
  18. ironbessflint

    Aerocrown/Minicrown folks - what height are your horses?

    Agreed with that Myrna. I've got customized harnesses for my minis, as I've always done for the big guys. I've driven one horse who fit into a straight off the rack horse size harness - a Hackney mare who was a blast to drive. My Haflingers have always required quite the hodge podge of pieces...
  19. ironbessflint

    Aerocrown/Minicrown folks - what height are your horses?

    Thanks so much for all the input, very appreciated!! So much to consider... I'll definitely be talking to the appropriate dealers a GREAT deal before ordering anything. And Leia, thanks very much for your thoughts on the overall appearance with the bigger guys too! I never realized when I...