I took Nova back to the vet today to have some blood work done and I am so happy to report that she no longer has pneumonia! Woohoo!

Poor baby was tired of me chasing her around to give her antibiotics 3 times a day for 2 weeks
After the vet I took Nova on her very first official outing to Tractor Supply. The entire staff took pictures, lots and lots of pictures! She was so perfect, smiling for everyone, so brave, not nervous or scared whatsoever. With all the excitement and all the grinning for the cameras, I completely forgot to get out my camera! So I have no pics of her first outing, uggg

I’m such a terrible Mum!

Oh well… she is the fourth… must be like kids… the first gets all the attention, all the camera action, the CLEAN clothes… when you get to the fourth, well, you know how that goes

I JUST LOVE HER!! And her WONDERFUL easy going attitude

Promise to take pics next time…. If I remember