Usually agree with the things you post, but not this time. Yes, I am well aware that some very famous horses have produced dwarves in addition to their national and world champion get. But a hundred years from now will others look back and say it was worth it because of the visually acceptable/good conformation foals they produced? I'm not convinced. If those horses had been pulled from the breeding pool, we may by in a much better place now. Maybe not. But I don't see the merit to continuing to use ANY horse that has produced a dwarf. You know the horse now carries the gene and you know it can be passed - even if you can't see it in the foal. Then that foal goes on to produce horses and they can either be a non-carrier, a carrier or a full-blown dwarf (if bred to another carrier). If you've ever experienced the heartbreak, pain and suffering, you may feel differently.I don't see a problem with continuing to breed the stalliion and mare, they may never have another dwarf, as long as they are not bred together again or to another horse carrying the gene. A lot of horses that have built our industry to what it is today have had a dwarf foal, but without their other foals we wouldn't be where we are today. But responcible breeders know not to cross those pairs again after producing a dwarf.
Ok, I'm going to try and stop, but this topic makes me crazy!