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Was worth the wait Thank You so much Danielle_E so much to except

Christmas Box & 2 wooden decorated horses for my xmas tree, horse cookie cutter,

Folder to keep my records in order for each Breeding Mare

And look at this wonderful training device.

Bless you my Dear and May all your Christmas Wishes Come True
Mary (Reble) you are so very welcome!

Guess who my Secret Santa is???? :bgrin
:lol: it's Mary :aktion033: Mary, I received your package 2 weeks ago but didn't want to open it till Christmas
: BUT, oh I am just a big kid at heart and when I came on this thread yesterday, haven't been on much in the last few weeks, well, lets just say "I HAD TO DO IT" :bgrin My Secret Santa, even though we have never met in person, made me sooooooooooo happy. I have a beautiful pair of gloves leopard trimmed, tres chic :aktion033: and a nice scarf, which I need one dearly. I received some wonderful scented candles and for those that know me personally you know how much I LOVE CANDLES
: to the point where my husband has said to me in the past "are we holding mass in the house tonight, or what" :lol: , I light candles just about every night. I love the ambiance! And dear Mary got me a gift certificate for "Chapters" bookstores which I ADORE!!! I am an avid reader, I "devour" as someone once told me, a book a week so Mary thank you soooooooooo very much because I will be heading to Chapters today!!!! I also received some facial products which is the brand I use as well
: which is only for the young at heart, lol, :bgrin.

OH MARY!!! Since REO (Robin) admitted the following

I cannot believe how I messed up. I just found out yesterday and I feel sosenile! I hope you and Mary do not get mad at me. I have 150 people on 9

pages of "matches" & you and Mary are pages apart. It seems I accidentally

gave you her and her you as Santas. I didn't mean to!
MMMMM. I told Robin (REO) how she could fix that and told her that she could send me her stallion Lotto. She thought about it for about 10 seconds, no make that 2 seconds and I had a email back pretty darn quick. Hey I was going to share that gift with you and we could have co-owned him :bgrin and we don't live that far apart.... Needless to say Robin wasn't WARMING up to that idea but if we make her feel guiltier... ROFLMAO. Sorry Robin (REO) I couldn't resist.

THANK YOU MY SECRET SANTA and ROBIN (REO) thank you so much for organizing this year after year. It is VERY appreciated by the members here and know that you have earned your angel wings my dear over and over again

: to Mary ( Kavebel Miniatures) and Robin and "Lotto, hurry up and get here before Christmas, :lol:

Yeah I didn't mean to give you each other.

Danielle, ask Mary WHY I made that mistake. I told her about it.

Psssst Lotto says Nanner Nanner Nanner!
Received my present today from Linda Hume in Maine. :aktion033:

My four year old daughter convinced me to open already. 5 packages inside one big envelope. Loved all the grooming stuff, especially the four year old size brush and horse treats. Those are both big favorites at our house.

Thanks again! Merry Christmas Everyone!
[SIZE=18pt]Mine arrived today. I love it, thanks Lyn J. It's a beautiful throw with a horse drawn sleigh. It's keeping me warm tonight.[/SIZE]


Thanks to Lisa, Candlite Ranch

It's a really neat horse clock, that swishes it's tail with every beat!

Thanks so much - it will look really cute on my desk at work!
Linda (Fred) I am so glad that you liked your gifts
I hope the horses enjoy their treats.

Merry Christmas

I received such a wonderful package I was in tears when I opened it! What a lot of thought went into it My secret Santa was Jan & Mark of Rainey's Ranch in Ca They even included the exact number of collar covers for all our dogs I hope I can remember all the things- notepad with horse design horse treats which the ponies LOVE!, a candle, fudge YUM, picture frame, barn tote,lavender eye covers lavender soap A Huge thanks to a wonderful Santa sure helped make this Christmas happier!
My gift came.....santa finally found me.

Thank you Field of Dreams!!!


My hubby claimed the calendar right away and hung it in his home office. :bgrin

I do hope that you know what you did with sending me that lovely little horse for my christmas tree......

now I want more of them and will have to start collecting!
: He looks so pretty...even though I only have a very small tree this year.

My hubby and I will be comming to Texas next year (if all goes well), if so I will let you know and maybe we can come and visit you.

Thanks once again.....you gave my christmas a good start. :saludando:

Well, I have received mine,,,,,,,kind of,,,,,,,,,for the most part.

Whoever my secret Santa is has already sent me 2 boxes full of wonderful stuff,,,,,,,,,and box #2 told me there was a box #3 coming as well. :bgrin

I hope then I'll know who my secret Santa is,,,,,,,because they know me pretty well, and all has just been perfect.

I just wanted to let them know I have received box 1 and 2.
My gift came.....santa finally found me.

Thank you Field of Dreams!!!


My hubby claimed the calendar right away and hung it in his home office. :bgrin

I do hope that you know what you did with sending me that lovely little horse for my christmas tree......

now I want more of them and will have to start collecting!
: He looks so pretty...even though I only have a very small tree this year.

My hubby and I will be comming to Texas next year (if all goes well), if so I will let you know and maybe we can come and visit you.

Thanks once again.....you gave my christmas a good start. :saludando:

You're very welcome! I couldn't decide which one to pick- there were about four different colors! We have a store here called Tractor Supply, and they have the coolest western and horsie ornaments!

You are more than welcome to stop in! we'd love to have you!!

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: Santa finally remembered where my house was! :bgrin Thank you so much Ashley for the gifts. Will post a picture later. Corinne
:aktion033: I just got my Secret Santa gift!! :aktion033:

Thank you so much Penny Gum "Tango"!!!! I love everything!!!

The cute sensor candle lights will fit perfect in our entry room! The 2 horsey ornimates are on my tree right now!! The key chain is in my truck hanging from my mirror! The alarm clock is a riot! My son is having so much fun making it winny!! LOL!!! The lime green(I love the color!!LOL!!)vet wrap is a very welcome addition to my emergency kit! And a BIG HUGE horsey hug from my fur kids to you for the carrot treats!!!

Thank you so much! Your a great Secret Santa!!!

A big THANK YOU to Robin for all your hard work!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all my forum friends!! :saludando:


You really werent supposed to know it was me. I dont like letting that be known.

I hope the stuff was ok, dont like doing this for the fact I never know if the person will like it. Also sorry for the delay, lifes happenings around here have just really gotten me behind.
Got Mine! Thanks!!! I love the Pink and Purple Lead Line
: And Candy of course. And pretty Ornament
: Thansk again! Merry Christmas!!!!
To the Santa of Penny, she got her gift! But she can't get on the forum to post.

We are SO close!!! Out of 150 people only 13 more need to get their gifts!

I'll be SO happy when we get that 100% like we did last year!!!

Wheeeeeeee :lol:
Good Morning all!

I got my package yesterday,....from Steinbach,Manitoba!!!!! :aktion033:

Not sure who it is though,......I am not going to open it till Xmas,.....

I sent my package to my SS around the 12th of December,......Havent seen if it was recieved yet or not,....but,....I must admit,......I am feeling VERY ashamed about it,.....

Reo,...I have tried to call you to explain a few things to you privately,...but,....couldnt get through,....

We are having a HECK of a time down here in N.S.,...trying to get established,.....Fred couldnt get unemployment,....and There is no work down here at all right now,.....and social services turned us down,...saying the same thing that unemployment did,...that we didnt have a good enough reason to leave Saskatchewan!

We appealed Social Services decision,..which took a while,.....Friends and family have been helping us out,....I havent been on here as I have been VERY depressed ,..about things,...

after reading a post a few pages back,....maybe my SS,....doesent like what they recieved from me,...I dunno,.....but,.....

We finally got accepted by Social Services,.....They said that we wouldnt get anything before Xmas,....It is to late,....but,...We should be getting a check between Xmas and New Years.

We have been 2 months with out ANY income at all,.....My girls will be able to get a few things for Xmas,...and we are going to get our Xmas daddies hamper today,..which Will help to.

I just wanted my SS to know that I am very very sorry,..that what you recieved from me wasnt more,....but,....maybe I can make it up to you later in the year,....I still have your address.

A big hug to each and every one of you ,.....I am still here,......I truly hope EVERYONE has a wonderful Xmas,.......and to my SS,.....I will get you more,..later,...

Take care everyone,....and thanks again ,.....your friend Terri
FFoxygal, your Santa was 1isnotenough.

The person you sent to has not gotten your gift yet as far as I know. She has not emailed me or posted yet.

That post a while back was not about you.

You can email me if you want to. [email protected] I'm hard to reach by phone.

I hope things get better for you soon and may your New Year be wonderful!
I received a wonderful doormat with my ranch name on it and a horse logo and it looks like a secret santa gift but there was no name on it as it was shipped from the factory.

Please, please, please let me know if this is from my secret santa as I would like to thank whoever sent it too me.

I got mine!!! :aktion033:

I did take pix....but I haven't uploaded them yet. I'm workin' on it!! lol

Thank you, Tracy aka "Yankee Minis"!!

I got FOUR of the sweetest horse ornaments...fragile, so they'll be on the upper branches!

They fit in perfectly with the rest of my horse ornament collection. I love them, thanks so much! :bgrin


.....and thanks again, Robin for your diligent work!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :bgrin :bgrin

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